Wtf will it achieve?
Immigrants made you countries great and they always will
Why are you guys obsessed with racial purity?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, tell it to sweden
Did white immigrants make your country great?
Sweden is good enough they BTFO trump via Twitter
>stop wanting a home and identity for your people
>being a faceless mutt is the future, be proud of nothing
People with no history are the easiest to control.
nonsense is the equivalent of down votes
you can hide content or slide content
both have the objective of limiting the scope of the conversation, keeping you uniformed, ignorant, and impotent
>Europe poputalion 650 millions
>Muslim poulation 20 millions
>Immigrants made you countries great and they always will
Only if they're white.
fuck off poojeet, you need to worry about getting some toilets for your overbreeding savage race
They destroyed it like all white people.
>Always remember pic related and the British are responsible for everything
fuck you russia
>Immigrants made you countries great
When you cannot even basic hygiene and defecate all over the place, any immigrant will be making your country great. Same thing cannot be said if the opposite is happening.
I've yet to see anyone post DNA results showing 100% Aryan genes. Who's up to the challenge?
>sweden is good enough
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *sigh* ahahahahahahahhaahahhaahha
I am aryan no doubt
>Immigrants made our country great
White Criminals made our country great
whats wrong? did anyone raped your mom?
This. Race is everything.
You butchers destroyed me country and now have audacity to lecture me on civilization huh?
You were in the caves when we were exploring space
But ..... Oh never mind
Pretty much only America has benefited from immigration, and all the immigration that benefitted it was white. What are you even on about, poo?
White immigrants made our county great.
Immigrants didn't do shit for any countri apart from Singapore and America. And even then it was the white immigrants.
Because the beauty of a white aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.
Whitey will be extinct in 200 years. India on the other hand will become a superpower by then.
oh, sorry, it was some mooselims who stole your forty inch TV AND raped your mother, beg my pardon
Yes, you should poo in loo, also, stop raping each other.
You forgot Indians made Canada great. Contrary to the popular opinion that the French did that
btw india faggot, quit shitting in the streets
it's an autism thing
1 must be 1
2 must be 2
they get confused when things are blurred or disorderly
Nice joke the British leech isn't that hard to get rid of .
The damage is irreparable like the holoucast
Don't worry, Britain will be so cucked that they'll return Koh-i-Noor to India. India will be rich and become a superpower.
Nobody does the poo for you, you are doing the poo yourselves
Are people with black eyes and hair white ?
Russians and their obsession with rape
strange coming from Russia
Well, if immigrants make countries great, then just take in a massive amounts of immigrants to India. All of your problems solved, am i rite?
>inb4 they want go to India
Sure they will. There are parts of the world in much worse shape than India. For example: parts of Africa, active war zones like Syria etc.
Yes the damage of having Indians in the area is irreparable, everything you touch turns to poo
It isn't about purity. Society is like a puzzle and all the players should be the right fit. The more similar the people, the better they get along. That includes, religion, culture, and yes even the scary 'r' word, race. We all just want communities to call our own
Yes. Let's take brown subhumans as women and make a retarded mongrel race.
And once our 60IQ mongrel retard children are in charge I'm sure humanity will travel the stars and have a bright future in no time.
Unironically, because A) white demographics are on a severe decline B) libtards are letting in hordes of foreigners whose demographics are exploding. This translates into a threat. If you can't understand that it might be because this isn't happening to your race or because you are a libtard and either think the white race is invincible or that race isn't important/doesn't exist (only when it comes to whites though...for some reason).
I dont know what to say, but why do you always blame the brits?
>Immigrants made you countries great
White christian europeans made America great. They came here as colonialists and built a great nation, after subduing the natives.
Those same colonialists also built up parts of your country, pajeet. Too bad you made them leave.
See this is the difference between european immigrants and everyone else. Europeans have advanced human progress through their immigration over the past centuries.
Modern shitskins and kebabs looking for a handout aren't anywhere in the same league. Stop pretending like they're the same.
>being this triggered
get rich then talk politics
humanity made humanity great, youtube and the googles are ruining it for us all
Whos "you guys"? And what platform are you coming from? "You guys" would indicate you dont align with us, so... why are you here?
this coming from a flag that has a Caste system.
Explain this racists?
There is only one human race
are you serious?
So does india superhuman status before or after everyone in that country has the ability to use proper plumbing to defecate in? Maybe next century? Squatting in a hole then wiping with your hand doesn't count.
perhaps I'm playing devil's advocate here, but those are some pretty unfair arguments. I'm genuinely fascinated with india's contributions to human thought and culture, however, recent times have not been quite so kind to them. furthermore, european races are pretty mixed to say the least. norther europeans have had plenty of intermixing with the ancient Mediterranean peoples, and this has sloshed back and forth. some distinctions still exist in these places, however much of such can be attributed to the cementing of states in modern history, exaggerating genetic markers for a region, possibly by epigenetic adaptation to their regional food, drink, and climate.
