Black gang almost kills helpless woman
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>helpless woman
she's black
nigger hate thread?
this is the one thing that blows my mind about blacks. I understand most illegal shit like drug dealing, prostitution, stealing shit, etc., but this random senseless violence confuses me so much. remember the knockout game? what the fuck is even the point? when they stop doing shit like that ill be ready to talk about police or other discrimination.
That's ok
Muhammed Ali BTFOs the anti-white movement
It's tribe mentality. Think mud huts, witches, and no electricity.
>helpless woman
Was worried that she was white and I would've started my day pissed off again, but thank god she's black.
Haven't seen this before
Shit and she shrugged it off like a champ. That's the scary part
that webm is fake btw
I found it on Sup Forums no idea
sauce now motherfucker
Looks fake as fuck
It's fake you dumb faggot.
> Niggers beating niggers
Who cares?
>almost kills helpless woman
Can they not do anything right?
wh di whu fu muffugga
Yea no shit cunt, but that doesn't change the fact the webm is badass
This makes me legitimately furious. Here's some guy in his late 60's or early 70's, probably has a wife and bills, and is working this shitty job into his retirement to support himself, to have this nigger hit him just because he's white. It wasn't even an angry reaction from him, you could see he was quietly contemplating about his life. Why me? What did I do wrong in my life for this to happen? You can see his sadness and despair.
If there is a video that illustrates why people don't trust blacks, this is it.
jewish propaganda.
tl;dr porn
>almost kills helpless woman
>literally gets up as soon as they stop kicking her
Yeah she seems so close to death
What part of Africa this video come from?
i mean, you can get shot in the head and still walk 10-15 feet
1. African_Village.mpg
2. It's just women. They're physically unable to kill anyone unless they're using some kind of weapon.
3. Niggers
I hate niggers so much but this takes me to such a dark place of hate that I honestly can't take it
>whites not doing anything
>not even getting a rope
Whites deserve this. I'm glad Slavs are not white so I don't have to emphasize with this white pig.
Whites are weak. They are a shame for all pale skinned peoples. Niggs should finally eradicate the white so Slavs can rule the world!
Yeah, it's pretty much the only reason I don't like niggers. They are unpredictable as shit. There are other violent races but the impulsiveness and randomness of nigger violence is nuts. They kill each other for fun in my city, it's not even drug or money related, they just like to murder.
How do you watch webm on an iPhone?
That man, who was mentally handicapped, died as a result of that punch.
What the fuck? Why are they just sitting there? Is this staged?
Once I saw that it was a nigger I was immediately relieved
I remember reading about that on here a few years back. Fucking nogs.
Ask why serial killers torture people.
The knockout game is reparations.
I don't feel bad for the victims, because everytime they knockout a white person, I remember all the genocide Whites have committed, all the communities they've invaded and colonized, all the thousands of innocent women and children and victims Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The knockout game is nothing compared to the atrocities Whites have committed and is still committing.
you can feel better knowing that most cognizant blacks are self hating because of how awful they are.
my wife is black and sometimes i think she's more natsco than me.
This thread is great. So many whites getting obliterated by black people. Whites claim they are superior, but get destroyed in a fair fight. it's not so easy when you don't have an army of redcoats, huh? I'm actually white and I get a huge sense of joy seeing entitled white people get their comeuppance in the form of a historically oppressed minority giving them a concussion.
fuck whites.
Bump for awareness
this. whites cry crocodile tears when some old hamskin gets knocked out, but don't bat an eyelash when they're told about the literal non stop massacres and genocides their people have been responsible since day 1 of their existence.
Nevermind, I found it.
>Happened in the UK
>Only sentenced to 4 years
That guy is probably out by now. Fucking Britcucks, if that was the US he would have gotten at least 30 if not life
Okay. You're genetically a cock sucker. We both embrace it.
Whites also uplifted the entire human race
it's easy to "uplift" yourself when you decide to kill and enslave everyone else.
>black gang
I only saw bunch of apes attacking a hippo.
so if its ok to say each individual white person represents all whites...
its ok to say that all blacks are niggers, because of the actions of a (not so few) ?
They were already doing it with themselves, that's literally human history.
bonus footage
keep up the racism. one day you'll receive an unexpected punch to the jaw from a non white that knocks your tiny racist brain into a coma
this wont happen because i avoid black people like the plague they are
And you'll always be a nigger.
She clearly violated the NAP by being a nigger, this is justified.
In defense of the people standing and watching I've never seen any camera crew recording a documentary intervening during a conflict in nature.
If you're interested,some of them were devastated after the happening:
Not really. The human race was doing fine, until you invaded them and cause them to become poor.
Modern Western Civilization wouldn't be possible without 3rd world resources and raw materials. England plundered Iran's oil. Other Western countries are still plundering Middle East oil, caused the Middle East to be unstable and war torn.
You didn't uplift them, you spread misery on them.
You wouldn't survive without us (you need our resources), but we can survive without you.
Then stay in your 3rd world tier redneck town. Every major American city has a large African American representation. Step foot into civilization and you will get what's coming
I'm probably whiter than you
>Keep believing in gravity and one day you will trip and the fall will knock your stupid scientific brain into a coma
But if he was black, all good. Fuckin Sup Forums
Noggers gonna nog.
One example is, China and the Philippines have been co-existing peacefully, trading amongs ourselves. What we don't have, we buy from China, what China don't have, they buy from us, peacefully, like civilized human beings.
Then the age of colonization began. The West said, "why trade when we can steal and kill and plunder?", so Spain invaded the Philippines, and England invaded a bunch of countries.
Why can't the West act civilized? Why do they have to act savage and violent towards people who have done nothing wrong to them. What did the Philippines do to Spain?
You uplifted nothing.
is that you?
your a numale faggot, you are that lefty trash that we make fun of here every day,
shiiee nigga
das fake
fucking niggers
we need more nigger traps
>Not even the oceans want to go into Africa
why am I not surprised?
>you are that lefty trash that we make fun of
this is hilarious. please continue "making fun" of me while you get beaten and battered in the streets. you truly are the winner here. lmfao
this was done all across the history by everyone
yet - you don't see wealthy mongolia or turkey even if they did pretty much the same
it's how you utilize the oppression is what it counts and how you grow on it
>remember the knockout game?
I first heard of it in the early nineties, when some high school kids killed a college student in my city. The killers were white.
It may have been called 'knockdown' back then, but it was the same game.
it's not. tribalism and tribal mentality are good things.
random violence is just a sign of their differently wired brains. some white people who get their frontal lobe damaged also exhibit very aggressive behavior.
TF happened here? He get electrocuted? I just don't get how he's still conscious. Holy shit.
Right? You see shit like this, rape states, knock-out game, etc., and then liberals expect you to believe that their great-great uncles/grandfathers were lynched because of "senseless racism."
Yeah, right. Ah-huh.
Why was he continuing to fight 2 men with a gun in his chest? What in the hell? Could only be suicide by cop or was facing life in prison otherwise.
They have the mentality of very violent children.
I am part Slav and part Celtic bog nigger, and I agree.
The race war is already here. One side just hasn't acknowledged it yet.
yeah. they are simply beyond reason man. something's missing. i dont get it either
Why did they shoot? Just because he charged at them? I wish you faggots would provide context.
story i heard is he was trying to steal copper.
Name a race that isn't guilty of atrocities, both modern and historical. I'll wait.
9 out of 10 cases they rob and beat lefty fags like you, beacuse you are easy prey
Hory shit. I can't imagine what's going through his head.