Kids these days will never feel the wrath of dads belt.
Kids these days will never feel the wrath of dads belt
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I just beat some fat little neckbeard with a belt last week for breaking into my girlfriend's car. I heard him through my open bedroom window, and saw the light of his cellphone inside her car, so I yelled "I'm gonna find you, motherfucker!" out the window at him as he struggled to get on his bike. I chased him down in my truck until he crashed in some gravel, then got out and grabbed his back wheel as he tried to get away and crushed his nuts on his bike. Then I shoulder checked him off his bike again into a bush and called the cops while pushing him around to keep him from escaping and whipped the shit out of him with the belt when he hit me. Cops thought it was hilarious, 10/10 would discipline again.
Thats a good thing. I used to get beat constantly, if I messed up in school he would lay me down flat and lay into the back of my legs until he wore himself out. It seriously fucked me up. There are ways to discipline without being a sadistic faggot.
OP I like how this belt is in the double-doubled configuration. I was using the single-doubled configuration and I think this would work more like a blackjack as opposed to the short whip kind of action I am used to. Fuck not folding it at all though, that's for messing around with friends, not putting the fear of God into some young punks.
Always in moderation
late teen early 20's girls with blue hair will beg for it and thank "daddy" when you are fill that deep seated need.
t 44 years old
Its illegal to smack your child here, was forced thru parliament about 12 years ago by the greens.
I have a son. I've given him a whooping. Once. Once only. When he was young and impressionable enough to scare the shit out of him. I always planned he would get this firm discipline one day, and I just waited for the day he fucked up big time. Then one day, aged 5 he chimped out, disrespected me and ran onto the road, nearly getting cleaned up by a car doing 80.
That was the moment to teach him a valuable lesson.
That was seven years ago. He's been respectful ever since. A fucking model citizen in fact. Of course there have been times when he's played up, but ive found a raised voice and the threat of discipline has made him see sense straight away.
Fucking love that kid. He's a legend
If only I did that to his piece of shit slut for a mother
>Kids these days will never feel the wrath of dads belt.
My brother got it 28 years ago for something really wrong. He was only like 10 or 12. Truth be told after that we were all angels. He turned a-ok. straight a college student/electrical engineer. everyone learned.
>Time out Timmy!
i hope not. my dad was a correctional officer. that was a thick heavy belt
I was lucky if I got the belt.
My dad used bats, broom and mop sticks, shoes, boots, anything he could throw at us, like the remote control, you name it.
Brothers are now cop and military sergeant, and I'm a street fighter.
Dad made us real men.
Also, I love ladyboys.
I keep a whip kind of like a cat-o'-nine-tails on my bedroom wall for parties. Nothing better than watching hot sluts whip each other's asses for your amusement. I'm a little to strong to really have fun with it though, don't want to wreck a threesome by breaking some skin, so I feel like I'm hardly able to swing it, lol.
just the fear of the belt was enough to keep my in line
This. My dad acted like a fucking nigger. Only when necessary, and with explanation.
My dad did it to me a few times, but he didn't use the belt.
Belts aren't an argument. Why do you think kids hate their parents?
Basically the average American in one post
My wife does, soon will our daughter. (7 months preggo)
theres a difference between punishment and beating
Beat my dad's ass for doing that to me. Broke his ribs and nose and he could never see right after that. Felt bad about it for weeks and he never so much as raised his voice in my direction after that. Don't do this. Your kids will remember it always and resent you or try to "get back" at you for it.
You can start whipping your daughter now, ackshually.
yep....its a key factor in girls working on their daddy issues
I got the belt. Just made me want to slowly murder him and make him suffer. That nigger is in for a surprise in the upcoming years.
Thats the thing though. At 10 years old I was incapable of understanding why the man who I looked to for protection was beating me until I was black and blue. There is no correlation in a childs mind between acting up in class and being on the receiving end of a violent adult.
How old were you when you crippled your dad?
t. compulsive liar
That's why it has to be done immediately after little shits act up. There's no taking them home and explaining why they are being punished, it needs to be then and there.
You get to think whatever you want, and I get to remember my sweet revenge for the rest of my life. Isn't that nice?
If it has to be done, I agree, it needs to be done immediately. Same with a dog, if he gets in the trash 5 minutes after you leave for work and you beat him when he gets home hes not going to understand wtf is going on.
Im not a parent myself so I find it hard to judge the decisions of those who are, but I have to believe a beating is the absolute last resort..
maybe we should replace it with dads dick, and use the lefts playbook against them.
just being the devils advocate
I'm 18 and I would get beat by my black parents for stupid shit. Once I technically lied to my dad and another time I got beat for complimenting my sister out loud. Another time my dad got this big ass tree limb and beat me until I bled. My mom actually beat me with a sledgehammer one night she came back home drunk. Needless to say my face and teeth are very fucked up.
Would've castrated my pops and sodomized my mom with a knife if they pulled that bullshit on me.
