If whites are privileged why are most of them white trash ?
If whites are privileged why are most of them white trash ?
pigskin hate thread?
Victory has defeated them. Peace has made them weak.
As soon as you leave the city, you brain starts to rot due to the lack of challenge and competition and you become subhuman waste.
This picture makes me chuckle more than infuriate me
that's an airbrush fake tattoo
>you brain starts to rot due to the lack of challenge and competition
so negroes and MENA scum actually further the white race? Schultz was right?
>a leaf
Niggardry is an infectious disease that poisons the white race.
Well said. I would add "and entertainment has blinded them to the fact".
>so negroes and MENA scum actually further the white race? Schultz was right?
Yes. The human brain is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised constantly otherwise it turns to shit, and the only way to achieve this is by throwing a human into a chaotic, unpredictable and challenging environment like a large, globalized city.
He probably became a nigger-wannabe in an attempt to win back some coal burning roastie.
>challenging environment like a large, globalized city.
What, pray tell, is so challenging about it?
>Still has not realized Whites are just one step above niggers in the IQ Scale
>He hasn't swallowed the ultimate redpill
>Jews are the actual master race
>That's why they are on top
Wew lad, kill all the races but Jews and nothing of value has been lost.
Most of them aren't, but the low end of the bell curve is at the same level as the average negro so it's expected that some will pick up on black culture. Even the low end of the bell curve is better than the average black though, less violent and less criminal.
Institutionalized racism against white males
That cunt needs a brick to the head
because we need warriors who are not intellectually cucked
and will be aggressive toward you purely because of your non-white ethnic traits
its perfect and it keeps all you cheeky sly parasites in check
cause your afraid of white trash
Take a shower juden
Good thing his offsprings are going to be coalburners.
4 u
Finally my meme is getting memed
look at this ashy-ass pigger