We were supposed to rally behind him you stupid fucks. Not Trump.
We were supposed to rally behind him you stupid fucks. Not Trump
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I wish nigger but trump was just the backup option for me
Jim Webb would've been the best
Nope. Get out of here shills, Trump is God-Emperor for a reason.
Webb/Bannon 2020
it was shareblue and reddit that originally pushed trump in the primaries. reddit unironically shilled for trump for almost the entire election
>rand not ron
Kys you stupid fuck
After the first republican debate Rand stopped campaigning and went to fucking Haiti. What the fuck was that? What's wrong with that guy? Ron needs to put a boot up his son’s ass and tell him to get serious. Grow some balls. Maybe in 2024 Rand will be strong enough to be president.
Ron isn't running for president anymore retard.
He dropped out of the race before I could vote for him in my state's primary.
More like yahweh emperor like the good goy he is
I Stand With Bland
Why would I vote for a midget
why did you vote for a fat fuck
I did but he dropped out long before Arizona came along, so I went for the next best thing
Guess what you cockgoblin? You had that opportunity in 2008 and you fucked it up then too.
Lost me when he said he wanted to open the borders, friendo.
>implying this would've been good for the mudslinging fest we had
Dirt on Rand Paul now.
If he "was" supposed to be our candidate, what would Clinton have used against him?
>rally behind him
>unironically calling him god-emperor
kys faggot
He couldn't win against Trump no matter how much fucking more intelligent and just better in general Rand is, sadly
He could have won if he embraced populism like Trump did
Worked on his campaign.
bullshit. kek choose our saior god empror! fucking cuk. USA USA
To be honest this was one of the very few shit positions he had.
If he was a Libertarian Nationalist he would have been perfect.
only, he isnt god-emperor, hes just a shitty president
>tfw no President Paul to make things better
we should have listened lads
He's just not as light on his feet though. He would have been crushed underway several dozen times already. Once was enough.
No, he's better suited to the flanks.
Same desu, he just didn't have the momentum to keep up with trump
thanks pede
We tried.
Where did you get this picture of me and Rand Paul™?
Have you taken the RandPill yet alt-cuck?
wow i never realized he was such a manlet
Yeah, but that toupee...
no, rand is the right wing trudeau
Its all about Tulsi now nigga BTFO.
I would have rather had Rand, but he wouldn't have stood a chance against Hillary if we're being honest.
But he just had to go and suck Al Sharpton's black asshole and blew it.
the first step to fixing America is the initial electoral victory, Rand couldn't make that
I supported him before I bought the trump meme.
>tfw all the Randlets were right but they killed themselves for being so embarassing.
>vote for a democrat
Fucking kill yourself
>TFW Canada gets its Ron Paul as leader before the US does
Maybe next time, Ameribros. Maybe next time.
>Trudeau even remotely libertarian
You're fired.
You've just now realized this? We fucked ourselves long ago.
Rand was the best choice and nobody even acknowledged him.
You people don't want freedom from these Jews, you want a shouting contest. Of course, everyone here minus the shills wants to get rid of the Jewish tyranny going on, but you only perpetuate it by not fighting the right fight. Just like we did in WWII, fight for what makes the rich richer and the rest divided.
I want to say we can do it next time, but can we meme it hard enough to get the right candidate even in the race? Who knows.
Rand was no ideal candidate, but he was the best we had by far and nobody would even piss to hear him.
We've got to learn to fight the right fight, or else we are GOING TO LOSE.
Some good ideas but he didn't shine brighly enough. A manlet does not a president make.
Bannon/Bannon 2020+
Yeah fellow trumpster! Don't listen to all these shills who don't understand that Isreal is our REAL friend and sometimes we have to bring the WINNING over seas to overthrow that beautiful baby killer Assad!
>He still pretends to be upset an empty airfield was blown up in some savage barbarian country
>He thinks we believe him
I hope Rand might grow some balls. Not holding my breath. Too limp wristed right now.
As time moves on and Trump purges more deep state one by one, it will get better. (in theory)
Maybe it's wishful thinking.... Maybe Trump is a Globalist mastermind... who knows..
I think in Trumps 2nd term he'll have more of his people with him and will get shit done.
Of course, It might be too late and we're all fucked. Allah Akbar
Do you have any other ideologically consistent libertarians with a proven track record?
Gary Johnson pushed me away from Libertarianism.. I voted Ron Paul 2008 and 2012. Actually Ron Paul Red pilled me in 2007.
But what can they accomplish. "Ideologically Consistent" really doesn't mean shit to me. You got to be able to win and winning takes balls.
I respect Rand Paul as a libertarian... But he's a side kick... He's not a leader. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Maybe someone new will come out of the woodwork and surprise us all.
The fact that your "Libertarian" party elected him as leader is fucking shocking. He's a fucking anti-gun cuck.
He is no alpha enough.
>Fake news
You sure showed me you gullible faggot.
So you're the four hundred pound hacker?
>god emperor
Shut the fuck up r.ed.dit kike
He was just a stepping stone in the right direction not the end of the road.
Turns out he's just another fucking jew.
he doesn't believe in a minimum wage, he can fuck off
Ron "Open borders" Paul. To think I used to support this shit in 2008. Rand has backed away from it after Trump, but not sure if he can be trusted to be strong on immigration.
wtf I'm a globalist now!
I did but then he lost to Trump. Thought of supporting Johnson but then he was retarded. Voted for Trump to minimize the damage the recent election has done to this country. Hopefully Trump turns out OK, it would be nice if he'd take some of Rand's advice.
I already seen`t it. Carry on.
These are one of those useful idiots of the establishment, which loves more the politicians than their own idelogies.
Go back to plebbit
>we fucked it up
No, it was the cuckservative republicunt party
Rand Paul isn't ever, nor could he ever become nearly the legendary politician that Ron Paul is. I didn't even have an interest in politics at all until I learned about Ron Paul. He is a rare breed, for sure. I really think he opened a lot of peoples eyes. Almost, in a way, he might be part of the reasons Trump got elected. Everyone is / was sick of the " same old crap " when it came to the presidential elections.
>YFW they actually got the original singer to do this
Kushner 2020
me on the top left
r-rand ;__:
Forgetting when Rand was cucking for BLM in 2015?
Can't pleb the webb.