What the fuck happened to Trump? Is he just a figurehead? Who's running America right now?
Trump's an idiot, Hillary was evil. It was a tough choice, but I couldn't let the "all white people are terrible and need to die" ideology continue on.
Trump is playing the game of international politics, and the autists of Sup Forums and the (((alt-right))) are sperging out because the bombed Syria
#1 rule of Sup Forums
>always be an edgy contrarian no matter how dumb it makes you look
>defending Trump on Sup Forums
guaranteed (You's)
nothing, he was always a retard, everyone else can see it clearly, the whole world is laughing at him
Except for those who can critically think.
A fuckin leaf
Trump knows how to work his peers.
>gets yelled at for threatening to leave NAFTA
>stays cool
>President Beaner and FUCKING LEAF are now willing to negotiate
It's no longer style over substance. He doesn't worry about his image like Obama did. It's not about image, it's about getting shit done.
There's people who actually believe the president of the United States controls the military of the United States.
crazy isn't it
get on your knees leaf america is going in dry
FPBP. No, trump isnt being nearly as effective as some had thought and all had hoped, but even now he is still preferable to clinton. No, im not happy about how its going, but i also dont regret supporting him given the circumstances
Here we see the leaf in his natural resting position.
Bent over with their moistened boipussy ready to get fucked by the part of the continent that matters.
We should've annexed Canada in 1812.
I'm so sick of it all already
he's been underwelming, but the media's magnifying glass and fine tooth come review of every little fucking thing is so obnoxious
he has a beef with Canada about dairy
Per the fucking Canadian HuffPo site apparently Obama had the exact same issues
but the headline in the article is Trump's Opening Salvo in the Trade Wars with Canada is over Dairy
it just proves so well how he media played nice with Obama, no wonder people think he was a great president
Yeah dude, we should like totally let niggers and shitskins dominate. Look how well that worked out the last time we let a race baiting piece of shit anywhere near office.
mah bad.
This could have been avoided if Trump wasn't retarded enough to appoint (((Kushner))) and Ivanka to advisory positions.
It's weird how Sup Forums keeps using this meme format that was originally used by anti-fa for nazi's pretending to be liberals...
Trump is in a war against the NWO/Jews/Satanists and he was BTFO from election day till about the middle of March. Since then the other side finally got their shit together and he's been losing ground. The question is does he have more tricks up his sleeve and can he turn the tide. I wouldn't bet against him but the task is very difficult since he has the whole world against him. The advantage he has though is that they've been in power so long that they've become degenerate and stupid.
I kind of agree with the sentiments to an extent, but a lot of people use this picture when they are some total drone who refuses to listen to any criticism of their ''le god emperor'' whatsoever
This sounds about right.
Trump made one wrong move in Syria, which didn't really effect shit, and now we are being flooded with shills that will attack anything he does while calling anybody pro-Trump "redditors".
Every president since JFK has done what they're told, Trump is no exception.