>expelled from over 80 countries since it’s foundation (in 1540)
>started the illuminati
>literally has done everything jews are accused of
why does Sup Forums shill for the Jesuits so much?
>expelled from over 80 countries since it’s foundation (in 1540)
>started the illuminati
>literally has done everything jews are accused of
why does Sup Forums shill for the Jesuits so much?
Nice try schlomo
why do you shill for them so hard? if Jews had been expelled at the rate Jesuits have they would've been expelled over 600 times...
Why did so many different countries choose to expell the Jesuits, you're not implying they are all (((coincidences))), right?
Jesuits are the final redpill.
nice try schlomo and giovanni, jews and jesuits go hand in hand
smelling some protestant here
>Implying jesuits aren't criticized
Jews are all the rage because your people refuse to talk about it.
Red pill me on Jesuits.
Aren't all the post-Vatican II antipopes all Jesuits?
It's complicated...
The founder of Jesuits was a drunk spaniard who was mentally ill.
nope. just the current one.
>just the current one.
So why is he such a cuck? Because he is a Jessy or in spite of it? I need an a way to see up from down.
>Commentando - in modo totalmente assurdo - il passo biblico del serpente innalzato da Mosè nel deserto (Numeri 21, 4-9), ha affermato che Gesù «si è fatto peccato, si è fatto diavolo, serpente, per noi». Testuale.
>Making a comment - in a totally absurd way - on the biblical passage of the snake raised by Mosè in the destert (Numbers 21, 4-9), he said that Jesus "made himself sin, made himself devil, snake, for us". Literally.
>Jesus "made himself sin, made himself devil"
Bergoglio is the first jesuit pope in history. As a Catholic, I can't wait for the bastard to die.
Salvere, anons. I went to one of the oldest Jesuit highschool in North America. It was great. They were unique among Jesuit though because all were border line traditionalist. In case you're wondering it baffling how much the the Jesuits were connected in local politics, buisness, and society in general.
Care to elaborate?
>So why is he such a cuck?
he spent a little two much time reading the gospels.
Sure. What would you like to know?
This guy just got banned for 3 months, I did anytime I mentioned Jes ituits on here or other chan or even B board...
Just had to separate word like that or my post registered as spam...
There was a mail in the Podesta wikileaks where he talks about a "catholic-spring" to force Pope Bnedict XVI to resign.
Thanks Obama, you muslim piece of shit.
>the current cuck Pope is a jesuit
What sort of influence did they have on local politics and business? How did they exert their influence? Hard/soft power?
>>literally has done everything jews are accused of
Because the founder was a Jew, who wanted revenge for the forced conversions after the spanish reconquista
Jesuits = Kike subversion of cristianity
Listen to Bill Cooper he called them it and got murdered
Jesuits seem based
Some bad but mostly good
Were you trying to sound Italian? Fucking larper.
Reading up on the guy and he seems wacko, talking about aliens more than Jesuits, in fact no mention of Jesuits, you're full of shit, proddie
>echo table
They were born to fight the protestant heresy but got completely off the rails along the way.
Mayor, more Judges than I can count, a few state senators, previous Lt. Governor, head of the city business admin, and few fortune 500 CEOs were either alumni or sons went there. The school at the time i went there had about ~1500 kids but had more the Priest who was the President of the school had more pull than the Dean's of the major colleges in the city. We always jokingly called it a cult but there truth than fiction to it. Great if you went there but from the outside in its kind of fucked up.
It is not the Jesuits that is the problem with papa, but Latin-American Catholicism.
When the migrants crisis was going on, there were the onlyone from the Catholic Church smuggling muslims to Europe.
Johann Adam Weishaupt was a German philosopher and founder of the Order of the Illuminati, a secret society.
Now get this, Adam was from a jewish family, so a JEW, but he was also in the (((je-suit))) secret society.
And moreso he was from the Frankfurt the birth city of the Rothschilds and Schifs banking families before they sent their son's into Europe and USA to establish International Banking Corporations.
Farnkfurt is also where (((Frakfurt School))) and (((Crititical Theory))) started.
I want of this ride.
