Pol meetup


this board is one big, fat LARP

1000x more diverse than anything white libtrash touches

kill yourself

Everyone is that picture would fall under /nu/-pol.

New York isn't huwhite

Whatever you say mr."""""white"""""


>fat or non-white

I'm 6'2 white but this is just embarrassing. Makes me wonder if any other Americans on this board are even respectable white people.

LARPing manlet detected

>Sup Forums

American """white""" nationalism
Top fucking kek

>that alpha neckbeard on the right

>They're all brown

this can't be Sup Forums related

Diversity is our strength

Never interacted with Sup Forums when it's not anonymous? always minorities infesting the place. They think this is all a larpy joke.

>Sup Forums playing Xbox
fake and gay

the HWNDU stream in New York was amazing. These guys actually had good debates and redpills on the stream so I dont mind if they look spergy.

And these people keep telling me 'Slavs are not white'

Why do I get the feeling that half of those anons are just antifa niggers scouting out Sup Forums users?

Literally more diverse than the huffington post

>Sup Forums meetup
>no one is white
yep, checks out

You got something against fedoras, OP? You do understand that feds operate on a higher intellectual frequency than your typical cringed normie right?

mfw Mongrels are pushing white nationalism

Who's the THICC AF girl on the left?

>half of the people there hispanic

are hispanics the conservatives of the future Sup Forums?

They all pretend to be white. Met two people from here and both are brown but Denied it

civic nationalism.

what did you honestly expect from people who'd actually show up to a Sup Forums get together, of course its going to be bad

Honestly, yes.

It seems that way.

Daily reminder anyone with an American flag is only 20% likely to be a white male. the rest are women, shitskins, shitskin women, and reddit. do not trust the american flag. I must also disclose that I am half black. DO NOT TRUST AMERICAN FLAGS

>fake and gay
Would be time stamped if real

Wouldn't Aurora be the true neutral... She started on their side but seemes like she was swaying at the end

6'2 pure arian masterrace reporting in.

>I must also disclose that I am half black

You're alright, user.

>Do not trust American flags
>Post is by an American flag

My understanding is they are socially conservative, but want gibs just as any minority group does


>Implying it's strange how only dark fags and nerds showed up
>Thinking the rest of us aren't doing other shit

Yeah I've noticed this especially on the so called pol discords.

They're filled with "respectable" non whites, 60%er Americans who are obviously some type of mix caztiso mix, and fat anime losers. Lots of "I'm mixed but I look more white" kek maybe to other Americans not to any Europoors. Some of them are actually run by admitted non whites with non white admins which pictures of Rockwell and SS guys


No wonder we got so many civic nationalism shills

Those are the kind of people telling Europeans that we're not white


Wow, and they say the left can't win a war.

>I am half black

must suck not being white

God dann I would be disgusted

Welcome to the party. koala raper

Wait I thought we were all super white Nazis.
A-am I the only one?


>yfw you finally realize Sup Forums is satire

Nice T-shirt. 4th from right. Only good thing about this.

This. Giving up you anonymity? When did this start?

More diverse than Huffington post

There are two different classes of them.

There are ones who fly the American flag (who are more concerned about tax rates than handouts)

And there are ones who fly the Mexican flag (who are more concerned with gibs than paying taxes)

that milk would taste like ass after 20 minutes of being out of the fridge. wtf is wrong with people.

>1000x more diverse than anything white libtrash touches


>ugly females

Now it is

It is, until it isn't.

This is the cardinal rule of Sup Forums

I'm a 10 foot Atlantian

Look at all of them pure "German-Americans". Pure 100% Aryan specimens right there!

Sup Forums moms and grandmas are cute they can stay

is there anybody white left in the us ?

Are yall really that young? I thought most of us were mid twenties. This looks like a yu-gi-oh meetup...

You're alone

Yeah I stopped defending my fellow burgers when I realized that they are most likely non-white. Pretty sad actually.

Green eyed white reporting in.

Speak for yourself.

Who knows, we're not allowed to congregate without being called a terrorist hate group.

5'6 manlet reporting in. I'm so embarrassed by being a skinny manlet that if I were to ever be at a meetup I would be sure to not have my picture taken whilst I'm standing. Well it doesn't bother me a lot unless I'm in the presence of other "Nords/Aryans"


Those literally look like subhumans. I'm not a chad, but if I were a little taller and a bit more social, I would be. The people in that pic are utter untermensch. These are the "civic nationalist" scum who spam our national socialist board.

god this is gross

if youre not white dont talk to me mongrel

i hate all those fags except the nigga with a shirt of best girl

i can't hate that nigga

Huffingpaint post you mean

damn I miss that

Why the hate friend? If the 56%ers would be willing to contribute to the improvement of the white race, and the destruction of the left movement, what is the harm? Pastey whites do not have the numbers to single handedly so these things and many other such goals.

>"you're very beautiful" as the third reply

Have you guys been on the American pol discords.

It's like this picture x10000000

by the way where's the proof this is a pol meetup

>Green eyes

That's Jew York for starters, also minorities are attention seekers because of shit like "muh based blacks" and minorities are more likely to go out in public because they're not white and and less likely to get doxxed

They don't teach Hart-Cellar act in schools that's why

>that trap he's got his arm around

>go with the immediate presumption that everyone on Sup Forums is more attractive than me
>These fucking runts
Thanks for the morale boost senpai.

And the whites

Mexicans mostly are based or flat out commies

Puerto Rican's are an equal race of men

El Salvadorians are either based xtians or dengerate cannibals

The rest of Central Americans are pretty cool

South Americans depends on state

Don't feel like getting into it

master race

I'm a 6'0 white blonde-hair blue-eyed dude who's a healthy weight, not an SJW or cuck, doing fine in life. I worry for the future of our country though, that's for sure.


Good point

I'm never alone, Adolf Hitler lives on in my heart and keeps me company.

Somewhat of HWNDU meetup, but I'm sure they use Sup Forums a lot too.

The only people who are horrified by this are libtards who have to see minorities hating them... and the redneck autists who don't understand our irony.

Chan Chang, I know lapping as an AmimuNipNazi is something you enjoy but you are not white and there is nothing you can do to help the white race besides offing yourself.

desu only the worst of the worst of Sup Forums would go to a meetup


Yeah I figured, I just have a fucked up view of my appearance because I was a fatty bombatty in middle school/high school.

>All of them ugly / robot / NEET looking
>Le ebic sieg heil guys lol just kidding I'm not really a Nazi it's just our culture :P XD EBIC!
>Anime autism
>Most of them fat / obese

Just remember folks, these are the faggots here spamming "LOL NIGGER" or posting in Trump general threads. Next time you get into an argument with someone here, remember this image.

Reddit crowd tends to be mid twenties to mid thirties, and Sup Forums early twenties and teens. Ironic since I myself went the opposite, from reddit to here.

I like to think this pic is the true face of Sup Forums

ok so its not a pol meetup but you wish it was one

got it

The good ones don't identify as Mexicans in polls, they identify as Americans. This is why the Mexican conservatives aren't reflected in the polls.