I pick Russia over you asswipes. Begone from the planet.
Fuck Europe. Cucks, faggots, Marxists, Uppity, Muh whatever..You're Dead to me
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I agree
Islam is the future of Europe. But dont look at it badly. Its the most red pilled religion which puts everyone by their place...women, fags, liberals...
Thats why I converted and I invite every other European to do the same
Convert to Islam before its to late and save your people from degeneracy
La illaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah
Same shit, different wrapping.
Im with u ameribro
You pick Russia for what?
Corruption or drug abuse?
Last time I checked their biggest exports were sex slaves and horrible accents.
How do you faggots get away with all having the same fucking flag?
What are you talking about?
Who has the same flag as Austria?
I don't even hear you. You don't exist. What did you say to me?
Fuck off back to Kremlin then.
I don't have to. I get to sit comfy as you get 'absorbed' one way or the other.
>t. 60%
Always makes me laugh when amerilards think they aren't the epitome of degeneracy. Stay deluded you retarded overweight kike cocksuckers.
And the USA is different, how...? Your cucks are just as bad as ours.
the curtain is drawing to a close on you. Not soon enough, pinkos.
>American posters
>be me
>ignorant burger
>only speak one language
>never left the country in my life
>only seen Russians in movies and on Russia today
>think my opinion matters
>am 60% white (maybe even lower)
>get shot
>shart in mart
>t. 56%
>(((Euro))) posters
>(((Euro)) posters
You have to be 18 to post here
Go make me a salad, bastard child of cryptoturkish mountain gypsy
>Go make me a salad
confirmed proxy
Poland--you know what's coming.
Yuroplebs need a good beating again by us, the Americans and the Russians
you pick Muslims and demoralized druggies and alcoholics instead of Europe? How is that a better choice?
>wake up
>Can't get up from bed
>Helper comes help you to restroom
>Haven't showered in weeks
>Bones are rotting and breaking under the weight of my 780kg body
>Hands can't reach pants so poo and pee in pants
>Shit stained hands search for toilet brush
>Smear the shit on my leg
>Roll over to shower floor to drink estrogen water cause can't reach sink
>Penis shrinks 5cm inwards
>Roll downstairs
>Watch propaganda on TV
>Get into car and go work in Mc donalds
>Flip burgers for 12 hours
>Nigga gang comes in and robs you
>"get daf muney muffugga whyte ass cracka"
>Cant reach the cash register
>Nigga gang shoots you
your proxy is showing
..Зaкpoй этo. Eвpeи знaют.
Okay Gonzales
I'd pick paco over you any day. You've probably never worked a day in your life, pinko faggot.
Please go commit suicide. Islam is the most cancerous religion known to man. You want your children to live in the same world as you with out any technological advancements? Then take Islam. If you don't then don't fucking take Islam. Holy fucking shit. Just follow the Judeo-Christian values , and everything will be fine.
Plus retarded inbred kids. -16 IQ points on average for muzzies.
We are seriously going to eradicate your pedophile moon god worshiping cult from the face of the earth.
Kek at the flag.
>jew stars and McDonald's emblem
100% spot on
fuck off you guy murican faggot
Soon you will be shoved out completely.
>You want your children to live in the same world as you with out any technological advancements?
Why would you want any technological advancements? Haven't you seen what they did to humanity in the past century?
>calling me a kike
>is literally israels bitch
lol i am laffin
My problem with Europeans is that they're so effeminate and serf-life. Whenever I see one of their uninspired, boring, meaningless fucking tricolor faggot flags I get angry and want to crush them. It's not because they're white, it's because they're the worst whites. The little sniveling limp wristed outdated models in their little shit tier boutique countries criticizing stronger, more resilient colonial whites, instead of following our lead. Arrogant little fucktards that should be smacked in their little scarf wearing faces. Scarves. They literally wear them, like women. Along with form-fitting clothing that shows off their butts. God I hate these faggots. They think they're so superior because literally hundreds of years ago their great great great great great great great great grandfather was man, and they want that significance to rub off on them even though they themselves are insigificant little pussies that cross their legs like women, wear eyeglasses, and send their little faggot "leaders" to our country to stand next to real men and preach on and on endlessly about "peace" and "unity" and other faggotry.
You want a reality check on what the modern European "man" is like? Watch this video of Trump with the Italian "prime minister" (a faggot concept in and of itself)
Look at this little woman. This little effeminate, weak, stringy armed woman. Comes to our country and grovels like a bent over pink pussy. I hate it. Why can't they just be men? Why can't they like guns? Why can't they stop crossing their legs like women do? Why can't they stop wearing scarves and throw on a jacket with a hood?
Vlad... bring the wooden sticks...
Best post. Wew.
>780kg body
If you're going to make a shitty copypasta about a day in American life, do it right. We dont use your commie measurements here
>ooga booga where is the white wimminz?
not denerate at all
EU is the precursor of a artificial identityless mongrel superstate like the ones found in the new world and that is why it'll inevitably fail
>I pick Russia
Please don't. It's shit.
I agree with you, and yet I also think there's room for me in the Second Byzantine Orthodox Empire.
t. Low energy response
1. this ain't 2000 any more, people have wised up to what EU really is and those perceived or even real benefits that were to be had pre-GFC are no longer there
2. internationalists, socialists and their ilk are dying out; they were used to monolithic countries demographically that may sustain such a system but only for a while
3. tech is empowering individuals to break through the constraints of big state monopolies, there will be nothing left to be the carrot in the yid hands, only sticks but those are counterproductive in the long run
EU delenda est
I salute you sempai.
Of course you're gonna pick family, Gonzales
>reminder that Americans on Sup Forums are 50+ year olds on disability and Mexicans and/or shart-in-marts
i hate the EU so much
Don't forget:
>be forced to sing the mandatory Donald-approved national anthem:
Israel is greatest ally!
Meanwhile, in Russia
>male life expectancy is the lowest in Europe
>mobs have regular shootouts
>let Chechnya live in nearly shitria law
>60% of pregnancies end in abortion
>country best known for substance abuse
>highest homicide rate in all of Europe
Of course you'd pick Russia, it's basically an African country Jamal.
>Get cucked by Joos 24/7 on a grand national scale
>Wikileaks docs prove Israeli Mossad is behind 9/11
>Calls others cucks
Very effeminate!
But I like Americans, just don't ever shit up /brit/pol again.
> You want your children to live in the same world as you with out any technological advancements?
Yes. That would be nice.
>Just follow the Judeo-Christian values
It this some sort of bait?
You aren't even a country, but a buffer territory and drug trafficking warehouse.
>criticizing stronger, more resilient colonial whites
Lel your country is a 3rd world shithole full of spics and niggers. Your cities are in decay, the gap between rich and poor is growing and your infrastructure is non-existent throughout half the country. Never mind having crime rates comparable to the likes of Pakistan and Uganda.
Stay mad user.
In 10 years, islam will no longer exist. Screencap it.
>Implying every pure-blood Yuropean will blindly convert to Islam and give up centuries of culture just because some immigrant shitskin is muslim
Kek. No.
The vast majority of our immigrants tend to take over our culture, norms and values instead of the other way around. A lot of Middle-Easterners I know aren't even Muslim, and the ones that are also drink and fuck and eat pork.
That's what happens when you live in a modern western society.
>tfw shitty unrefined flesh-melting heroin invented in the trashiest trailer parks of the usa is much more popular in russia
Literally melting with degeneracy.