Australia is the best country in the world.
Australia is the best country in the world
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>can't buy guns
>YWN live in Sydney.
Who here /Perth/?
you can retard, its just a pain in the ass so most people dont bother
you can buy guns and yes it is the best country.
Good thread OP
I agree
that's a nice country you have there. it would be a shame if something were to happen to it
No it isn't. I lived in the states for a few years. Even a totally cucked state like OR is a hundred times better than this depressing shithole.
are they germanic?
More freedom. WAY less regulation and paper work. Australia is incredibly bureaucratic. Nobody fucking works here when they're at work, so applications take weeks. So everything is very slow.
Everything is expensive af compared to American prices.
The internet here is shit, and the ping to other countries is so terrible most times you can't play with Americans or Europeans reliably, if at all.
The culture here is shit. Australia is literally the asshole of the world. People just walk around repeating view points they heard on the news. They have no opinions of their own. And even if they did, those opinions don't matter because nobody else in the world gives a single fuck what Australia thinks.
The laws here are stupid. The police are assholes. Our Universities suck. We don't have a very good selection of food or stores because the economy here is so crap only giant chains can function in a duopoly. Which really doesn't matter because our diet is so bland and tasteless.
Alcohol is stupidly expensive. Cigarettes are ridiculous. It costs $600 a year for vehicle registration. You can't buy guns. You have no right of self defence and can actually end up in prison for defending yourself.
There are poo-niggers and gooks and arabs fucking everywhere running up the price of houses to the point where it's impossible to ever own one anymore.
We don't do anything but mine or farm here and nothing of any relevance ever happens. If anyone gets ahead everyone just cuts them down and shits on them until they leave aka "Tall poppy syndrome".
I could go on and on. Australia fucking sucks.
Where my tasfags @
Because if ozzies feel like murder they can knock off an abbo and get away with it.
Oregon isn't a shit state mate, you're thinking of Wisconsin
You can but the government monitors everything, and there are monthly checkups, i have a friend who was imprisoned for a decade for possessing an airsoft bb gun, not a free country
Can I come in?
I agree 100%, If you cant grab a gun and go and hunt for food and live in the bush without the governments permission its not a free country
Wisconsin isn't a shit state mate, you're thinking of California.
When you see it...
one of the worst 1st world countries, also our natives literally live in places worse than Ethiopia
Of call the countries in the world, Australia is one of them. That's undeniable.
no. its just another totalitarian police state. fuck you op
Don't be a sneakFag. What am I looking for?
>It costs $600 a year for vehicle registration
Out of everything you posted, this seems the most ridiculous to me. Fucking why? Who legislated that fucked up shit and why weren't there massive protests? That's completely bizarre to me. The most I've ever paid was 60 dollars/year but I drive a 26 year old Caddy (body is still in mint condition and motor only has 100,000 miles on it--an old rich couple sold it to me years ago for cheap).
If I come visit for a month, what should I do/where should I go?
A lot of it is compulsory 3rd party insurance.
It's a brand new continent give it time, america sucked at first too, at least north america, our was great.
Fucking spaniards.
>Apply to police to send forms out
>Fill out forms and mail to firearms registry
>Firearms registry does criminal background check on you.
>Do ten question test.
>3 months later you recieve firearms licence in mail.
Its really not that hard, although we arent allowed any semi autos which is a bummer and owning a handgun is a pain because of all the ridiculous requirements.
We're little nore than a vassal state of china, with shit politicians on all sides who are selling out our futures and million dollar houses.
We have no manufacturing, science or research industries worth a damn, we have record high youth unemployment and general under employment and our economy revolves around borrowing foreign money to buy and build houses, the service industry and a little bit of tourism.
Our wages are flat and the price of housing is literally a million dollars in the places where the work is. Our work conditions are being erroded in a race to the bottom where everyone loses.
On top of all this we have been under invasion since the 70s with arabs, chinks, indians and now africans, with a state funded media company pissing on us for complaining about it and saying its rain.
We are far from the best country in the world and i wish Australians would wake the fuck up and look at the many problems we have.
Fuck this country and the slow genocide being commited against us.
Eastern Brown snake. Second deadliest in the world.
This honestly, can't wait to leave this nanny state shithole.
>no gun rights
I can walk into a store, buy an AR-15 with all the accessories I could possibly want, and walk out in ~30 minutes
The state transport authorities oversee all vehicle registration and control the road rules etc. They're like the fucking gestapo. They're the biggest most obnoxious shitcunts I've ever seen.
The registration pays for the roads. Well that was until they started selling the roads.
Must be at least 90% white to be considered best country in world.
Ah okay. I thought one of the brown things looked like a snake but I'm not familiar enough to tell for sure.