I'm not too sure what being delusional is like user
Ah yes the old LGBT(((P))) strategy, surely that won't cause deep lasting harm!
lol my parents said they'd kick me out and I constantly got emotionally abused as a child. Like on the daily constant. My parents told me i'd never be anything more than a faggot. Now I'm dealing with social anxiety and I'm fighting the urge to kill myself 13 Reasons Why style
Terrible parenting doesnt know color.
My mom, God bless her, used to beat us as well but after getting used to dads strength it wasnt bad at all. I remember one time in particular she pulled this bright pink leather belt out and started in on me and my sister, we laughed about it. Dad made sure we stopped laughing when he got home though.
Buy a saturday night special and whack 'em.
Go ahead, ask me anything about what I did. It fucking happened, I'm proud of it, I'd do it again.
And here we see the opposite extreme, no discipline at all.
If true I'm sorry for that shit happening to you. There's a massive difference between strong fair discipline and being raised by literal animals. Hope youre in a better place user and if you have kids you treat them with the correct firm discipline they deserve.
Up you LARP game, whitey.
>Dad made sure we stopped laughing when he got home though.
Christ. I knew not to laugh at my parents cause my mom beat me until she got tired once. Then she had the nerve to say it was a "sample." Like I don't get why people get beatings...
What's a saturday night special?
I'm 18 and gay so I think the possibility of me having kids is moderately slim, but thanks for the advice user. I'm currently in my dorm room (roommate moved out cause I let a guy sleep over), studying for my final at 7PM tonight.
The belt is our go to for checking sluts. We have to normalize it again.
Oh well.
>What's a saturday night special?
Cheap revolver.
Good Dad right here.
Contrary to popular belief, I actually know my dad and he lives with my mom lol
He's 60 and I'm 18. My mom's about to be 53
I can't be the only one here who would just sit on the ground to avoid getting spanked
Good luck it in your finals. Also Im pressure sure you are probably NOT gay, but just think you are because abuse, low self esteem and exposure to porn.
But that's a conversation for another day. Now go get em slugger, make me proud.
Alright fine.
15 I was wearing steel toe boots that day. still remember my old man snorting blood as it came out of his nose. I remember being really scared/pissed off. I felt like he was gonna try to "get" me for doing that to him and I actually believed "oh fuck he's going to kill me" so I ran to try to finish him by clumsily stomping him to death but before I did he yelled "WAIT STOP" in the most panicked voice. I never heard his voice sound and crack like that so I calmed down just walked back. He got some rags and bandages and he and mom went to the hospital. Mom gave me the nastiest look I ever got from her and I think Dad started crying on the way out. Something about them changed that day. Like I broke my dad's confidence and my mom just started being super careful when talking to me as if she was afraid. None of it was good. They probably never trusted me again.
God damn did it feel good though. I don't regret.
>God damn did it feel good though. I don't regret.
Top kek. I just moved across the country and never spoke to them again once I achieved financial independence.
t. Fatass Burger
user, I hate to be the one to tell you this..
You were never actually spanked if that worked for you. Im not saying this is a bad thing, Im jealous, but if just sitting down stopped it from continuing then it was never coming in the first place.
I never hit my kids with it, never had to. I used to fold the belt in half and snap it to make a loud whip cracking noise, that would usually separate them.
Fucking brutal, man.
I'm 21 and my father beat me and hit me so hard in my head that he turned me into a cripple with chronic pain that is unable to go to college or hold down a job because it's so debilitating, all so I can hear LARPers talk about how "kids these days are so spoiled!!! they never got beaten!!! muh millennials!"
go die please.
>implying my dad was in my life
i murdered my father, because he violently spanked me with his belt when i was young. He deserved it, sadistic bastard as he was.
oh yeah the bastard also cracked my teeth and now I have to get veneers
>millennials are so weak!!!
my house was a warzone and it ruined my life before it even started, physical abuse is never justified you dumbfuck larper
No shit.... I tried that once till my dad used my head like a soccer ball I was 8 so nobody thought my two missing front teeth were weird.
physical punishment creates needy, dependent children.
Yeah you're not supposed to discipline kids on the head. That's why the a belt to the ass cheeks works so well, you can cause pain without injuring something vital.
My condolences, user.
we had a tuft of baboo up the back corner of the property.
by the time mum had gone and picked a piece id be sweatin bullets.
any of you faggots had to eat soap when you swore?
Got smacked with a belt buckle until I gave up.
I agree. My life has been ruined and my father would beat the fuck out of me. All the pampered kids I knew are actually chads and very well adjusted contrary to what the "IT MAKES YOU TOUGH!!!" idiot boomers and their apologists say.
>Beating your kids because you're deficient as a parent
>Instead of teaching them verbal conflict resolution and fostering intelligence
How does it feel being a pro-beater knowing you're basically white trash?
yeah soap or super hot tabasco sauce
Millennials are a direct result of a lack of discipline, and parents trying to be their child's friend.
I think you did it because you are just shithouse crazy, just like the rest of the future suicide victims that make up your frozen waste of a white country.
t. 1/4 Finn Mongrel
Eh. I'm black and he's pretty absent even though he's in my life. He says a lot of negative shit about he and he's pretty old so he doesn't really care about me anymore. I'm also sort of implying he's ever cared but I suppose....
