Rich young idiots go to nigger island, get pumped with massive shot of many enrichments, doesn't feel good and changes - BLACKED. Many such cases!
Other urls found in this thread:
There are now roving gangs of thieves, and mob brawls over remaining food.
>$2,153 processing fee
no sympathy.
Cancelled flights, safety in question, rich white kids are going to get cannibalized by local niggers
Good. Fucking rich kids deserve this cultural enrichment.
Fuck the mods for deleting the last thread.
I swear it's just like Ben Fischbein again.
I love that this is happening at a festival where you pay 12k to get there and get in, and they still sell "upgrades" such as the ultimate douchebag experience "VIP tables and bottle service" at the mainstage, so you can still compete with all the other dumb, rich douches over who the richest and dumbest douche is.
Here, sit at this preschool table, this slut will bring you bottles of liquor with a sparkler in it all night at a 2000% markup... Be sure you tip her at least 50%.
Internationally wanted druglord Sam Hyde aka El Gestapo was recently spotted in the #fyrefest villa port on his drugmule yacht.
this can't be real.....?
Why the fuck did the last thread get deleted
people are breaking up over spenind 7,500
on this scam kek.
>make weapons
>assume males will protect them
Funny how the 'stronk independent woman' meme goes out the window
What was the GA admission price?
How does he keep getting away with it?!
Will this all be swept under the rug, or will these rich twats make this hit the news?
it's a festival promoting form over function, of course it's nothing but gold-plated shit
Billy McFarland is a college dropout (and nigger lover, see pic related) who created Magnises, a (((service))) for "elite" "millennials" which uses black cards as tickets to (((exclusive))) penthouse parties and (((private))) jets.
All the posts on that subreddit are just people from here trolling
The good news is I read the people who paid for the Luxury Villas mostly had partially erected tents. Unfortunately their shit got stolen one they put their luggage in side.
fuck off poorfag
Refugee camp
The US embassy is involved now and military rescue missions. I don't think that can get swept underneath anything.
She's on sale at an underground auction by now
>mfw this is real and really happening right now
I'm not poor you stupid fucking chav. I just have to work and don't have the luxury of my parents paying 20k for some gay festival in niggerstan with some shit-tier artists.
I hope so, otherwise sunburn girl is getting culturally enriched.
What if normies are just memeing
How far is this from Epstein's place?
>my taxpayer money is going to help these stupid spoiled trust fund babbies from a third world country
>make weapons
Compared to us Nassau Bahamian blacks Exumans are uncivilized savages stuck in the early bronze age. Only thing making weapons gonna do is make them actually kill you.
Oh yh murders in Exuma barely get solved because the police doesnt give a shit.
Wish I was there
Fucking rock up as Ned Kelly and culturally enrich some non Australians on the art of professional crime
jesus christ
This is an elaborate meme then
I wouldn't doubt if its being silenced here. Why the fuck do you think Reddit is down right now?
this is the best thing I've ever seen.
Not close at all
**breathes in***
This is getting very, very spooky.
then this is the most elaborate meme I've ever seen, it's the meme of dreams, it makes me cream my jeans from my peens
Zero sympathy.
>US embassy will scramble on the hour help for these cucks but leaves hostages to die every year.
Honest to God if I was there it'd be heaven on Earth for me.
I remember when I went to my brothers apartment once and his friends were there. I got naked and pretended to be Gollum and rubbed me rick all over him.
It's fun being utterly autistic.
I'd scream 'REEE' as the Americans tried to sleep in their tents, like a lone wolf I would prey on the normies.
Sounds lovely.
Well not all the story, but on those reddits screenshots at least
I'm feeling full commie right now. Exterminate the bourgeoisie!
Someone give me a quick version on what this is?
seriously wtf is up with that.
someone post a tl;dr?
Right along with yah cunt!
a few of them were real when the first thread was posted, it just got filled up by Sup Forumstards afterwards.
