Post your pro-white stickers and fliers here. Must be optimized for printing - 2550X3300 pixels. FRESH MEMES HOT OFF THE PRESSES.
Pro white stickers thread
Why is there a swastika on trump sticker?
what are you talking about?
Because it triggers leftist faggots.
Gonna try to clean this up and make a variant of it, though it's a bit old fashioned.
Try harder you fucking retard.
My god you pseudo-intellectual liberal retards just need your shit kicked in by Tyrone while he's fucking your blue haired ape-like gf.
Look here Those are swastika and are hardly covert. Its disgusting and any white person would be too ashamed of it.
Who rip it down defeating the purpose
>don't make OC goy
>maybe if we have good PR they'll stop importing muslims goy
Cleaned up
This sounds like a leftie antifaggot trying to false flag here. We dont put nazi shit out in the open
Jesus 4cuck really is nu/pol/ innit?
Bigger version at printer resolution. If anyone has anything they want made into stickers let me know.
There was a template of daily stormer stickers. Do you have that?
I cleaned it up a bit and formatted it for printing.
No, but 2550X3300 is standard for 300DPI printing of standard printer paper.
Cheap, easy, and #triggered
Buy a cheap printer from goodwill and some sticker paper from staples (in cash).
Nobody else has stickers to dump, or a picture they want formatted for easy stickering?
I mean, I can if you want, but it would look like shit...
go away share blue
Okay, what would you like stickers of then? I'll happily do my best to turn any meme you'd like into an easy sticker format.
>idiots think associating Trump with stormniggery will help their cause
These are cringey as fuck
What, are you worried he'll lose the election?
PRcucks, not even once.
No, because they are the product of a low IQ retard who associates Trump, a Jewish loving billionaire with National Socialism. The whole thing looks fucking stupid.
Go back to dailystormer faggot.
False flag, way too obvious, one point for effort