Don't you guys have a ridiculously high minimum wage though? A few months ago, an Australian user claimed your minimum wage was 18 dollars so as bad as those prices are, it's kind of balanced out.
California has the best of everything. Coastline, mountains, desert. Massive companies in silicon valley and tiny mom and pop stores up north. One of the most prolific food scenes in the world. California is fucking awesome.
Judging by how smart those "natives" are I cant be so sure the spanish conquest didnt make things better down there
I have no respect for Australian police they defend laws that ensure people are defenseless in their own homes, any cop with dignity would quit immediately
>Highest cost of living in the world
>House prices are cucked by greedy boomers and Chinks
>Governments make policy to appease those two groups and those two groups only
>No modern infrastructure to speak of - politicians only care about building roads rather than high speed rail or fast broadband
>Businesses (especially in retail and manufacturing) are closing left right and centre
>Full time jobs are almost non existent - everything is either part time or casual/zero hour contract
>Universities here are pyramid schemes to make money off directionless teenagers and nouveau riche Chinks
This place is hell on earth. I think I'd rather live in fucking Indonesia.
Australian police are just the old colonial jackboot gaolers who've had a rebranding over the years. They are mostly cunts. They even actively recruit those of average intelligence because smart cops ask too many questions of the organisation.
Its cost 33 dollars for a 25 pack of cigarettes and a case of beer is over 50 or 60 dollars now. Our house prices are beyond fucked and everything you buy is over priced compared to almost anywhere else in the world.
Our minimum wage gets undercut by curries and chinks anyway, so it works against the whites here who want to work.
Not a bad summary.
>Australia is incredibly bureaucratic
Very true
>Everything is expensive af compared to American prices.
Very true, especially electronics and clothes (just came back from living in America).
>The culture here is shit.
Only sometimes. Bogan culture is shit. There's a lot of independent thinking that comes out of an egalitarian, antiestablishment tradition. This is mostly in inner cities.
>We don't have a very good selection of food or stores
True, so the solution is to steal from Coles and Woolies and buy good, seasonal, local produce from markets.
>running up the price of houses to the point
Stupidly high house prices are the result more of negative gearing, capital gains taxes, incentives for investors buying second, third, and fourth properties (baby boomer bonuses), refusal to decentralize infrastructure, and corrupt processes of releasing land for development / approving new construction.
>We don't do anything but mine or farm
Not quite. Education, tourism, and high-tech r&d are doing fine. These areas are our real future.
Overall, you suffer a lot of disadvantages by being in Australia. The best parts are amazing nature, a pretty decent climate, relatively laid back people, good social security, and free healthcare. The solution is to go live and work somewhere else (like New York) and then come back to Australia to retire.
Glad people are finally realizing they live in a shithole compared to other first world countries, i love the internet
You have to be virtually retarded to not get a job that pays $20 an hour. I worked a shot helpdesk job 10 years ago and got $23.
>We have no manufacturing, science or research industries worth a damn, we have record high youth unemployment and general under employment and our economy revolves around borrowing foreign money to buy and build houses, the service industry and a little bit of tourism.
Oh this too. This is my other major gripe. Even getting an entry level job in this fucking country is impossible. There's 500 applicants to run a cash register or flip burgers. You're expected to have years of experience you can't get because you can't EVER get your foot in the door. So you really struggle to find work here.
As a white european who moved there 10 years ago, agreed
Thanks for the Commodore.
Also the media is 100% owned by rupert murdoch
>any cop with dignity would quit immediately
they did.
Don't really need them.
We don't have many niggers or Mexicans
And the arabs are such tribal faggots that you know exactly where to go if you want to get stabbed by them.
too right cunt
It balances out because the cost of living is so stupid and there isn't much competition among retailers and service providers. Then the government sticks their dicks in and drives the prices up further due to bureaucratic/regulatory circle-jerking. Australia is fucking vast/has no manufacturing too and because we decided to follow America and not invest in rail whatsoever everything costs a fuckload to ship to and then around the country.
The worst aspect by far is the housing crisis and the all-pervading "she'll be right mate" attitude, by which I mean "I'm a baby-boomer, I have 4 investment properties, fuck everybody else". The government doesn't give a fuck about the future.
Its also a left wing circlejerk incarnate
I respectfully disagree , mate
Yeah it means not having jobs though. If you can land a stable min wage job it's okay but things are still very high especially purchasing power wise and of course all the little hidden fee's & taxes pumping up the price of everything.
