Large Crowd of Muslims Gang Up On Old Christian Man in England
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What a site to see
Never in my life did I think I would see this in the UK. The collapse is happening right now, slow and steady. It won't happen overnight, just slowly over the next few decades.
Holy moly, America is cucked, but we would never allow something like this to happen.
Oh shut the fuck up
Go look at black on white crime stats you stupid delusional fuck
send the minute men in with couple hundred thousand rounds. dear-born can be retaken in hours.
fuck islam.
and burgerland isn't collapsing too? Seriously the whole west is dying, but there will be no happenings, just a slow decay to irrelevancy. In fact we've been living through it for the last 50 years. Nothing will trigger the event until we're eventually bred out of existence. Slow and steady, muslims understand the long game. We didn't even put up a good fight.
look at the disgusting smiles on their faces
Yeah... This is nothing like the vid in OP. Dearborn is one of the most muslim places in all of America and they are still outnumbered by blue collar angry Christian autists. Trump won that county and state in the election by the way.
You know what I hate more than Muslims?
imagine if that was your grandfather lads. this is fucking disgusting.
You guys are annoying as fuck, every thread you come into and try to claim some sense of superiority over Europeans, Australians, whoever. You're fucking stupid is what you are. America is hands down the worst country in the West, if you did even the least bit of research that would be painfully clear. That's what makes you fucking stupid. The thing is I would actually expect this in a place like the United States, I wouldn't expect it in the UK, that's why it's so sad.
Fuck off.
betrayed by our own politicians and universities
This video is older than the Republic.
>The thing is I would actually expect this in a place like the United States
And yet you can't find an example of it happening, hmmm.
>muh defeatism
>17 minute
>that time the cop is a cuck
More like realism
Britain used to be such a great country. So sad to see it slipping further and further away...
London's mayor will be proud though.
everyone in this video seems really silly...
am i the only deist in this mad world? why is everyone else recruiting for invisible spirits that they believe are the only true option
What a disgusting, guttural language. Literal Black Speech (the Tolkien kind, not the African kind).
Lmao he's just mad cus his ass is old!
Kinda pisses me off that people aren't standing up to fight the Muslim menace.
Could be worse.
He would have been flayed and burned alive if he did that basically anywhere outside of the anglosphere.
I think this is speakers corner in Hyde
Park where people go to debate, preach and generally discuss any opinion, topic or crazy idea. It is a given that you challenge what they are saying. It is the one place it is actively encouraged and expected.
You should understand that religion in a moral framework then, but you're probably just a fedora.
Its like an older version of Sup Forums but on the street.
Sure. But I don't believe in Proselytism and everyone in the video just seems like a silly man child.
>muh god or you die in fire forever
He didn't exempt the US, nor is your prediction likely. The government apparatus would collapse long before that shit happened and that is literally the only thing standing between muslims and genocide right now.
We're a conquered people and I don't care anymore. I've given up caring. I just want to leave this country.
Only way to stand up to it is to win the battle of ideas.
There are plenty of people in this country doing so.
That's why you're conquered - because you're a pussy. Instead of British youth forming street gangs to beat up these invaders you just sit back and take it. Bunch of faggots you are. Anglos deserve it for WW2. So much for that cunt of a Queen you have, you can see her loyalty to the British people.
>muh god or you die in fire forever
>I don't believe in Proselytism
If you reject the superior moral objectivity you will suffer. What is there to believe? Who cares if some peasants are taking it literally, as long as they get the gist of it, good enough.
desu islam should just be totally banned everywhere
>you're a pussy
Yep haha it was fun while it lasted though
They miss the entire moral of the books and it just turns into a bunch of people chimping out and acting like niggers over technicalities
disgusting retards
>Instead of British youth forming street gangs to beat up these invaders
This is the dumbest way of fighting vs Islam.
What we should have is a whole-hearted rejection of their ideology and no tolerance for their intolerance.
Instead the pussy leftists are too servile to fight back.
>Never in my life did I think I would see this in the UK. The collapse is happening right now, slow and steady. It won't happen overnight, just slowly over the next few decades.
No the leftist pendulum has swung to its fullest extent left and is now slowly, but gradually beginning to swing the other way. To the right.
The proletariat are no longer prepared to put up with the "enforced tolerance" of their politicians if that means they have to put up with:
- Their kids schools are being drowned with immigrants for which there has been no additional funding and a distraction from the brighter kids because they are so far behind (low IQ, language difficulties, cultural difficulties)
- Muslim men and youths who have been brought up on the Qu'ran and have been taught that underage non-Muslim girls are fair game to be groomed and abused or just plain raped because of some Muslims "Sexual Emergency"
- A vastly disproportionate amount of the welfare and social housing budget is spent on Muslim immigrants who refuse to integrate and refuse to work because "Muh prayer times" or "Muh Ramadhan" or other Islamic bullshit.
