When are they going to realize they're not equal to men? Millions of years of history shows us that men on average are stronger, smarter, and tougher than women. What makes them think they can just change millions of years of evolution and history?
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as soon as we get rid of the jew.
the jesws
>Millions of years of history
>ignoring systematic oppression
Men are good at some things. Women are good at others
Men are good at all the things that actually matter though.
Yes and OP specifically mentioned strength, intelligence, and toughness as the things in question.
like what, acting arrogant?
So this is why Sup Forums likes traps more than women.
they know it thats why they need "feminism" and team up with the jews
Certainly not whining, being oppressed, and getting pregnant by strangers.
Women are just as intelligent as men. Their growing numbers in academia can attest to that. Do you value strength and toughness when talking about blacks? or is it only valuable when talking about gender
American males elected Trump.
>this thread seems pretty whiny, and it takes a man to impregnate a woman too
>team up
They are the jews, jews are a matrilineal society run by the hidden hand of whiny women.
>Their growing numbers in academia
They gravitate towards social sciences and don't have as high ACT/SAT scores on average.
yeah but i was speaking for the goy side of feminism,
the walking fat dyke and so on,
not the thinking jew that tell them what to do.
>growing numbers in academia can attest to that
>what is affirmative action
and a majority of white women. but you know who didn't?
No at inventing things, being great mathematicians , being politicians (the women politicans mostly suck with the exception of margaret thatcher), being philosophers, ect. Anything a women can do, chances are, a man can do better.
It didn't get whiny until this dipshit showed up .
>Their growing numbers in academia
Affirmative action granted by white men nothing else. Women can't succeed without our help.
>what is cultural influences/ gender stereotypes
No you dumb roastie, you are replying on a board made by a male, so shut the fuck up
This isn't tumblr
>When are they going to realize they're not equal to men?
You need to realize that women are not capable of using logic. They believe this because it makes them feel good about themselves.
>just change millions of years of evolution and history?
You could do this with transhumanism actually
Women are only good for creating more men.
That's it.
Things that are more correct than incorrect because they measure average generalizations.
14. Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.
>being equal
>somehow you're oppressed by the thing you're supposedly equal to
sure you are sugartits
>What makes them think they can just change millions of years of evolution and history?
they're women
>What makes them think they can just change millions of years of evolution and history?
>what makes them think
user, I....
And artificial wombs will be even better at creating more men than women are
Right, like i said men are smarter on average
strength != equal
if it did, you'd be a black supremacist
You're making everyone's point. You're too stupid to see why.
>ignoring systematic oppression
Then how do you explain why EVERY major civilization on Earth has been male-dominated? Even civilizations like the Aztecs and Incas, which arose independently from Western civilization and had no contact with them before the Columbian exchange, had patriarchal societies. If it were truly just environmental, and not the result of women's natural inferiority, you would expect to see a roughly 50/50 divide between civilizations that are matriarchal and patriarchal.
>queens never existed
good one
Why nowadays that women open their mouths to give a opinion for something they say something very stupid? women was always like this? this kind of thins makes me wish they lose the voting rights
Very true
Queens existed. Queens never did anything. Whenever a Queen was "in charge" it was actually her court that was in charge while she fucked them.
Stop caring when they cry and protest. Start making them respect men by taking back our political and social power.
you should read this too mate
you can't just make up history to your liking
>claims something is stupid
>can't explain why
>does it in broken english
necesitas regresar
> you need to go back to >>/t/umblr
And nice explanation why they say so many stupid, shit, well your posting itself explains why roastie
This is adorable. I'm actually starting to like you. Post bellybutton.
Women... can't live with em, can't have heterosexual sex without them fml
Or for making men pretending to be women give birth to more men than women. [spoiler]The tru..e (Jew) Objective[spoiler]
are you running this shit through google translate or something? I can't understand you, pablo
yea misogyny and sexism doesn't exist at all
>this thread
> i cant hear you argument
Like a little children
go back to tumblr
Queens only rose to power when the king died, and usually only to be supplanted by the eldest son when they grow of age, read history books.