924 miles
Note that this site is censoring this story
Much like reddit staying down to censor it
((They're)) gathering and preparing how to address this
Many models and financiers on the left had a hand in promoting this event
>cultural enrichment
>how do I make weapons???
what if it DOES get covered up? The thread on here earlier was really busy, then it was 404'ed
Reddit is not working. it will work for a miutes then go back to being under maintenance
the stories there were hilarious about this haha
This is awesome tho! hahahahahahahahaha
Gonna need a quick rundown.
>nigger holds nigger festival
>all images CGI or drawings
>claims of private jets and private tents on private island
>fema tents on public filthy island, dogs everywhere, food is lettuce/bread/cheese
most of these faggots have been shouting to disband all police the past 4 years. fuck em
You sound jealous and poor.
>Music Festival, owner and host is known for kikery
>In some island on the Bahamas
>20k a ticket
>Rich millennials go in droves
>turns out it's a farce, refugee camp style amenities
>It's been a day and kids are starting to panic
this. its not even subtle or funny either.
>omg the tents are on fire, the locals just took one of the girls and we are now making weapons, HELP
>paying that much money to see Ja rule and a Mark-less Blink 182
What year is this?
>how do I make weapons???
>niggerfood telling others to fuck off
4chingz slow for anyone else?
Also top lel at all this.
thread theme
Why did my mind instantly assume she's getting raped?
Ja Rule isn't getting away with this one
>Barley any food
Yeah I ended up double posting because of a posting error, haven't had that in ages.
Reddit is down and has been for two hours, I genuinely believe we're taking increased load from that.
It was modeled on instagram and other social media as a really expensive music festival with top artists like Diplo and Blink 182 as well as artists from Kanye's label -- Good Music
If you're not familiar with music festivals--a coachella would cost 400 for a general admission, plus hotel and flight might be a 2000 weekend
This was like 4 grand minimum, but average 12 grand
It got hyped up by a ton of big time models -- jenners, etc. And one of the gimmicks was you fly to Miami and then they book you a private jet (to take pictures on) to fly to the island in the bahamas
Flash forward to today--the first day of the event. It's a scam and wasn't prepared or put on by anyone real or knowing how to do this, more will come out about what is happening, and you can get a better understanding for the present update from this and other threads, but they keep deleting them.
But that's the gist of the rundown
If it's found out Reddit shut down to censor it that would be a huge redpill for the public. Sup Forums moderation is already planning for massive refugees.
What timeline are we in? Something changed after the tomahawk strikes in Syria.
normies aren't capable of memeing so well. No way.
because niggers
>Attendees of Fyre Festival thought they were paying for a one-of-a-kind experience when they purchased tickets
And it was. What's the problem?
2 people are going to go missing from this event
It will be a couple that gets kidnapped
Will be on news cycle once NK story dies down
Heck, even dress up as security and fleece Americans.
'Oi cunt, we're event security what's going on'
>American response
'Yeah nah give us your grog or I'll bottle you mate'
>Aren't you security guards?
'No I'm thirsty cunt hand it over'
What is this all about? reading it a bit it sounds funny what is happening to them and fully deserved
>More than half of those are obviously "sponsored" trends
>"Problematic Kids Shows"
>"Buy my album goy"
What the actual fuck
Their morale must be even worse because Reddit is down.
Because she is. You know, I know it, anyone who's ever been to a third-world country knows it.
it was pouring rain according to others. not the sort of weather you get severely sunburned in.
because it was heavily implied and too much exposure to BBC cuckold porn probably
Hahahahaha holy shit
Can we please have a real-life hungergames thread?
Dont let your memes be dreams
>Turbonormies payed a MINIMUM of $2500 each to get BTFO in Ja Rule's millennial instagram concentration camp
Just take a look at the catalog
Massive amount of slide threads, Sup Forums seems to be the only board these people care about
Thanks guys
>Where the fuck is bahamas anyways?
>They are doing this shit in the literal pirate den in assasins creed
Sounds like Anders' Island of Fun.
I hope all these retards are rounded up and eaten by the local voodoo priest. they deserve it
>moderation planning for rapefugees
Are you a mod / insider? Is there anything else you can tell us, anything fishy going on?