Australia is a leftwing orgy of pure bullshit, its hell if youre redpilled, OK if youre a bluepilled cuck
Then you need medical attention and thank god you don't have to go bankrupt like you would through the USA
Australia is Canada without the shitty weather. The US have more toys to play with (Guns, better internet, buy anything dirt cheap with free delivery through amazon, better entertainment) but Australia is a way better place to live in (no risk of getting shot, people are chill, way less niggers, gorgeous beaches, medicare)
it's the best
There is zero free dental care in Australia btw
We need to make Australia great again
I've never been to the Sydney Opera House. I would love to listen to some Beethoven, Mozart,etc there. Been to Sydney as a kid, went to Segaworld, Wonderland,etc and they are all gone now.
Can actually credit the claim of sub-par police recruitment.
Dad works in crime and investigation and all the experienced, tough old blokes and sheilas understand the system has gone to shit and can't get a fucking trial through without judges being hoity-toity about it.
There's a lot of nice cops though. Just a portion of the young blood are tools and they stand out the most.
>And because we decided to follow America and not invest in rail whatsoever
We do, though. Our country is too vast to install high-speed fancy shit like the Europeans do so that's only confined to large cities. Trains carrying cargo still run constantly. I'd know, because I live in a tiny Midwestern city of 18k and some dumb ass thought it would be a great idea to run the railroad through the middle of fucking town which cut off entire parts of it to the extent that it's inaccessible until the train passes (can take up to 30 minutes). Trains run through this city like 10 times a fucking day. It's unbearable at times and creates huge traffic jams.
>It costs $600 a year for vehicle registration.
Try $800
>People just walk around repeating view points they heard on the news. They have no opinions of their own. And even if they did, those opinions don't matter because nobody else in the world gives a single fuck what Australia thinks.
top fucking kek
There are no nice cops, they're all gestapo that defend laws they know will ensure people cannot defend themselves , they're cowards
Its been hilarious watching the Australia social experiment crash and burn but seriously we cant let those cucks get their hands on the freedom codes
Does any country on earth fulfill that anymore?
There are a lot of things that suck about this country, almost all of them having to do with the government, but I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Wot khunt! Take that back ya fahkeen deengohz!
Yes, and of course all the drug problems and gang violence is just the zionist chief stirring things up to keep the populace from revolting!
Yes, fight for that revolution that breaches your safety and the safety of others!
They're obviously cowards if they protect you!
Problem is the whole world is living high on credit & borrowed time. We have an inflated standard of living at the expense of when we're older and our kids grow up. Millenails & Gen Z will feel it soon enough.
Its foreign governments that are the problem desu and media is completely controlled by a foreign billionaire, How is that ok? wtf is wrong with the people here
not the freedom codes!!
It is pretty nice but
>horrible job market
>terrible internet
>loads of spiders and other deadly shit everywhere
I gotta agree with this. Melbourne is gay as fuck though.
how can a 60 year old woman defend herself against 5 niggers raiding her house
Im getting a secondary education degree and fucking off honestly. This place is only good for boomers retirement. All the action happens in the US or Europe.
If you're complaining about jobs you're a little bitch or a liberal arts graduate. Go get any fucking qualification. I mean go get something shitty like a forklift license or security license and even with that little boost you will see the work roll in.
>rather live in Indonesia
Spoken like some clueless cunt who's never been to Indonesia let alone lived there
Melbourne is the only worthwhile city. Unless you're one of those country faggots.
Why leave? You'll lose the opportunities when it all crashes.
I dunno, that's exactly what authority is there to stop and all extensions of the law to cover.
Again, blame the judges that don't allow further punishment and observation of future offenders.
For the record I actually advocate looser gun laws, but in contrary to your argument that sort of crime is actually the extreme end for provincial areas. It happens, but that shit's very unlikely. Go to the US for nigger raids.
Just get some emu guards.
I'm a forkie, the warehouse industry is fucked and has been for over a decade. Job security is gone. Almost every warehouse goes through JSAs, wages have barely changed. Last permanent job offer I had was going to pay the same rate I got back in 2002. There are some good places (I went for an interview for a $60k a year warehouse job and didn't get it because two blokes there used to work for my old man, so bad mouthed me) but most are shit, and you'll be playing spot the aussie a lot.
The cops cant stop it, They just blame the victim when it happens laugh about it and blame it on racism
Fuck Australia gooks fucking own everything and there are more niggers here than ever, fuck this shit go Pauline
I feel like you're being purposefully sarcastic, or your local police are soft cunts.
If you're that worried about niggers creepin' on you then don't worry, they'll leave when they see the stick that's already blasted your ass.
That grill does it no justice mate
if you cant own a gun in your house for the sole purpose of self defense, that is honestly completely fucked
Nice one paid Troll
You faggots done even make cars anymore. Kek.