Just post something slut. For fucks sake with your drivel.
Who were vastly outnumbered by the number of kings and male rulers throughout history in basically every culture that has ever existed
History was written by men, therefore it's biased. The rest of your points are valid.
Never. This shit is NEVER going to go away as long as there are people that take these fucks seriously. Women and cucks will be complaining about imaginary first-world problems till the sun dies out.
> Men
> Built civilization from fucking nothing
> Women
> Whined until men agreed to act like women are equal partners in this civilization thing
> Men
> Created governments and systems of morality, periodically fought and died to overthrow them in favor of better ones, or fought and died to defend them from worse ones
> Eventually, by fire and blood, most men acquired the vote and an assortment of rights
> Women
> Whined until men gave women all that shit for free
> Men
> Invented 99.9% of all science, tech, and social institutions
> Women
> Whined until they could work in those fields too
> Do nothing but whine until even more women hired
And then they wonder why they still feel that something is missing. I'd be all for feminism if they just said, "Listen girls, we're going to have to build shit that's bigger and better for the next thousand years or so just to prove that we can." Rather than, "Listen to my vagina."
Men are objectively better, women need men more than they need women.
Women are easily manipulable
Seriously, tougher? Definitely not. Its been proven women actually have much higher pain tolerances than men. Are they more vocal about expressing pain? Maybe but they dont completely lose their shit when they have a cold either, like many guys i know. Women shoot babies out their fucking vaginas. Get a kidney stone and lets see how tough you are. Also, smarter? Again thats false. What studies are you reading and what facts do you actually possess. Nice way to troll though. Unless you actually think this shit then i would assume you need some mental help.
Men have a higher rate of genius' and psychopaths. Evolution has worked it out this way, if men are to be the inventors and explorers it would make sense if they were more spontaneous.
Yea because sexism problem stemmed from the men's physical prowess.
>Sup Forumss analysis of history
yea cause women totally didn't raise any of those men. I forgot that women and men have always had equal opportunity in science and politics.
I'm not sure they're gonna go away. Feminists are the most useful of useful idiots.
Third wave feminism really helped refine the left into a toxic weapon of Western destruction.
Typical thing is going to happen
> Someone is going to call your bait bullshit
> you run away like a fucking coward making people losing time
Like OP said. Men are physically stronger. Hence they can dominate women. You dont have to be smarter or tough to be stronger than someone. Also men used their brute strength and terroristic threats of violence to try and keep women uneducated for thousands of years.
Found the roastie. Shit up bitch
One day, and we will make a male empire with women sex slaves
Even in the modern world, males dominate the areas of science, IT etc. Despite Women having equal access to these fields, now there is either an intelligence difference here or an ambition difference one or the other Men are more inclined to be the inventors/scientists.
Facts speak for themselves.
The insecurity of women is leading to the invention of so many regulations that men are starting to have problems keeping up in the realm of new inventions.
Actually i didnt run away i responded to another person . Higher rates of psychopathy? Yes sure i will give you that. Higher rates of genius, no. The man who created standardized testing aka the first IQ test has even come out and said it is a shit indicator of actual mastery of a subject or overall intelligence. So you cant really base assumptions of testing either. And if you dont think women have been invaluable to human civilization than you probably just dont care to read history unless it is written by men. Many women inventors and geniuses had their work stolen and are still only now being recognized as the creators of their respective inventions.
When the useful idiots who subscribe to Feminism stops existing.
>Half Past Never
Hahaha, That is a good way to put third wave feminism. A complete piss weak joke, formulated by Marxists.
It's not just physical strength that is used to gain power in the system though. Look at how the Jews managed to gain a massively disproportionate power in politics, the economy, and the educational system, for instance. They didn't do it by being physically stronger than other races. They did it by having higher IQs than other ethnic groups, and undergoing selection pressure during the Middle Ages for traits that lead to higher success in white-collar occupations.
