LITERALLY TURN ON CNN! WW3 is starting tomorrow. Screencap this.
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Hory shet
>implying anyone gives enough of a shit about Best Korea to defend them
China has already bent over for us.
The first happening thread where something actually has a chance of going wrong.
>Euan Graham, an expert on North Korea at Australia's Lowy Institute, said the messaging from Washington "is all over the shop."
>"We've seen a shift of 180 degrees from Vice President (Mike) Pence's comments in Seoul, when he said there would be no negotiations with North Korea until they had denuclearized," he said.
>A joint statement Wednesday by Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said the administration's approach aims to pressure North Korea by "tightening economic sanctions and pursuing diplomatic measures with our Allies and regional partners."
>Nick Bisley, an international relations expert at La Trobe University, said Washington is trying to "send a signal of toughness and resolve to Pyongyang while simultaneously holding open the door for negotiations and discussions."
"The problem is the execution has been terrible," he said.
Summary: Trump is trying to scare the fuck out ok Kim. That's all.
i hope you get raped in hell op
A screencap from an user of
>fuck I forgot image
Can't take these non habbenings no more.
jesus fuck man
If things go yugely nuclear what do we do?
Hopefully they miss and nuke Mexico.
Does trump really have the balls to bomb nk with nuclear weapons? The whole planet will hate us!
If my post ends in evens then no war will happen
he had 500 testosterone at his age, probably more than the average 20 years old male these days so yes
you guys think it's gon habben?
It's a fucking LARP. Being on Sup Forums makes it no better than being on Sup Forums. Nobody that low in the Army, breaking OPSEC and calling home with that information would have details regarding full response plans. People at that level only get details that involve their immediate need.
>China doesn't find his retarded neighbor useful.
Russia and China are playing with you. They WILL DEFEND the Norks at all costs. This could spark WW3. Don't be delusional burger...
This is the most probable scenario. Media just likes to exaggerate.
At least not by a circumcised dick.
There isn't much to do. If you can, I would advise you to get the hell out of the capital and important cities of the US.
I think he actually has them, but he could be risking a lot for nothing. If he manages to, what a MADMAN!
t. the_Donald redditor just about to get nuked.
I'll believe it when it actually "happens"
unless you got military reports of such kind, giving good detail on the situation that might take place.
This is larping
>Literally nothing
neck yourself
a 2nd korean war wouldn't be any closer to ww3 than the first one
Remember that in the korean war, China actually went to war with the US. If it kicked off, both China and Russia would be against NK or at least neutral.
>Being able to deploy nuclear weapons on a whim
You people are retarded if you believe this. There's very strict protocols for use and chemical attacks do not qualify. Not only that, we are not going to be the ones to initiate military action.
fuck off leaf.
Could be a staff jo or something.
How is that unreasonable?
More sources:
Have you been to California lately? It's becoming a third world shithole filled with central american trash that you corrupted fucks traffic over the border. Fuck you and your puppet government. A good nuking will fix most of your problems desu.
What do you mean goy?
Soon, just wait when north korea start their nuclear weapon test and Americans start something. it's literally. we are truly witnessing WW3 as we speak better get ready faggots and dont come with your retarded nohappening shit when it's clearly happening
Wouldn't ever happen if Ivanka just cries some crocodile tears and says "DADDY" really loudly, just like she did for the DREAMers :^)
Isn't that what we all want? To burn to complete dust in mere millisecond? it would be faster than jumping on Subway though.
Actually USA keeps alive because of Cali. You could have been in bankrupt since a long of time if it wasn't for them. The most productive state of US.
Paco are you a messenger from gOD?
>if real
That soldier better hope he doesn't get UCMJ'd
>if fake
Sup Forumstard is a retard, big whoop.
>international relations expert at La Trobe University
>(((La Trobe)))
nothing will happen until the evacuation drills next month. drills and exercises are cover for if they ever have to attack an enemy as there is no element of surprise anymore. If you use drills and wargames as cover for an attack you still have a small element of surprise.