That being said, norsefolk were accomplished musicians and craftsmen. they had a great grasp of construction and metallurgy as well as good agriculture and harmonious living with their surrounding environments. they also were strong on building orderly rule of law. the germs were similar, being consummate survivors amid the black forests of their regional home. boars the size of buicks hunting their hunters and yet they persisted. the poles were amazing stonemasons and, if you examine their historical writings, wonderful story tellers. on the other end you have the the northern gauls. these people were the ones who not only survived the fall of the roman empire, but also thrived in it. they didnt raid the romans (that was mainly the imported goths) but instead unified their clans under the first Merovingian dynasty. holding their people together in isolation from other cultures. they pulled themselves up and began better civics. their successors the Carolingians created standardized education, typeface (which led to the Gutenberg press in the later centuries, and why we actually have the gramatical structure we do in our writing) and brought the best minds of the empire together to refine law and structure as well as enlighten the king.
there is so much humanity has accomplished.
Why did India have a caste system you silly poo in the loo?
Is this kid southern European? Looks Italian
Racial purity is about preserving a fire, not to worship ashes. Rather than saying a race is superior, the state of having a race is superior than not.
Humans, as well as every other animal, maintains a certain altruistic perspective to others with similar identities. This is group selection, hard wired into us due to millions of years of evolution. This isn't up for debate, its an observable fact.
The us vs them mentality exists because that's natural law. You support your family, your community, your ethnicity, and your race. There exists a spectrum: on one side is your genetic identity, the other is the furthest genetic identity possible. Your support for or 'liking' drops the further away from your identity the person is. This is tribalism and its meant to increase the success for a collective genetic identity. It's why biologically diverse societies are considered low-trust. Its why you value your child's life more than one from Africa.
>Immigrants made you countries great and they always will
No they didn't. Our rich and ethnically homogenous history made our country great. And then we went and made America great. Europeans are the only people on this planet worth giving a fuck about along with the Japanese, don't kid yourself Rajesh.
Because of the Same reason you had slaves
>immigrants made my country great
quite the opposite
brown retard wants everyone to become as worthless as he is
>Why are you guys obsessed with racial purity?
This is why.
>Wtf will it achieve?
Hopefully more of this.
>Immigrants made you countries great and they always will
White immigrants, sure.
Looks ain't everything m8.
I am not so good looking but I have more degrees than every single guy on pol
Lol you took the pic that represents Mediterraneans and changed the label to poo.
>wishing this hard to be glorious Mediterranean
that guy really looks feminine
Wtf where is this from i would like to read more
Okay Indian man, ask yourself how you'd feel if a bunch of white and blacks fly in and bone all your girls, wreck your culture, and breed out the Indians. If you're okay with that, then ask yourself if you're a faggot.
Good for you. Then stay put in your shithole and try to make it better instead of bitching about whites.
>Immigrants made you countries great and they always will
I'll be the judge of that
I dunno I think that chick looks a tad manly
yes very well however
And your judgement is
and for you ma'am, I proffer to you, as a mix race mutt-- some of these guys are right. its tough not having a homeland or history to call your own.
Hell, getting acceptance from either side is damn near impossible for someone like me. it really sucks. I have no benefit to being half hispanic because whites look at me like a mangled halfbreed pepe the orange salesman, where as mexicanos and chicanos look at me as mr bitch-ass rodgers and not beaner enough to hang. its not like I dont look like either side, I have spanish traits, I have white traits. I'm blessed to be able to know a bit about my family's history on both sides, due to family who maintained that, and an uncle whos a pretty damn good academic historian. However, anyone I would tell the stories to, would often exclaim I no longer have right to it. I no longer have rite of saying I'm a descendant of Archibald the Black. I no longer have the right of claiming ancestry to a group of spanish privateers whom were a huge thorn in the english crown and actually made a name for themselves in their time.
while it hurts to be this, I do not begrudge others whom would say they would like to maintain their cultural identity. even as an artist, I can see the world would be made for poorer as 'having the brown boyfriend' became such a trendy thing, considering the current racial ratios. while white folks are common here in the US and norther europe? theyre technically considered endangered if we treat humans by the same standards we do other species on this planet. they would be a subspecies of which would go into conservation; such as a panda, or a kakapo.
we get so mired in the discussion of these partisan politics that we often simply find that... we forget to recognize the fact that our intellectual opponents or differs sometimes make a fair point, and it would far better us to be able to see and acknowledge such things, if only to broaden our own view of the world to understand it better.
Because the only human race are samoans. Rest of us are just polluting the genepool, we're all biorobots created by aliens on the basis of samoan DNA to mine gold for their vajras.
White people are the most attractive race period
No doubt
I want to say also, if you actually are Indian ethnically, I have no problem with Indians and I actually like you guys as a people. Hindus and Sikhs are great immigrants. If it was just you guys and Asians multiculturalism would be working right now.
colonise and survive
the kike mods just deleted the nigger hate thread i was bumping, so now im dumping here
Poverty =/= crime (1/2)
Poverty =/= crime (2/2)
Niggers and other darkies commit far more crime than what is reported, whites actually cause far less.
Colonialism is NOT responsible for the shithole that is africa
America doesn't have a gun problem; America has a nigger problem. (1/2)
America doesn't have a gun problem; America has a nigger problem (2/2)
Niggers claim they're the victims of institutionalized racism, but the truth is: they're just lazy.
No one lives in the poorest white town you stupid fuck. Of course people in denser areas see more crime. Go die now.
Niggers are frequently used to manipulate democracy because they're too stupid to know when they're being pandered to.
The word race means nothing if we are discussing biology. Species, genus, family or other taxonomic system.
... a invitation to the worst of welfare niggers won't do any good in fact its already showing - that is like taking a poo directly in a populations gene pool