Trump: "I'm a nationalist and a globalist"

>Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”

What did he mean by this?

It means that he is a Jewish puppet

It means he goth lobotomized when he won the election.

Where's the tape wall shill faggot?

Another lie?

Fake news

Like Hitler, you want everybody to succeed in their own fucking country.

Actually, he's acting more like a President then he talked about being on the campaign trial. We have 3.5 more years of Trump, slow your roll before you wear yourself out.

we have made a grave error



Trump is fucking awesome


How do you from "nationalism not globalism will be our creedo" to this? Trump was one of the most anti-globalist candidates in history and he's now flipped on virtualing all of his stances. Just build the wall and gtfo

Seriously Trump is the swamp

Drain The Donald

I belong to the alt-right and am also an SJW.

I seriously don't get how people didn't see this coming.

We elected the president, so everything's gonna people!

He'll only have to sack 90% of big business management and 70% of top bureaucratic offices!

I'm sure, he'll manage! MAGA guise! :^))


it's always funny to see people being so helplessly in denial

He means he can see the benefits of global trade, but will always act in the best interest of the nation.

It's basically exactly what Sup Forums was talking about before the election. It is consistent with his desire to make many bilateral trade agreements over things like the TPP.

can you shill fucks even think?

>Trump coined the National Globalism

Well for one its Americanism not globalism

pick one

NAFTA isn't globalism?

When will the Duma stop funding your division Cлyжбa внeшнeй paзвeдки Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции?

>America elected this guy
You guys should have went for Cruz or Ron Paul

We don't care either way. Trump is flipping on everything even this post is fake.. Many other signs.

Being this much in denial

What a fucking sell out.

>muh 4D chess


There's only one race, the human race. He is a human nationalist, and since the human nation spans the globe, he is a globalist. This isn't 4d chess, this is consistent with his campaign promises.

>How do you from "nationalism not globalism will be our creedo" to this?

Bill's face doesn't look real to me. He looks like some sort of CGI character.

I think he's had plastic surgery.

I hate how he smiles too. It's like he never stops. Who the fuck smiles when they talk.

I know he could have been a puppet from the start but it sure is strange.

Because he knew you low IQ whites were retarded enough to fall for it. Smart Whites saw through the media's reverse psychology, but they are a minority. The rest of them are gullible trash. I'm sorry, but it's true. Most people, including most white people, are lacking intellectually. But they do have pride, arrogance, and the delusion they're the best and smartest, which only makes them easier to con.

A humble, intelligent populace wouldn't fall for this shit en mass. You can blame the Zionist media all you want, but it comes down to everyone else (White people being the majority) being stupid. Unless and until the 'redpilled' whites admit this, they will never solve their problems.