Sup Forums's natsoc's are stupid as niggers


Hitler was a globalist. He wanted to take over Europe. He invaded France and Poland for christ's sake.


No it is not a lie perpetuated by teh joos it is the truth.


Hitler used keynesian economics, which is socialism lite essentially.


Take an economic class retards. Free trade capitalism works it is mathematically proven
>inb4 stormfags say math is for joos.
If you really want a nationalistic system that works be a national capitalist.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh and i will give you faggots one thing. Hitler was against marxism. His type of socialism was nationally based, not egalitarian based.

As well as anything in front of socialism..... is still socialism.
>inb4 trump is literally Hitler
If anything? Hillary is more like hitler, not just because his name

Natsocs are just leftists that don't like brown people.

National socialism is not the same as marxism though. It is working for the good of your people, instead of the good for everyone. It is still dumb

They act the same as marxists except dress better

Hitler did not want to take over the world.

He wanted 4 power blocs.

Germany for continental Europe

USA for American continents

Japan for Asia

England for everywhere else

Educate yourself.

Did i say he wanted to take over the world? Not even the most retarded people on the planet would even think about doing that.

>working for the good of your people
> a bad thing
Hilterism is elitist and forces people to strive to be their best
Marxism tolerates retards and forces everyone to be held back by the weak

It's a bad thing because that is not enough motivation for new innovations to happen. This is basic economics. Money is the sole reasoning behind most innovation.

Here are things that nat soc's hate but are part of their ideology.
>corporate welfare
>War mongering

So... he wasn't a globalist.

Glad we cleared that up.

You're a faggot.

Hitlerism exalts the supreme who have done good, there were brilliant scientists and inventors in NS Germany and people were motivated than ever to be heroes and strive to greatness

>Pic related are american pol poster that are shilling against nat soc

poor poor leaf. being exalted by a leader means nothing compared making 50 billion dollars in the business world. Let's take volkswagen for example. They threw away the nazi crap after the war because it would make them money. they do not care about muh white people. they only care about money and that is not a bad thing. If Hitler allowed it, Volkswagen would have sold to America in the 1940's

That is another thing that bothers me. National Socialism is not for niggers and gooks. Unless you were deemed honorary you had to go back.

OP is a kike!

Nope, I am a christian. National Socialism doesn't work leaf.

Not just exalted by the Führer, but exalted by society, the strong are a higher class.
The heroes and those who have brought honour the Reich would be greatly rewarded.
Those with best genetics and/or those who have proven supremacy through their deeds also had their pick of the finest stock of traditional women in the world, to start a family.
What else could a man want, unless he is a kike?

Only a piece of shit would want 50 billion dollars if he won't use it to make the world a better place, such as to benefit the Aryan race and benefit the environment like the goals of NS
There were noble Aryan heroes long before your jewish agenda's lies

Apple makes about 50 billion a year. Do you really think "honor" is worth 50 billion? Companies can function with money and grow, honor does jackshit for a company.

The company makes 50 billion. it then splits the money for the executives, then splits the rest for maintenance, then splits the rest for lawsuits, then splits the rest for the workers (and then split the rest for bonuses). Now the rest of the money they have left goes into expanding the business which hires more people. And what are you talking about jewish lies? There are advanced mathematic formulas that prove this shit. A business is only their to make money retard. Stop demanding shit from others because "muh aryan race".

and apple is worth jack shit. It creates products intentionally designed to break down. A bunch of fucking kike scum.
National Socialism idealizes the noble nature of the supreme European people. We do not fall for your Jewish propaganda. Blood and soil has always been at the core of our spirit, and will to power

Achtung Untermenschen! Ihr seid nichts im Vergleich zu uns! Wir sind die Herrenrasse, die Rasse der Helden.

