Marxism general

What is the end game of Marxism/Communism? I'm trying to follow the money. What do leftist think Marxism will protect them from? How can they really believe it will afford them a higher quality of life?

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they are lazy and wastes of space, they hope marxism will fill the meaningless void that is is their life

It's a stupid philosophy for greedy do-nothings. Ban it from Earth. How is Venezuela doing this week?

I think you think other people give a fuck about marxism.

Ideology centered around impotent jealousy for the rich masquerading as love for the poor. No real end game.

>What is the end game of Marxism/Communism?
An economy in service of humanity, instead the way currently things are, that is, humanity in service of the economy.
>What do leftist think Marxism will protect them from?
Exploitation from the people who own the means of production
>How can they really believe it will afford them a higher quality of life?
Read marxist theory

end goal: worker run state high in equality, works seize means of production, profit is used to benefit their nation

reality: workers are too stupid to run a country, if they were so smart why didn't they get into politics and do something "productive" with their lives. State would fall apart in 2 years maximum and we'd be two years behind what we could have been

As two of my professors have told me on the subject: "When asked what Marxism/Communism will do, you are dealing with someone that is not willing to do anything for anyone else."
It is true. The Alt-Right hate groups are full about people that care about themselves. You hate so many that you are not willing to help them.

You faggots are talking like it'll ever be an option, and that we need to fight against it now. Use your time more wisely. There's at least one YLYL thread open on Sup Forums right now. You'll accomplish just as much, but might accidentally develop a sense of humor in the process.

why are the most vocal proponents of marxism completely un-involved with the means of production, then?

They hate themselves the most, user.


Yes, I hate all people and don't want them benefitting off of me. Fuck you and your gay family, I hope a big nog takes care of them.

You can't ask for sanity in retards.

It'd be a shame if you died in a fire.

Honestly you need to read fascist/natsoc political theory. It may surprise you.

Marxism is kinda like the Islam of politics. It's a horrible thing that's kills millions and subverts everything, and is more resistant to dying out then the damn daleks.

Why should I entertain hate speech and ideas? If it were valuable to a multiethnic and multicultural society it would be taught throughout colleges in the western world. Institutes of higher education are not looking to hate to solve our many problems. They are focusing on community.

You realize that marxism has never been attempted, right? Nothing communist today or in the past has been marxist.

Not shilling for marxism; just pointing out the glaring error in your calculations.

>You realize that marxism has never been attempted, right?
>Not shilling for marxism

You are so narrow and decided on hate that even one of yours telling you the truth is suspect. This is why national shifts are being made across the western world.

Enjoy your future brazil with warlords/upper class overlords forever looking for your fabled equal utopia. Humans are not equal, never will be . It's like denying gravity as such your ideology is doomed to fail FOREVER

I'm not one of these faggots. I use reason.

>What is the end game of Marxism/Communism?
like communism is literally the end game. read their god damned books. there is no conspiracy other than to divert your attention to idiotic (((consumable bits))) of information, and away from the hundreds of pages of free, public domain works

Our future will be yours as well, eventually. Western leaders and educators are all realizing the benefits of multiculturalism. My country is trying so hard to keep the hate alive, as is yours. However, your allies in hate are turning from it and it is only a matter of time.

You just described both sides of the equation, but you'll give your freedom willingly.

Because of a system that keeps the workers of said means of production ignorant.

Oh, I can see that. I was pointing out how they are willing to suspect anyone on this board that tells the truth comrade.

All this whole systems takes to collapse is ony economic collapse (i.e. freeze in population and thus GDP growth) and it all comes tumbling down and the interesting business begins. You and the current global elite can't deny reality forever.

Nigger, marxists always say a prospering country that enacts marxist polices is a socialist country and not real socialism when those happy days end. ALWAYS. Just look at venezuela, up until the last year or two marxist were saying capitalism was on it's death throes and venezuela was proof of it. And when the oil prices crashed and venezuela became a shithole they said it wasn't real socalism.

Marxism is baby's first philosophy, that's all.

