Since when did Sup Forums become red pilled?

Since when did Sup Forums become red pilled?

>Sup Forums
>red pilled
>when they're incapable of seeing propaganda in games if they're made by the Japanese

Some are, the majority arent
Really cucked board

/vint/ revealed that the sjw and unironic feminists were canadians. dont blame the board blame the leaf

not gonna lie I like that computer case

Mfw you idiots actually believe that Nazi Germany was fighting for preservation. I didn't think that Sup Forums was this stupid

When you guys leaked over there and kept spamming GamerGare threads, Battlefield WE WUZ SOLDIERS edition, and that one regarding the wannabe Banjo game.

Oh wait I take that back. You didn't redpill shit. All you did was shit up the board as usual.

akko a shit
kill yourself faggot

>browsing a video game forum seriously

Nazi Germany is like the golden dress. Each person see whatever they want to see.

There are countless theories about Hitler and the reich from "he was an evil murderer and very dumb strategist" to "everybody loved Hitler, he created so many jobs and there are several peace offerings that were rejected and he got backstabbed because he rejected the international jewery".

Since all one side has to say to another "You're a fucking retard" people will still believe what they want to believe. Wether it is "Hitler was a puppet" or "Hitler was the Messiah".

What is japanese propaganda?

implying pcucks aren't the biggest NEET shitposters on Sup Forums

kill yourselves valvedrones

I don't. It's only good for E3 and the occasional fotm. But it's really obvious when someone from Sup Forums decides to make a thread.

that was Sup Forums fags coming here

fuck yourself weeb



god i hate gaming faggots so fucking much

He was neither.
He was most likely an autistic sperglord who volunteered in the first WW simply because he was a disenfranchised man with a vision. I don't even think he honestly hated the jews. I think he was idealistic and had a massive hubris. Later on he lost himself again in his own pathos because he was the idol, but not the ideal.

mostly it's the "men are evil or stupid, only worth a shit if they please women, women are all perfect goddesses"

>all you did was shit up the board
>I don't [browse a video game forum seriously]
kys anime fag

Sup Forums is owned by reddit, /vg/ is the Sup Forums board

How new are you?
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/ have been our forward outposts for years

>it's okay for me to shit up the site because it's my persona playground
This is why most boards consider us a containment board.


Sup Forums is impossible to shit up
It's Sup Forums levels of autist and weebshit to the core

Great game

>t. never left Sup Forums
Sup Forums went full SJW after GamerGate. Anyone who didnt flee to Hotwheels' Wild Ride moved to /vg/.
Sup Forums is also enormously SJW and praised Sense 8

>Great game
fuck yeah

Sup Forums is almost entirely just teenage autists flinging shit at each other over their console preferences
it's the most retarded board on Sup Forums, even worse than Sup Forums, because at least Sup Forums knows it's retarded

Well that's another theory. The grandparents of some polish friends of mine say he was a hero and a visionare and that the working class loved him because he brought hope to the poor (even though a lot of people say he hated slavs).

But like I said, I've also read the theory that he was a useful idiot for the zionist and he was working with them because both had the same objective but he was ultimately eliminated to create the state of Israel with no missing links to testify against it.

Honestly, I don't care much anymore since whatever happened back then won't change anything now. And whatever has to happen now will happen irremediably as everything is in motion and the natural course of life will find its way through (wether is people revolting or accepting their demise).

>even though I don't really care I will define what is allowed and what is shitting up the site and should be contained
go back to your child entertainment containment boards

You shut your mouth.

Kek, it was actually gamer gate that introduced me to the subversive kikes tactics that are so prevalent in media.

Before that I was just a peaceful Sup Forumsirgin, playing video games and shitposting about them. Then the kikes decided to take away the last bastion for introvert spergs like us.

I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of polacks share the same sentiment