Jesuits are planning to launch nukkakes (semen bombs) over North America
Oh yeah to answer you're question. It's all soft power. A wink here a nudge there and calls to have random dinners to influential alumni. etc etc. As involved as the admin was they like to keep it quite but it was an open secret. To give you an idea the schools had official policy of "No fund raisers" but we'd have galas that school would profits a few million from people bidding a few thousand bucks on something worth 50.
It's latin not your ghetto speak.
I have to remember thhat Jesuit comes from "company of Jesus".
That's crazy. I wish I went to a Jesuit School, but there are very few Jesuits here.
Reminder the current Pope is the first [[[Jesuit]]] pope
is that in Italian or Spanish
Je Su It
it sounds more like a french
also pls answer me this? i was shocked when i found out that Vatican was created in 1929. WTF
i thought that vatican was like centuries old
which institution predates vatican?
are company of the Jesus somekind of a religous inteligence agency?
i've read that they've been founded on such principles? blackmail and more centrlised control of the catholic realm in the hands of the few. The founder of The Company of Jesus Ignacio Loyola used priest and bishops as a spying netwoork? Am i right?
Look up the "Monita Secreta". It's full name being Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu translated the Secret Instructions of the Jesuits.
It's basically Protocols of the Elder Zion for Jesuits except never fully repudiated as a hoax since it was written by a Polish noble who studied under them, in order to join the order, for 13 years.
It describes the Jesuits to a tee.
they got their land back in 1929, prior to that the King owned it.
sweddebro does that book includes something about jesuit oath that goes something like this:
link related:biblebelievers.org.au
The full name of the Jesuits is The society of Jesus. JESUIT is just short for that.
Also the Vatican is much older than that Vatican city which is the city state where the Vatican is was created in 1929. Prior to the 1870s and unification of Italy the Pope control large parts of Central Italy as called the "Papal States" that was nation state was created in 800 as a donation of Pepin the Great. The Holy See which is the seat of the Pope has been in Rome since the 1st century.
yes but who was the ultimate catholic christian authority before vatican
and how many centuries is vatican old
jewpedia says that they're from 1929
but they must be much much older
Pepin the short* I think. He was father of Charlemagne. My church history is a bit rusty.
so that means in some form or another vatican is 2000 years old
and judaism predates christianism, so the kikes are even older than vatican
and jesus was also a jew
and this is yet another of the jewish creations of the ISMs((((zionism, christianism, comunism...))) in order to inplement it as an rule for governing the goyims and place themselves as a rulers
so another jewish trick in the book?
am i going somwhere with this?
>also pls answer me this? i was shocked when i found out that Vatican was created in 1929. WTF
>i thought that vatican was like centuries old
>which institution predates vatican?
The Roman question is part of the Italian unification. Before there were the Papal State wich occupied central Italy. In 1870 Rome was annexed by the Kingdom of Italy wich confiscated the church properties. The pope was referred as a prisoner inside the Vatican walls. This situation was resolved in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty signed by the fascist regime of Mussolini wich gave independence to the holy Vatican city.
ok tnx.
gotta start reading Italy history ASAP.
do you have any redpilled sources?
You know, the ones that are not obvious (((oficiall))) public education?
Christianity was declared offical religion of the Roman Empire by Theodosius I in 380 AD with the edict of Tessalonica.
You seem to be jumping to conspiracy theories before even knowing basic history.
So many {{{Shills}}} in this thread
It's less about Protestant-tier stuff and more about describing what they do, i.e. how they cuddle up to power at every opportunity even in deeply Unchristian and unflattering ways.
it seems but it's not
it's just that i've been confused about Vatican history
we had commie education and we learned nothing about Christianity after the fell of the Roman empire
we only learned about Byzantine empire Orthodox Christianity
and even those were given to us in small portions
sorta, but not far enough
secret societies and societal subversion go back even further than jews
bump cuz fuck the jesuits
It's not on people's radar and the subject is only brought up on occasion. The truth is that the Jews work with Jesuits to puppet the Protestant organizations like the Freemasons.
>Russia, Prussia, and the United States allowed the Jesuits to continue their work, and Catherine the Great allowed the founding of a new novitiate in Russia.