serious question nu-Sup Forums why are you still here?
Serious Question
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a NatSoc board. Lolbertarians out!
Because we can shitpost like we used to without the commies and butthurt brigade bringing down the banhammer..
>never going back
Then read a fucking book.
I recommend Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor.
If you had been here for any significant amount of time, you'd know that Sup Forums was originally leftist to the point that we were daily having communism threads.
We grew up in time and became hard right when the stormies came and showed us something even more fun.
This is when you joined the party, presumably.
Then we grew even more and we knew we couldn't apply fascism IRL since it had a bad name for the normies, so we had to come up with arguments and tactics and shit.
So now we're here, fucking with people in ever grander, more imaginative ways.
why are there so many fucking shills here
Fuck off.
I came for the Trump generals and stayed for the mudslime hate dedu.
You fuck off Nu/Pol faggot
They are here because Reddit is down
Nu/Pol Le-Dahnald Civicuck faggots are fucking cancer.
They should all fuck off back to Plebbit.
Daily Reminder that /Pol was always a NatSoc, Fascist, White Nationalist Board.
All you faggot LOLsperg Anfags came after the Trump Election but mainly after the HWNDU New York Season.
Do you even know the the fuck a shill is?
>1 post by this ID
im talking about how the first user said pol is a natsoc board, but my observations is that half the threads here are by anti trump lefties
This is just the concern troll that Share Blue is putting out, making a Sup Forums vs /nu-pol/ argument. I can't find the Share Blue message because I'm too drunk, but it was posted awhile ago.
It's not just that, it's much more common leading up to and through midnight in the US. 8 hours from now there will be better discussions, when the europeans are coming on and most of the raiders are asleep
i love how natsocs get triggered by the plebbits, as if they arent a cancer as well. stormfags are worse than reddit
Gtfo nigger equivalent of Caucasians origin
Stop blaming Jewy like niggers blame whitey for their own FAILURE.
Fucking stormcucks larpers. Get out of your basement and get a job
>Let's divide our already marginally influential community into even more irrelevant sub-communities so we never have any real impact on anything and don't have to deal with differences of opinion because it makes my feelings hurt
> let's accept clearly shit immigrants with no desire to integrate and make their culture our own despite it clearly being wrong and stupid but hey, we are all equal and we are all on the same side.
This, allowing redditors in would mean allowing "le based black man", jews and other undesirables.
Let's make a false equivalency because I don't have any real arguments
Look at it from the point of view of people who oppose Sup Forums, what's the best way to get rid of it, short of shutting the whole website down?
Exactly what OP is doing. You separate into sub-groups AFTER you've made your impact, you don't worry about the racial purity of your "allies" when they're fighting for your cause. You get rid of them once they've done their job.
i only believe in Meme magic and Kek.
I'm convinced it is true