Actually there is neither. What women in her right mind would go into a field were not only does she have to hurdle the same intellectual obstacles as a man, which she can, but also be left to hurdle the rampant bias against women displayed here within the workplace. Try going to a job were you are the only guy around and the women sit there and talk shit about dudes all day and imply you need coddling based on your sex. Most sane people wouldnt put themselves through that. However, women are moving into stem fields more and more ao who knows maybe that analogy will be reality some day.
The goal was never to make them equal to men.
The goal was to make them unfuckable to men to lower white birthrates.
Probably the most pathetic thing I've read in the last two weeks
>Men are good at some things. Women are good at others
Men are good at more things and far more important things then women are.
The use for women in all of history is to fuck them and make children and that is basically it.
Women don't do that though, they fight with each other to impress the man in the office.
I have read plenty of history, it is my favourite topic. By far history is male dominated thus most inventions were made by men, and when I say most I estimate over 90%. Even saying women have made 10% of inventions is generous, their relevance in society throughout history has only ever been as a way to create more humans. Most psychopaths are incredibly smart, almost all sociopaths and psychopaths are men, both illnesses create people with incredible intelligence, manipulation etc. Men are built for competition Women are not, if Men are to be the hunters they do not only require the physical superiority but the mental capability. Much more so than a woman taking care of the village/children. Hunting, trading, governance etc. Nearly every role in society has been male dominated for thousands of years thus you would expect Men to be more competent for these roles than Women who have little historical prevalence in these areas. And have instead been only taking care of children and at most the village in times of war.
I guess you're the dictator of history and what is useful
>Its been proven women actually have much higher pain tolerances
Bullshit give the study.
>Women shoot babies out their fucking vaginas. Get a kidney stone and lets see how tough you are
If women shot babies out of their vaginas i would actually find childbirth entertaining now women have evolved chemicals to deal with child birth roastie.
Not only that but modern science (made by men) has made it far less painful then it was 10,000 years ago.
>And if you dont think women have been invaluable to human civilization than you probably just dont care to read history
Women can be replaced by technology in the future making them useless.
> Many women inventors and geniuses had their work stolen and are still only now being recognized as the creators of their respective inventions.
Whine whine whine.
The cause of the lowered White fertility is less a shortage of men willing to impregnate women, and more that women themselves are less willing to reproduce.
Remember that if you even think women should be able to vote, you are a feminist.
>I guess you're the dictator of history and what is useful
Not an argument cunt.
Spoiler: they already do. They're happy to jump on the bandwagon of crying oppression, because it lets them have everything for giving nothing. Women always used to have a fuckton of disproportional privileges whose ultimate users were the influential alphas, but they used to have duties as well. Right now the only things women are expected to do are to shave and not stink, and, as history shows, both of those may well be optional
So yeah, it boils down to what one user said a few days ago: feminism is one big shit test
You came out of a cunt you dumbfuck. Without them you would be a wasted seed in a spoogerag.
>Not an argument
against what? did you present one?
And that's literally their only contribution to humanity, and even then they still required sperm to do it. Meanwhile men built civilization from nothing.
and what a great one they built
Don't see you leaving sweetie
>against what? did you present one?
Give examples in history where women did more then just be for fucking and having children in more then just a small example of circumstances?
Not only that but using technology they created and theories they themselves developed (meaning not someone a man already created or developed).
>almost all sociopaths and psychopaths are men
Yeah what an excellent civ we have. All this rape and bombing and stupidity. all these genocidal muslim countries run by wom.. oh wait.
Search it up, I am not lying.
Marie Curie
Grace Hopper
Rosalind Franklin
Name a single brutal dictatorship on earth run by a woman. Name just one.
If you're upset by it, at least we do not experience a monthly week of madness because of muh hormones.
Nothing ever stopped you ungrateful self entitled twats from building your own except your own lack of capability. You're parasites with tits.