Ok do you even know moore's law? Electronics are meant to be replaced. It's like talking to a child. let me say it in simple terms even a leaf can understand.
YOU WANT MY SHIT? YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR MY SHIT. You are acting like a nigger. Demanding free shit for the betterment of others

>Hitler was a globalist. He wanted to take over Europe
Europe is the globe now, schlomo?
France, UK, Russia have been trying to take over Europe for centuries. Do you even know, who shabos goy Napoleon was?
>No it is not a lie perpetuated by teh joos it is the truth.
Pan-Europa -> Globalism, please tell me again, that you are not a lying jew

>Hitler used keynesian economics, which is socialism lite essentially.
Where does Keynes get the Money from? From (((Central Banks)))? Hitler didn't, the citizens financed IT by working for Coupons -> the Germans themselves lend the money

> Free trade capitalism works it is mathematically proven
Hand over your sources, and argue, why the 100s of of papers that say the oposite are wrong!

>If you really want a nationalistic system that works be a national capitalist.
Yes goyim, fight your brothers, while (((we))) use Nepotism and build monopolies to keep goyim out, even if that lowers our profits in the beginning.

Your are just another antisozial boomer cuck, who probably bends over every Wednesday to take the rabbi's dick.

No wonder Hitler lost the war, he had dumb asses like you supporting him. Even mussolini understood the importance of capitalism.

>all these strawmans

Lmfao, it isn't "1 post by this id" so I will give you one (you).
Your argument is as good as "people cannot resurrect so Jesus is fake XD" from the fedoras.

>Hitler was a globalist. He wanted to take over Europe. He invaded France and Poland for christ's sake.

He invaded Poland because before WW1 that was part of Germany. He invaded France because they were at war with them at the time.

>Hitler used keynesian economics, which is socialism lite essentially.

Have the workers siezed the means of production? If not it's just a mixed economy.

>Take an economic class retards. Free trade capitalism works it is mathematically proven

Not an argument and neither is the rest of your post.

>mathematically proven
cool post

For their own people.
>corporate welfare
What do you mean by this?
>War mongering
How and with who?

If only mussolini didn't let himself get sucked into the war, europe would be a better place

I think real capitalism could work in an ethnically clean Aryan nation. Otherwise it will always become corrupted

Was russia apart of germany too?

The only reason they lost the war is because they were so vastly outnumbered, but for awhile there it looked like they might win.

They called the Italians "harvest helpers" when they joined in after France's surrender because the greasemonkeys hadn't helped them do the actual fighting.

Not to mention they were fighting the commies on the Eastern front and took the war all the way to fucking Stalingrad.

They would have won the war too, if it wasn't for America funding and arming the fucking commies, the enemy of everything the West stands for.

But if it makes you feel better thinking it was "the good war" then by all means remain ignorant.

Let me guess, you never taken an economics class either? It is really complicated to type out so ima just link you this.

Correction, the Soviets made a deal they'd invade with Germany so the Polish defense pact would be forced to either declare on both or not act.
The Soviets invaded 11 days after Germany. France and Britain declared war on Germany, and then Germany steamrolled France and attempted to haggle with Britain for the duration of the war while only bombing military and industrial assets.

>Socialism lite
There's a difference between implicating assets of a system and using a system wholesale. Germanic socialism was inherently the same as the USSR just the Germans would allow the private sector more self control though the intervention rate was just as high.

>Free trade capitalism is proven
Okay cool

>using stormfags as an insult
Yeah, your opinions now mean nothing.

It was a good attempt but your thread has failed, Rocket Media acolyte.

No, but they were attempting to set their grubby red hands on Germany and likely would have suceeded if not for Hitler. After the war they finally managed to get half of it.

I never said there was anything wrong with a pure Aryan society. As long as population rises with the demand for workers than it is fine. In my opinion, ethno states work the best. I am making the point that National Socialism is not a good economic system. Fascism could work because it allows more business's to flourish

The Soviets started the war using tricks, and almost surprise invaded Germany but the Germans weren't retards and saw the troop build-up on the border.
The USSR tried to throw the only other major red power under the bus. Inexcusable IMO.

Germany was unfortunately not in any position to hold off the Soviets and Allies with what they had and what they were occupied with. Barbarossa would have succeeded if Germany had better industrial development, more air defense to keep the development from getting destroyed by the (ETERNAL ANGLO), more men, and less endeavors to save Italy's ass.

