i'm not apart of antifa anymore it is dead to me you guys won the culture war i just ask don't kill me and my family when you start purging people........
Ex antifa member
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I hope your mother dies from a black man rape you racist piece of shit
why is it specifically a black man? Antifa are so racist.
Just think of the sexual rewards you might be missing out on. She's in an open relationship, so you still have a change.
Good ole Progressives. Even when you finally get a woman, they openly brag about fucking other men.
There is no reason for a white man to be a "progressive".
Dont worry we will put you in a nice camp for reeducation
shitty larp
you fags are all shit and i hope you die
>when you start purging people........
nigger, you drank the fucking kool-aid.
you need to lurk for months to understand. if you do this one simple thing--lurk for months--all will become clear.
Proof or youre just LARPing.
Also I donĀ“t understand the kek part can someone explain me SHADILAY again please?
brb, going to buy stock in bike lock companies..
I hope that she streams it on Facebook.
Do we look like a fucking search engine?
>1 post by this ID
Come on, are you guys that dumb?
Larping faggot
You look like someone who can help me but doesn't want to ._.
You know how this works, the only way to prove you're not one of them is by killing your former comrades.
Correct. Lurk more and you will find the truth.
Guess I will oldfag.
here is a picture of my flag before i throw it away.
Does she not realize that if she had lost her footing she might have died?
would bang her
make sure you light it on fire
Speaking of antifa, what happened at berkley yesterday? Did shit go down?
don't worry we won't kill you
and if the day or rope actually happens you should have at least a few months notice to vacate the country. There's no point of wasting rope on non-combatants.
If you're genuine give us information
dem titties
Dont burn it, thats bad for health. Sell it like a real jew on ebay or somewhere.
RAWLIN for you urinating on the Antifa Standard
Fuck off larping newfriend faggot
When it comes time for the lefties, the commies, and such to face the wall, it'll be too late. Anyone who turns then is just another rat.
Gather information and dox the prominent members NOW. We will remember you.
I have a better idea
Just make up what shadilay means, post your made up bullshit and wait for someone to aggressively correct you.
>not using the one and only antifa flag
Fuck off faggot