Basically Muslims are a disruptive influence that brings with it lots of problems and cost a disproportionate amount of taxpayers money to remediate with no end ever in sight.
They will be told to either get in line and behave or fuck off back where they come from.
Then don't move and spread your cancer somewhere else. Kill yourself instead.
Sure thing thanks for the advice
When your government betrays you there isn't much option left. In case you haven't noticed, people have a subconscious desire to follow the strong and reject the weak. Being a passive faggot like you are now isn't getting you anywhere.
>Anglos deserve it for WW2
>anglos deserve it for not letting germany bulldoze through eastern europe and form a new superpower, which went directly against the ideals that america was built upon and which are also the same ideals that let you post stupid shit like this on the internet
okay, why don't you fuck from the US then, wouldn't want to be associated with the anglosphere
>refuse to integrate and refuse to work because "Muh prayer times" or "Muh Ramadhan" or other Islamic bullshit
The thing about the GE being scheduled during Ramadan really rustled my bustles.
Of what happening?
once upon a time
I'm not passive at all. I'm more than willing to debate anyone on the subject of Islam in Britain and more broadly regarding its place and history in the world.
The pussies are the ones who are shut up by words like "Islamophobia".
>They miss the entire moral of the books
No, the Bible is quite clear on being uncompromising against evil.
Fucking Pakistanis need to be gassed.
I hate Islam and I hate that these people are in the UK and France.
>I think this is speakers corner in Hyde
>Park where people go to debate, preach and generally discuss any opinion, topic or crazy idea.
It's a British tradition going back to the mid 19th Century.
We literally have an English law system, you stupid nazi faggot. UK is just the no fun allowed version of the US, we are pretty damn similar. Stop drinking the kool aid.
This man is based, stood there and faced the heathen horde alone.
I still believe a huge resurgence in Christianity, and therefore good moral conservative values, will come about soon in the younger generations.
If not then we are truly doomed
Yeah, you're passive because you think talking is going to solve problems. A Muslim could walk right up to you and stick a sword in your gut and your words aren't going to mean anything.
>muh evil muslims
>muh pure christians
all a bunch of plebs and useful idiots getting triggered over the same book and whose fake virgin or miracle man was the truth
Burgerland was set to colapse in 1965, I cannot fathom what you were thinking with the immigration act.
Not that I can fathom what they were thinking with the guest worker program here either.
>The government apparatus would collapse long before that shit happened and that is literally the only thing standing between muslims and genocide right now.
Yes, pretty much. They would be the first to go if TEOTWAWKI happened.
The Tommies would love to have a bit of target practice, but not under the current "enlightened" government.
Yeah English law system left over from the English who built the country. And now it's becoming increasingly oppressive and increasingly Semitic. Pic related, our bastion of Anglo Saxon peoples.
>be french
>criticize anyone
you are the single most destructive country on earth. you are responsible for communism and ww2 faggot. fix yourself.
Okay, have fun living like a degenerate animal.
I honestly don't think so. We will never return to 19th century Christian values. ALL faiths are equal under the law in the West, so Christianity is just another religion rather than THE religion.
I will forever remain a Christian though. The old man really is based though. Would buy him a pint any day.
> 1965
Wait what?
>ALL faiths are equal under the law in the West
This isn't actually true. Back in the olden days anything outside of Christianity was not considered to be a real religion. Religious tolerance was exclusively within Christianity.
I live a moral life. I believe in an afterlife and hope there is judgement. I just don't spend my time on Sundays listening to a preacher that wants me to gib monies to Israel for Jesus.
I think some people posting here don't realise that this is the treatment that most people get there. Maybe they should try going ther instead of posting here. See how well they would fare.
It's mostly mexicans coming in and they are no worse than the germans or irish or italians or any of you faggots. You all shitted up the country big league.
You're clearly a moron/teenager so I'll try and explain this briefly...
There is no way that starting a civil war in this country would remove Islam, or even just the really bad parts of it. If anything the destabilization that would cause would make matters worse.
Obviously we should defend ourselves from individual acts of violence. Nobody says we shouldn't.
However, when it comes to actually tackling Islam, the only way to do it is through winning the battle of ideas.
Never going to happen. Nobody goes to church in England, myself included.
what the fuck are you talking about you dumb leaf? We are tolerant when it comes to ALL religions in Europe. That is why Islam is spreading here. 100 years ago this would not have happened.
Come to versailles, its happening here already. Just in within a mile of each other there are 4 traditioanlist catholic churches and in the vicinity there are 4 trad catholic schools (hors contrat so they are real not like the state subsidized ones). Two were build just in the last 10 years and all have expanded in the last 5.
It's similar throughout the countryside too. Where the FSSP or SSPX or ICKRSP go and teach the reak catholic faith and appeal to the roots of the french psyche, they flourish. We have the highest birth rate of any group in the country right now.
