/LP/ Le Pen General- Kek Speaks through Her EDITION


BATTLE CRY: youtube.com/watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5g

Discord: discord.gg/P6qSr

Remember, a majority of French people agree with Le Pens policies, but wont vote for her because of the media.

We must bombard French social media with pro Le Pen propaganda, to remind the French who is on their side.

Our memes must be professional, think back to the #draftourdaughters stuff

Main points of new memes

>No Pepes

Pepe is too weird, and wont get that much normie appeal, focus on creating sleek and professional stuff instead.

>Portray Macron as a French aristocrat

Really hammer in the point that he doesn't give a fuck about the common man, and that he is a elitist who know nothing of the common folk.

>Appeal to both Fillon and Melenchon voters

Make three kinds of memes, conservative for Fillion voters, focus on Islam and immigration, and how Macron wont stop it
And socialist for Melechon voters, focus on how bad the EU is, and how Macron is a rich banker globalist puppet

French voters HATE Hollande, if they learn just how much of a corporate stooge was for him then they'll never want to vote for him. Most French voters don't want another 5 years of Hollande

This video will provide more ideas



NO BLACKPILLS We can win this, but only if we get our heads out of our asses and work together


Keep the gen bumped guys there's only so much I, a simple burger, can do



Admittedly, this isn't particularly good, but, ummm...

Points on interest from a belgian voter




(((Belgium))) isn't a country


>This much low energy
>Not a single French poster

Must the Americans do everything


The froggies are probably still eating their croissants at this time of day :P


That's true. Still, wish they would care a little more.

Hey frenchfags

What do you think would be more effective:

Macron is Hillary Clinton


Macron is Justin Trudeau


Macron positions himself as the up and coming "change". I believe it could be effective to point out that he's nothing new and no real change, just to transplant Clinton or Trudeau into France.

Clinton, of course. She's much more widely hated in leftie circles.

Lefties think Trudeau is great.

>Macron is Hillary Clinton

This. The guy is only after money, and worked as a Rothchild banker

He's a petulant wannabe politician with no real idea how to run a fucking country (Clinton has been in politics 30 years and had no idea what she was doing most of the time, she did it all for prestige)


I'm absolutely positive that Le Pen has a much greater chance than ((polls)) are giving her. Her support among the unemployed, the uneducated, the youth and rural voters mirrors Trump in a lot of ways. Hell, even Brexit in terms of demographics. Going to that factory closure was one of the smartest moves I've seen in politics in a while; literally demonstrating to workers that she's beside them whilst Macron does deals before closed doors. Genius.

I think I'm actually going to bet on this. Vive la France.

online poll as opposed to (((poll)))

>I think I'm actually going to bet on this

I would wait until new polls start coming out. Macon's numbers are slipping but he's still at 58%

People who put their money where their mouth is paint a very different picture from (((polls)))

That's for the four-way race. Even so, demonstrates the same online presence that Brexit/Trump had.

I'm just afraid of waiting too long and having a religion of peace attack smash the odds.

I won't vote.
I'm leaving the country in two months.
I'm renouncing french citizenship in five years once eligible for the new one.
The only way to care is to not be on the soil and talk to the people.
Everyone is either a traitor ( lefty/virtue signaling woman/cuck ), a subhuman or is leaving too.
France is lost, and unless you have nothing better to do, you should go to sleep, you must be tired.
Good bye.

Looks practically identical to Clinton/Trump from memory.

Then vote Le Pen and the leave, unless you're a shill and your comment is despair-based demoralization psy-op.

>I'm just afraid of waiting too long and having a religion of peace attack smash the odds.
Actually a religion of peace attack would greatly improve her odds of winning.

Pray one happens between now and May 7. Preferably a day or two just before.

Where are you leaving faggot?
You are going back to algeria?

Just vote Le pen, then forget about france and leave.

That's what he means genius, he wants to bet now and get good odds before religion of peace attack makes the books shift more towards her

Praise Kek, for he is great.
Raise the banners, riiiddeee.

Sorry, I was unclear. That's what I meant; if I wait and an attack does happen, her chances of winning increase and thus any money placed after the fact will have lower returns.

Seems like they happen all the time in frogland. I'll see if Allah can organize something for me.

Geeze. Chill, Colgate.

You're a defeatist cuck. You never tried to stop the immigrants from raping your country and now you're running at the moment you could do the most good. Your are the traitor.

Do you hear the people sing?



But what if EU is nice?

Dude get a fucking grip and go out and vote also talk to friends and get them to vote, go out in groups to vote so no one can just fuck off and not vote, no really vote dude

ask yourself why is norway doing better than your country

I want that shirt

Yes, good goyim. Vote for a Zionist, civic nationalist, whose only concern is to protect faggots from being thrown off rooftops by Muslims. You can't vote your way out of this one, Europe.

Didnt you muppets learn anything with Drumpf? Your meme driven candidates are doomed to either fail or at best let you down 100pc when elected.

GIVE UP and realise that any political change for the better will only come from the election of a rank outsider, a virtual unknown. IE someone who has not been tainted by the poison of modern capitalism.



Macron literally is French Trudeau.


FN just ousted its president for being a negationist, replaced him by an homosexual
That happened this morning
the FN is a pro jewish and pro gay party

She's the only hope you fucking idiot

>I'm a shill faggot

you're such a newfag that you can't even quote properly
kill yourself Kike faggot

Horrible French

should I bet money on Le Pen?

She's a degenerate.

not the same time zone, and yes very low energy here. Even though we have chances to win most of us don't have much hope because they think it will be the same as in 2002. Too many pessimism in France, and defeatism resulting from it.
Also I think spreading those stupid memes won't get us any more votes

this, memes don't work in france, especially when people compare macron to shillary, french people HATE donald trump, because of twice the media narative (USA and french ones) he's twice the devil

There is an error, the word "référendum" is miswritten but I think this is an excellent material.