The russians were not even prepared for war what are you talking about? They couldn't even afford to arm every soldier.

>so ima just link you this.

You don't get it, do you?
All economics is based on assumptions of human behaviour. Surprise: humans are different, they act diferent, and migrants will give you different people, than the ones, that you have originally planned for. Now take democracy, that allows irrational decisions because of Media propaganda -> growing welfare,...

Unlike real Math, economics doesn't life in a closed system, where you can create absolute models. Thats why there are so many economic models. Different people, different behaviour, diffent assumptions, different economic models. And guess what: they all work on paper.

>The USSR tried to throw the only other major red power under the bus.

The nazis hated commies. They fought a civil war over it in fact. It's how Hitler came to power.
About Capitalism

They were building their border presence, I apologize if you mistook what I said as "they were completely stanced and ready to invade Germany".
Hell they probably wouldn't have had the full set-up within the year but keep in mind Germany was producing a lot less assets and had a lot less men to work with than the Soviets were.

Yes economics studies human behaviors, but in the end, all people care about money. everyone. That is why Volkswagen sold out and started selling internationally.

>EU isn't a globalist project
wtf i love the EU now. it's a centralization project with the aim of creating a more unified entity similar to the desired global cosmopolitan superstate

That's a straight up lie. The contention had to do with a clash between the political views of either side.
The National Socialists wanted to keep their shit together and focus on the nation, the communists wanted to spread the "revolution" in an imperialistic manner and focus on conquest.
The National Socialists valued peaceful transitions over the communists valuing brutality.
The National Socialists believed in the kind of collectivism where the leaders are the same as the workers, the Communists believed in the collectivism where the workers have overseers.

If you want a good example of what I'm talking about check out Strasser and his platform and the brownshirt movement.

The NSDAP put those dogs down for a reason.

The Germans had the best trained soldiers and could have easily wiped out the Russians if it weren't for the winter. Hitler was a shit tactician and didn't make the 6th army retreat after Moscow.

>all people care about money

All people care about Food and a place to sleep, that's true. Lots of people don't care for SUVs, boats, large screen tvs, IPhones,...
Your assumption is only true for your mindset, otherwise universal basic income should work right? If everybody is interested in buying lots of stuff, instead of just shilling,...

>Hitler was a globalist. He wanted to take over Europe. He invaded France and Poland for christ's sake
They declared war on Germany.
>His type of socialism was nationally based, not egalitarian based.
That's the good socialism.

They had the better trained army but a lot less conscripts and guns and tanks and fuel to fuel the tanks and spare equipment in general.

And yes the winter played a crucial role in the defeat. They tried to push during the winter. Napoleonic mistake.
The push to stalinigrad and Moscow was also misguided. Considering what little they had they should have dug in for the winter and pulled guerrilla tactics to wittle the Soviets' forces down.
But at that point they were also dealing with the allies so it was a losing war to begin with at that point.

>>EU isn't a globalist project
>wtf i love the EU now.


>Freemasons, Kikes

do you know the difference?
Hitlers Europe 1940 != EU 2000, Jewish world government, globalism
Hitler supported a multi polar world, not a single government

Problem is the prices for food and a place to sleep gets more expensive every year (inflation). The cost of living back then was around 6 grand. The cost of living in the US today is atleast 40 grand (using real value, not nominal).

>not egalitarian based
Yes it fucking was. The NSDAP was way more egalitarian than any communist power in history ever was/is.

The ruling party's big policy was to value themselves as cogs in the machine rather than the man pulling the lever.

Egalitarian means you believes everyone deserves deserves equal rights. Which nationalists do not believe in. I do not even believe that.

really? I had no idea... Maybe there would be less conflict in the world if that had worked out.

Can you imagine how cool South America would be if they were all under the constitution?

Japan is the best of Asia, imagine if the whole continent was Japan, how advanced would things be.

And of course German Europe is the best Europe: MEGA!