Who, when looking at history, art, politics and sociology, needs to analyze communities, tribalism, organicism, religion, finance, foreign relations and so many other aspects, when you can just go
>T-this group is being MEANIES to this other group! We need to help the poor oppressed people!!!!!
like a fucking kindergartener?

Venezuela is a shithole due to corruption and mismanagement; the same reason all governmental systems fail; the same reason ours is failing. None are exempt. Unless you're rich, you're always someone's nigger when the shit hits the fan. You're all arguing with no hope of ever achieving the perfect state of any scenario.

I honestly can't recall talking to or reading from a marxist saying anything like this. What I have heard is a lot of non-marxists claim marxists say these things.

that's what they do.

>>>T-this group is being MEANIES to this other group! We need to help the poor oppressed people!!!!!
you'd be surprised how many people esp on this board believes in some sort of class conflict narrative



>>that's what they do.

yes, i know that you are saying that's what they do.

"Baby's first philosophy". You are so disconnected from those of us that go to college it is insane. Our teachers are grown and productive people of all genders, races and cultural backgrounds. They have dedicated their lives to philosophy and the research of cultures and social issues. Not just across the United States, but across the western world we can see the issues and understand that Marxism is the future. Do you not see that college aged people of all variety are in agreement? So you not see respected leaders that are educated are standing up for the better and inclusive Marxist way? You are reduced to getting your news from fringe websites because journalists have realized the way. Your hate is dead and you are the very few maggots wriggling around in it. We are moving forward and you will eventually move with us, or your future generations will.

I used to be a Marxist, I unironically did.

Why am I not anymore? I read a book, started hanging out with friends more, and stopped lurking /leftypol/.

Many of my friends I've found though Sup Forums and they're the absolute opposite of neckbeard.

>Why should I entertain hate speech and ideas?
Know your enemy, if nothing else. Unless you are afraid of being convinced that they have a point.

All they want is for things to be shared and distributed equally, no social class and no class struggle. But really it's a utopia, unless you are willing to go back to a period of hunter gatherer tribes.

Don't waste your energy baiting in a small thread like this.

By entertaining their failed philosophies we are simply supporting their cause. This is why your small group is constantly shut down. There is no value to it.

This isn't bait. The world isn't out to bait you. In reality you are a minority that is shrinking every generation. We only wish to quicken progress instead of fighting a minority of racists.

i have to admit though. "not real communism" goes really far back and is a standard defense from marxists explaining failed attempts at socialism. even marxs was one of the first "not real communism" when he witnessed communism being attempted in germany

>How can they really believe it will afford them a higher quality of life?

>Left leaning because of deep seeded insecurity
>Always defensive because your insecurity leads you to believe you are below average in every way
>Think you're below average in income
>Demand those you deem above average help you

The hilarity comes when they get their way and they realize just how rich they really were.

The (((destruction and subjegation))) of humanity

Marxism is just a re-utilization of capital.

Exploitation of the collective and calling it "Just". Marxists mistake the Demos or polity for a "Collective".

Take an already leftist ideology "Capitalism", then give the capital to a non-profit organization that wants to protect and feed the people, then the non-profit organization points a gun at your head and tells you where you can live, where you can go, what you can eat, where you work, etc. That's literally all governments on Earth.


Marxism is a helicopter ride ticket
The ride down is free though ;)

>accidentally communist leblackeconomicsman

>The working class are opressed!
>said the white-collar 1st worlder
>to the NEET hipster
>who repeated this to the hairy pornographer
>who quoted it to the mexican intellectual
>who posted it to literal nazis

You have it all wrong, noob. The left right paradigm is a fabrication that satisfies both the human brain that seeks complex engagement, and the elite's need for us to in-fight.

Cultural Marxism is something that was designed by, and driven solely by a small elite group of people who want to dominate the world. Your average leftie political drone, and the university peddler of bullshit are just brain-washed drones like the students. The one world government will only benefit the elite that have always only benefited.

you're a funny burger, made me kek