Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
It's true
VICE was putting out ground breaking journalism back in like 2010 now theyre a poor mans buzzfeed
You're reusing memes that we made here.
You faggots are pathetic.
>implying the WW3 timeline isn't the best timeline
This is just lies though... Commies can't meme
>lolololol his glasses are big
>dude weed
Fuck off
Commies have to ignore truth, so their memes will never be actually uncontrollably funny.
This would be so close to satire of leftist memes, but it's too subtle, I guess.
>Implying I don't embrace them being openly marxist so we can finally begin the fight instead of stalling
>Tfw to smart to fall for capitalist propaganda
>m'lady marx
these guys are their own worst enemies
also vice is increasingly irrelevant
The left is in the bubble again.
They post marxism because they're scared of the really interesting story that would cause controversy:
Hitler memes have desensitized an entir youth to the idea of Nazism.
This marxism story is 5-10 years behind.
>because she had emails
I swear only 1% of americans actually read anything on those emails
Anyone who unironically believes this is literally retarded
>we make the memes
>from memes recycled of ifunny circa 2012
Almost got me thinking
seems a little forced, but we gotta keep an eye on it
That's because it was illegal for anyone but the (((media))) to read them, according to CNN.
But their beards are AMAZING!
literally what?
These are pretty fucking good.
When will the meme of libs on pol finally die
>when you failed to make the cut as the next Hobbit extra
Why not barking mad? Still hilarious.
They're recruiting retards we're recruiting normal people.
That's the difference.
Also the threat isn't Marxism it's bullshit "collectivism" that was made after Marx.
Hell it's so bullshit they can't even agree on whether communism means anarchy or fascism.
You ain't seen nothing, check this
I C E P I C K 'D
>You ain't seen nothing, check this
WTF I hate capitalism now!
That legitimately just gave me cancer
This is just cringey
>tfw to smart to not turn my country into an exploitative shithole with no fair compensation for work done and no ability to negotiate for proper wages, solely for the benefit of foreign capitalist oligarchs
they'll never get the good memes
Don't make us laugh, you really think people are going to fall for that marxist bullshit while the patriots on Sup Forums are busy redpilling them quicker than you can think of your memes?
We recruit normal ass people tired of having a narrative and double standard shoved down their throat, they recruit edgy punk fags who already were going down that road.
Literally buzzfeed-tier.
Vice is basically a trashcan fire.
Ok that's a nice touch
I saw this on /leftypol/
What did they mean by this?
>tfw agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons
Shane Smith is based, no SJW.
>half of the tankies I've talked to tell me Engels misunderstood Marx's ideological tenets
>more than happy to utilize pictures of the two of them together
sort your stupid ideology out senpai
Huh. Made by a butthurt furfag?
Always knew those fuckers were scum. At least this actually looks decent.
If there's one thing that Sup Forums excels at more than anything, it's memes. Chan culture is the perfect environment towards the organic growth of memes. Garbage never gets reposted, good stuff gets reposted and constantly mutates to stay fresh.
Compare this to some dumb cunt on Facebook putting a blunt on an old drawing of Marx and acting like it's high comedy.
SYNTH A E S T H E T I C is ours nigger
Recycle more of our shit
mexishill get out
So Vice finally learned what the Streisand Effect is.
I see.
2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
>2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
>2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
>2017 NDAA Section 1287 Global Engagement Center
Communism prevents natural selection. All of your memes were created equally, leftists beat the shit out of their memes to make it work. Your memes are of low quality because they're all the same. There is no originality to them, for example, all these meme were created months before you pumped these knock offs out, and when leftists get their hands on a meme, it's already old and stale, but they put it out anyway. Your memes are unnatural, synthetic, forced... Your target audience is told what is funny, there is no irony to it, so it really sucks. Ours were made freely and originally, they seem to be natural, and they are oh so subtle and witty. And that's why they work.
>tldr: if you even have an original meme, then you have a few hundred million more years before they evolve to compete with ours
How will Sup Forums recover?
Kek, this is the best meme I've seen in weeks.
But I want new meme opponents, user.
>add a hat
So out of touch.
>let's just say the opposite of what's happening
Literally nothing I've never seen before
Congratulations, in true communist fashion you fags couldn't make your own thing so you had to rehash stale memes in a pathetic attempt at forced memes
So heavy handed.
Low energy.
>retired professor
They seem to be embracing their stereotypes, but they aren't doing it with self-awareness.
Hahahahahha. Underrated
>trying to artificially make something that has to be natural
Lefty memes in a nutshell
>mixed race couple
>organic food whole food fags
>forced smiled on everyone's face
We dodged a bullet desu
lefty ideology in a nutshell, thats the key issue!
If leftists make such good memes, then why did trump meme trump into the white house while leftists didnt get bernie into the democratic candidate spot.
>"...seizing the memes of production..." aka stealing memes and repurposing them, albeit the end result is shit
>Marxist claiming to win meme wars by using stolen memes because Marxists (from their brainwashing) are devoid of thought and originality
Yeah, no.
How come those lefty normie memes are almost never funny? It just feels so forced like that freeze peach thing
in all fairness, bernie was a cuck, I wouldnt have colored a single pixel for that cuck
Anti-capitalism isn't marxism...
Marxism is literally a re-utilization of capital.
Socialism is capitalism 2.0
This should be common knowledge by now.
Because everyone's racist duh and it drowned out the lefty memes.
Pepe waa a lefty meme before Sup Forums stole him
Thats why leftists can't meme,their disconnection with reality is astounding
While they meme fiction,we meme the truth
more like, Sup Forums use to be liberal (classical liberal) until the SJW stole the term liberal, so we became nazis
We been wrong this entire time
Shareblue memes lack dankness...
>Pepe waa a lefty meme
Ok now you're just making things up.
From Boys Club to feelsbadman had zero identity politics involved at all. It was literally a cartoon frog.
This. True
>Philosophy meme page
Language was a mistake
t. Early hominids
I was being a retard on purpose there. Your right they had no political affiliation at all
I spoke to a 16 year old brother of a female friend last week. His phone was filled to the brim with Hitler memes.
>lefty memes
I'll call for the council today, marxism doesn't deserve to fucking exist.
I was a libertarian, then vice news posted a meme with communist with super cool glasses and now hang out with antifa