So the gook who got copped on united got huge settlement, WOW fuck lawyers
guess race of the aviation cop who removed dao
>huge settlement
Likely a couple hundred thousand calm down
Also now everyone knows his seedy past so it's not without its drawbacks
Someone said he is not the guy who had drug deal cost him his MD, thats fake news ...... is he indeed that guy? was he ever an MD? its all shady! he had a license but was it an MD? he didnt go med school in usa
someone else said more, 10s of millions
Dude that was a David ping pong Dao hes David Chong dong Dao it was a character assassination
Couple hundreds of thousands ?
He was humiliated in front of million, bloodied and abused. I expect 30mil between him, his wife and kids.
dont porn women do this for like 5,000
the legal system needs to be burned to death auto de fett style
payouts way outa proportion with crime
Yeah but they agree to it before it happens.
Everyone hates lawyers til they need one.
I hate them even more when I am forced to use and pay one 100x too much.
>when goyim have rights
What are u even saying. Shit the fuck up.
What did you expect?
What's yours rate? More than $250 an hour? Granted criminal cases 9 out of 10 times they are just going to get you to plea.
that nip shoulda gotten 2000 tops
disbar a few lawyers n judges when they pull this shit
cancel union contract, cancel pensions
reduce wages
I lost 6 figs due to lawyers
Im pretty bitter
Why? United has more than enough money. They need to pay for their shitty policies and lack of foresight.
>Someone else said
An undisclosed sum is just that but someone on the internet said so that settles it
>between him, his wife and kids
I'm not sure how his wife and kids factor into the equation
need to pay 2000 sure
nothing more
thsi idea that lawyers get to sue for tons fo money is so insane
the guy should sue the cop who hit him
leave united out of it
cosp should be personally suable for excessive force
You sound like the sort of a cuck that would let a man sleep with your wife and then tip him afterwards.
Have some dignity
>refuse an order by a police officer
>sue them when they use force to make you comply
dude dont project your weakness onto me poorflag
first fo all I would never marry
second fo all fags like you have no place giving advice to your ameribro superiors
now fuck on back to your moms basement and let the adults talk
>sue them when they knock out your two front teeth, give you a concussion, and break your fucking nose because you wouldn't get off of a flight THAT YOU PAID FOR
you can refuse unlawful orders
>be American
>get brutalised by police
Kek, America sure is a shit show
>be American
>get brutalised by police
Kek, America sure is a shit show
fuck this suing united
nothing was wrong
cops might ruffed him
but he chose to fight n be a gook
told to leave
fight cops
get bashed
airline is private hun, not a tax paid junior college you feel u own
private property
be american
dont be a fucking loser and walk off the jet
be happy
be a 3rd world dooshe
say im not leaving
fight cops
get ruffed
Corporations can't treat customer service like scum. Fucking kill your self you asshole sucking cunt
nuke oz
private jet
told to get off
get the fuck off
I've been to USA twice. It's the shithole of the West. A modern chaotic urban jungle whose citizens are consumed with greed and pretentiousness.
He paid to be on that flight. He shouldn't have been kicked off because of United's incompetence. It's not his fault that they can't reasonably transport their own fucking employees.
what country is your flag?
where exactly did you go?
try hermosa beach CA next time
or dallas TX
or miami beach FL
>Pay for service
>asked to leave instead of receiving service
>say no you want the service you paid for
>get bashed
Nice try schlomo.
conditions changed
he should be compensated about 2000
or united should have just let the extra people sit on floor between seats
I duno
but any more than 2,000 is insane payout
and 10-30mil settlement to me says gas all lawyers n judges and cancel all private law firms
pay lawyer n judges min wage
cancel case law
end fed
reduce gov spending 99%
REEEEEEEEEEEE fighting with cops as they lawfuly remove u
REEEEEEE ignoring facts
REEEEEE now legla system can drump up horror through meida REEEEE and char million times wha tthe dumb fucker should be compensated
we wonder why private property the reason we have western civilization is under attack with dumb fucks like you
what of cops was defending himself from kick by the gook and gook gets sued by cops f 10mil?
your racist if it was white person you would be mad
but 3 white people got of jet peacefully as normal maericans do
your still racsit!!
ASIAN are superior!!
>if you don't give up your rights as a paying customer when cops who are paid with your taxes decide to support a corporation instead of you, then you deserved to get bashed and bloodied.
Oy vey goyim, i know u paid for that seat but i need it for my (((employees))) leave or ill have the government exert lethal force over you
First Baltimore, then New York. I worked as a observer physician in both places. Every conversation or interaction was like a combat on mind. Foreigners who got to high places were worse, they deliberately undermine your efforts to be successful. Americans act like they are in a movie, making stupid jokes and giving fake laughs. If they feel you're a competition, they become a snake that tries to poison you every single opportunity. My words are especially for New York.
private jet
why is this so hard for you?
if you are on property and asked to leave
you must expect force
and force is A ok
Wait why didn't united get the settlement? Didn't the guy violate the NAP?
well baltimore is a niggerish shithole
we had race riots just recently there
no one cares if your a med student
learn better english
act like in movie?
americans hate poor students who think they are an authority and respect only success earned not tax parasite
schools give quotas and let non white in with lower scores so americans of course dont take minorities seriously
media hysteria
united is owed apology
But they sold him a ticket and he is entitled to a service?
Why is it so hard for you to understand fraud?
>he should be compensated about 2000
That's less than a grand more than what he's legally obligated to get for getting thrown off a flight in the first place.
Shit wouldn't even cover his dental bills.
no stupid
the jet is private
conditions were dire
he is compensated for his convenience
around 2,000
not 20mil
lawyers are fraud nonstop
case law is fraud
public school is fraud
fed is fraud
2,000 before the incident dumbell
sue the black cop for the teeth, if it wa shis fault, I see the guy pulled and then he lets go and hits himself on a arm rest
if that hurt the teeth
then its his own fault eh?
I'm not bragging about my job or anything. Baltimore had Johns Hopkins University; good university but bad city. I didn't got there with someone's favor, I had my university pay them 5000$ for participation for one month. I had no problem with English other than speaking it like my native language. Maybe you're living in a more peaceful place but in higher places it's wild competition.
Yes New York and other metropolis huge population areas are filled with conniving Jews and other Shitskins trying to keep you down, what do you expect? Do you think Non-Americans are pleasant to be around?
I make much more...
you sound like an knowitall student skinny european pussy
americans dont respect such
now you're the one who's bragging, making monetary comments and trying to bully someone who is making competition. which partly proves my first statement. see? you show your true colors.
you are no competition
you would be destroyed in fair competition with any real american
your an arrogant commy from some shit berg
now fuck off
make me senpai ;^)
but the situation wouldn't have even happened if United was competent enough to make room for their employees before selling all the seats. plus, suing the cop gets you literally no money. why the fuck wouldn't you sue the company?
Are you fucking retarded?
make u?
not even sure what country you are bro!
private property
its the simple concept that clears up all confusion and builds civilization
I have no idea what flag that was, I assumed it was some eurotard the way he spoke
you fucking nigger