Problem with Christianity for me is I don't love my neighbor, and would pretty much gas most of the human race given half a chance tbqh
>I live a moral life.
Based upon what? What truth did you use as a foundation to build this morality upon?
>The thing about the GE being scheduled during Ramadan really rustled my bustles.
I couldn't even tell you when Ramadam-adingdong is Akbal.
Clearly your Muslim Brotherhood is showing.
>If you kill your enemies they win
>You're clearly a moron/teenager
And you're clearly domesticated little lamb who is setting himself up for slaughter
Fuck off spic
Holy shit based Brit.
Literally circled by a mob of goatfuckers and he is just BTFOing all of them. Brass divine balls on this brit right here.
Golden rule.
Everything else is superfluous
This is wonderful. I can't say that a similar thing is happening here. Christians in England are laughed at and seen as mentally handicapped.
>The pussies are the ones who are shut up by words like "Islamophobia".
Tell me exactly how well trying to wipe out militant Islamic groups in the middle east has worked out for us.
Not my fault you don't pay attention to the news.
i'm a muslim and after watching that, i dont know anymore, those guys seemed like such assholes how could they do that to an old man? surely that isnt islam is what my imam would say, but what if it is. really gets my neurons firing.
fuck off faggot
Very brave man, but, it must be noted that while these Muslims were not behaving well, only one was truly behaving badly. That crowd could have chimped out and murdered him, but most seemed to stand by and listen, even if they were laughing or snickering or occasionally chanting.
This is not to defend their existence in Britain, but, I must point this out because the leftists most certainly will point this out.
It is a genuine case of ganging up though, and it paints a clear picture of how Britain has been transformed as a society.
Based. Trad Catholicism is growing here too, I got the shock of my life when they started Tridentine Mass at the local cathedral. The new priests are really quite redpilled
>Christians in England are laughed at and seen as mentally handicapped.
Where do you live?
Most places outside of the cities are seeing big reuptakes of Christianity in youth. Sure, these old-foggie preachers are seen as a bit nutty, but Christians as a whole aren't.
I don't think you fully understand that the middle east is just a game the US and Russia play to spend military bucks and control gasoline prices
too bad Muslims' idea of debate is shouting Allah into your ear and calling you a liar.
This is why your country is a joke, you have this culture where you always try to appeal to this moderate sense of reason, fairness, politeness, and logic and what you really do in the end is just a bunch of mental gymnastics such to the point that you give your country away to Muslims. It's absurd.
They don't need to do anything else if they are willing to die for their beliefs and Westerners are not.
I recommend you read Ayaan Hirsi Ali, provided your parents and Imam allow you to read female authors.
Particularly 'Infidel' and 'Nomad.
I don't think you fully understand that is largely irrelevant to the fact that there have been multiple long-winded + concerted efforts to try to wipe out militant forms of Islam with pure firepower and every attempt has just made matters worse.
>you are the single most destructive country on earth. you are responsible for communism and ww2 faggot. fix yourself.
No, both Communism and WW2 were both pretty exclusively German sourced problems.
Not saying France is ideal because they've lapped the commie shit up like mother's milk since day one, but they didn't create it.
The French Revolution was no more commie than the British Civil War back in the 1640's or the Jacobite Rebellion of the 1740's
>but most seemed to stand by and listen, even if they were laughing or snickering or occasionally chanting.
>muh not all Muslims
They are just as responsible for encouraging this behavior in the same way that other "moderate" Muslims allow terrorism to fester.
does this mean I could go there, set up an easel and draw Allah getting fucked by a pig w/o any harm coming to me?
>I don't think you fully understand that the middle east is just a game the US and Russia play to spend military bucks and control gasoline prices
>t. Clueless amerishart
All us immigration before 1965 were white europeans, probably like 90%. After 1965 white europeans maid up like 10%, completely shifted.
Yeah, honestly I can't imagine wtf they were thinking moving to the new one. It works with 40 IQ Africans but thats about all that are converting for the NO. To be honest indiabro I think that it is a longcon New Coke thing. Introduce a shit product and then reintroduce the old one with great fanfare and success.
We are seen the same way by certain parts of French society to be sure. but traditionalism is interesting in that a large percentage of the people it attracts are from the upper and middle classes (ie those you'd expect to be atheist). But either way, it really is great because new trad parishes and schools are opened every year.
And every year the diocesan priests of the 60s die out and are slowly replace by more based ones.
The SSPX and other traditionalists have essentially taken over whole towns in Bretagne, le vignoble, and other places as the atheists never had kids or their one kid ran off to get his tits licked in Belleville.
Again, France would be on track to become a rich western Poland if we didnt have all these fucking muslims here.
>German sourced problems
Welcome to Sup Forums newfag
Even the Crusades were a farce and the only massive genocidal wars since were Sunni vs Shia vs Kurd