My dad actually held a gun up to my head once. Drunk, but I could've still died nontheless.
I got beat repeatedly into submission when my dad forced me to learn how to play the piano and I ended up having a nervous breakdown as a result.
lol soap, I remember it well. I learned quickly not to swear around mom, she was quick with the soap.
check my story the way my parents treated me basically destroyed my life before it even started, I am fucked
>muh millennials
love that buzzword
Children should fear you as a parent. If I choose to have children they will be bruised when they act out of line.
WOW I dont know Sven, how does it feel when men in your country would rather walk past a women being raped in an alley by migrants, rather than step in and actually deal out some discipline?
>My dad actually held a gun up to my head once. Drunk, but I could've still died nontheless.
Same, all because his girlfriend found out about him cheating. Cocked and locked too, that asshole had an Brady organization understanding of guns too.
My parents had an eat it or wear it policy on vegetables. I still have scars on my face from the molten brown sugar that was mixed in with the squash I did not eat.
I'm old now have a 9 year old little Aryan princess for a daughter and my parents both are alone and have dementia now Karma works
Keep raising those nice guys you fucking cuck.
Is this why you dress like a woman and trick men into having sex with you?
Domestic violence is bad. Unless you are muslim, where domestic violence is everyday life, and islam even back up this practise. Quran has many reference about this subject when you should beat your wife.
Sources: Quran Verse (4:34)
Shakir: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
you're a degenerate
Although, if I am a dad and if I ever have a kid as fucked up as my older brother was I'm gonna not gonna bother with beatings and just have a hunting accident with him.
hate to admit but YES!
>Children should fear you as a parent
we'll see how that works for you, joey badass
i love my dad so much but he used to beat the absolute shit out of me, now i do have a personality disorder and fear of authority figures
There's nothing wrong with kicking the shit out of an uppity child. They need violent doses of reality.
Agreed. My mom made it pretty clear that she's not my friend. Like I cant come to her and tell her what's bothering me because she's always gossiping on the phone or some shit. Can't talk to my dad because I can't relate to him and he didn't have my problems.
My problems are more psychological than physical, honestly.
I thought children were supposed to respect you as a parent. fear != respect. I respect you as a person not because I know you can beat my ass, but because you're an authoritative figure whose job is to take care of me.
Oh wait I'm gay and my parents literally said they don't have to love and respect me and both agreed.
my mom was saying she brought me into this world and would take me out if I fucked with her. She broke my leg with a broom handle once.
Hey, my father beat me when I was an insufferable little midget and I turned out okay...
>browsing Sup Forums
Never mind.
kek, that would have been fun.
Bullshit. I spank my kid.
>Chasing and assaulting someone
>cops finding it funny
Pick one
I'm sure the female cop gave you a blowjob and a high five afterwards too
Same here, funny thing is that my little bro never got his ass kicked once (they decided not to hit him for some reason).
I ended up as a fuck up for the most part, teenage drinking/weed, ditching school, failing classes. I barely scrapped enough credits graduate high school in time (with a 1.9 gpa)
My little bro is a good student, kindhearted, and never got into any trouble.
I told him I got a 4.0 ez, so he can work to best me in a rivarly sort of way. Kek
>my mom was saying she brought me into this world and would take me out if I fucked with her. She broke my leg with a broom handle once.
Ha, thought out shooting them when I bought my first pistol. Thankfully, I said fuck it and grinded money for a year so I could leave.
I don't know, I was a guilty as fuck kid that got really hurt by getting yelled at. If my kid is like me, I easily would never hit him more than once.
Naming your penis is strange.
I used to get beatings a lot. The key is timing. During a beating, when the hands come down with regular intervals, you're aware that the person is not living out his frustrations on you but is actually trying to teach you something.
good. i'll never forgive my parents for doing this to me.
yup same story
me and all the other kids that got beaten ended up as low functioning fuckups while all the pampered and spoiled kids from loving homes turned out to get into great colleges, got great jobs, etc
>it builds character
of course, pretend badass Sup Forumstards and boomers know everything about child-rearing
Exact story here as well. Im not sure if I can attribute my teenage years to the beatings, but nothing else makes sense. Now Im 30 and trying to pick up all the pieces.
I wonder what the correlation is between being beat as a child and growing up to be a Sup Forumsack, seems a lot of us share the same story
Do you use malice or hold back? My dad would yell at me and tell me I was worthless. My mom told me I'm goodfornothing and that she hopes I end up on the street.
>I ended up as a fuck up for the most part, teenage drinking/weed, ditching school, failing classes. I barely scrapped enough credits graduate high school in time (with a 1.9 gpa)
Kinda the opposite for me. Huh....
I was never allowed to leave the house, I never went to parties, and I didn't have much privacy. I was never allowed to miss class/school (one day I tripped over a flower pot and scraped my knee to the fascia), and I didn't start smoking weed until my second semester of college. I met the requirements for graduation and I ended up graduating with a 3.7. I was the smartest kid in my family cause my parents made C's and D's in highschool.
Were you the oldest? You were probably the prototype.