Really suspicious for being a nonhappening
when nukes fly over your head and u still saying nothing is happening.
Literally retarded
So wait three sided war and that too Korea in boundary how will that work?
>Being this stupid
Maybe so. But central americans don't contribute shit becasuse most are on fucking welfare and section 8 so you can't even rent a decent apartment anymore. Some areas even in Bay area are 90% latinos wtf.
big if true
What could they have been talking?
Nothing will change, world is controlled by a bunch of Jews.. You really think they want to nuke their precious cattle?
Maybe thin the herd, but nuke, just.. no.
Why would Trump ever mention he might attack? Seems like hes trying to get Kim to back off. Because really all he will do in any attack is a quick decapitation strike.
>World War 3
Nobody is going to take their side, it is just going to be sanctions and nothing else. If North Korea tries to do something they will lose.
Well he's warning him. He said some time ago that if they were to attack they wouldn't announce it on media.
Utter bollocks.
>We're gunna start a nuclear war, Private Meatshield
>Just don't tell anyone
I'm tired of you fucking faggots saying a conflict with NK is "WW3" literally just shut the fuck up and stop fear mongering you jewish cunts.
According to insider sources, multiple U.S. carriers are responding to a brief exchange of artillery fire between the North Korea military border assembly and the USS Carl Vinson. The attacks occurred after noon, Pyongyang time, officials are stating. President Trump has been briefed on the fluid situation and is on a three-way phone call with China, South Korea, and Japan.
I'm not a smart man, but I can imagine grunts don't know shit about the logistics of a future engagement.
Sick larp
Do you have any more info on this? What "insider sources"?
This is fucking civ4. People will get over it.
That's quite some artillery to reach the Vinson, considering how far away it still is.
>screencapping a LARP
Really? Also, if it were true, loose lips sink ships you dumbass. NK most definitely has some gook scrolling these threads, keep it to yourself.
you lost me at CNN...
> CuckNewsBroadcastingChannel
> "WW3" ... whatta we do now?
> (goes to MX, hookers & blow 3 days str8)
> Comes home to status quo
> 6 mo later, test positive for gonoherpasyphlaids
> Hangs self w/ Chinese rope
>you lost me at CNN...
Yeah, this.
Know a guy who works for RT
Strike confirmed for tommorow
No my dad does not work for Nintendo. This is serious.
That's the shills' plan. We just have to work around them.
>over nk
Please, there is no way China or Russia gives enough shit about NK to get involved, at worst they will condemn it, move some military resources around and in the case of Russia, put more AA in Syria
Yeah because a soldier would totally break OPSEC like that
If Norks gas Seoul (all), he has almost no other choice, for geopolitical respectability reasons.
Which he won't be; he has nothing to lose. See you on the beachhead, anons.
* (an ally)
Soldiers dont respect our president
He isnt as good of a leader as Bo
>85 replies
North Koreaт leader Kim Jong-un ordered 25 percent of Pyongyang residents to leave the city immediately.
In accordance with the order, 600,000 people should be urgently evacuated. Experts note that the evacuation will most likely be conducted due to extremely strained tensions in relations with the United States of America.
it's a meme you FUCKING LEAF
You obviously do not serve. Servicemen don't worship the POTUS, but Trump sure as shit commands multitudes more respect than the last POTUS did. Across the board, especially in combat arms.
Haha le edgy rick and morty!!!
Those forced out were potential dissidents and had family histories of undesirable activity. It was a purge, not an evacuation.
I can't believe pol still unironically falls for ridiculous, childish LARP shit. You think they'd let some faggot who's about to get pounded in every orifice by some nork nukes to pick up a phone and call his somehow bigger of a faggot brother to tell him all about it?
You've just shown yourself to know absolutely nothing about the military.
my pog detector is off the charts
Off to the soylent green factory
First Korean War WAS nearly a global war, based LeMay wanted to nuke China and almost did it