>The NSDAP was way more egalitarian
Seriously Nigger, read some Nietzsche!
The NS ideology (Uebermensch,...) was the opposite of egalitarian/marxist

>taking back your land is """taking over Europe"""
>creating an economic system outside of the Jewish bankers control is """Globalism"""

>reclaiming land is """taking over Europe"""
>establishing an economic system outside of the Jewish International Banking Cartel's control is """globalism"""

>which nationalists do not believe in
The idea of national socialism is that you serve your people above all others in a solid single state for your people of your people. This idea can be applied to any peoples willing to take it up.

Stop believing that retarded meme, the communists say that to euphemize their stances on things.
Marx's idea was that people would get mad about muh capitalism and revolve the economic status quo to the next stage. He never offered a next stage. He was a whiny faggot who complained about how unfair everything is and how someday people will magically stop being unfair.

lol, nice slideshow of Detroit, you faggot.

Detroit is a dystopian nightmare not because of capitalism, but because of NIGGERS.

This video seems to insinuate that capitalism just sucks an area dry of it's wealth, when capitalism developed and created Detroit from nothing.

Niggers tore it down.


>Problem is the prices for food and a place to sleep gets more expensive every year (inflation).

If only down to inflation then only in numerical value, not actual value. The money has been diluted.

kek, you sure are an (((educated))) one.

Hitler wanted America, he had teams prepared to take it over, Europa was basically already his at the time WW2 really started. Italy would get most parts of Africa and Japan only was an ally because they wanted to fuck up China which was/is communistic.

And a rare appearance by Aaron Richards. The retard who wrote a huge conspiracy blog about the holocaust and how he wished so hard for it to be real he's going to MAKE it real damn it.

You just couldn't avoid tinfoiling the first natsoc thread in sight up could you? Schizophrenic freak.

Wait, what? So you are a holocaust-denier? I never understood the likes of you, you hate jews, and support the Deutsches Reich, but you still deny that they gassed them? Please, elaborate.

>You think we should send people to Mars but deny that we've ever been there?

This is your logic. What someone thinks should happen has no bearing on what has actually happened.

>keynesian economics is socialism
kys retard. atleast know what socialism is before you accuse people of being socialists.
state involvment in economy=/=socialism

I live near a KZ, and it is quite clear what they did with the inmates there. Muh 6 Million is obviously an inflated number, but the extermination plan existed.

No I don't hate Jews. I just hate schizophrenic liars like yourself. The reason I pick on you is because you spout lie after lie, excuse after excuse.
You've been braided up and down, proven and disproven. Yet you and your band of trolls still spam the same thing over and over again. The same old lies. Every time I see you.

Why don't you post your conspiracy site? Or are you scared I'll tear it apart like I do whenever I see you shitting up some thread?

Well if you are a nazi, then you are a socialist, like it or not.

It's called National Socialism for a reason.

This is my first time posting on this board for a long time (from this country, at least), I don't know who you think I am but you are wrong.
Also, how do you manage to associate schizophrenia with discussing with you?

Except Hitler privatized bussines, purged the left wing of the party etc, it was socialism in name only.
like how the democratic peoples republic of korea is neither a republic or democratic

There is only one Austrian I know of who posts in Natsoc and Holocaust threads in the manner you are. His name is Aaron Richards, he has a Reddit account, Youtube account, and an Imgur account all dedicated to "proving the holocaust and BTFOing those ebil nahzees". All three are consisting of shit that's been disproven by witnesses and historians including the soap and lampshades corpse factory memes and gas vans.

If you are not him, I apologize for the mistake. He's posted here for years with a couple old tripfags including pic related. They are shitters and deserve to be booed off the stage so to speak for their incessant autism.

That picture is kind of depressing. I don't like seeing that Jew kid give a goofy smile when the picture taker is trying to make fun of him with a canister of zyklon B in his hand.

I do agree that he privatised business (that he stole/confiscated) from the jews, but he sold them for cheap to party members who he knew would support him both financially and politically.

I'll look into him, sounds like an interesting fellow.

Well, I'll be off, have a good day/night, everyone

>1 post by this id

I would agree with everything in this post with the exception of free trade. It depends too much on context. No nation pushes free trade unless it has a winning hand.

>all these people taking such a blatant bait