France Logic=Hate Poland while bring overtaken by Niggers and mudlims.
Good job franie politycs now get rid of white ppls from Your country and get ready for sharia law
Emanuel Macron wants sanctions for Poland
stay butthurt nigger
fucking sick of this shit, France's future is so fucking unsure
It's just the (((globalists))). We all like Polandball.
They're French in name only. They're nationless globalists.
>muhhmuhh, me no happy Macaroni presidenti muhuhuhu
>Me want white only, me is big pipi
>Macaroni be the globalistiti
>Me no likee
>I want poopoo
>Let me poopoo : (
wtf i love Macron now
Good. Western countries should be punished heavily if they try to undermine their democracies. The recent political changes in Poland are very worrying.
wish that western yurop still had some balls like eastern countries
No we don't, faggot. You love them so much you pay for their gibs
Underrated post.
oh, a Poorlack is shocked because he thought he could comfortably suck the EU tit without bendind over before its leading ideas xD
I'm not saying EU is right, but what the fuck are you expecting?
You want all the benefits yet no cons.
That won't happen.
Fuck Poland
Poland should take more refugees.
Macron will put poland back in its place
Emmanuel Macron, winner of the first round of presidential elections in France, said in an interview with the daily Voix du Nord on Thursday that if he becomes president he would be in favor of EU sanctions against Poland, which "violated all EU rules".
(Photo by Toby Melville / Reuters) Macron spoke to the regional daily of northern France after Wednesday's meeting in Amiens with striking workers at Whirlpool, which will be shut down due to relocation to Lodz.
"Within three months after I was elected president, Poland will be decided," said Macron.
"We can not tolerate a country in which the differences in social costs (PAPs) in the European Union are playing out and which violate all the Union rules," said the politician. As he writes "Voix du Nord", Macron wants the sanction decision to be taken in the summer. Retirement would not, however, deal with issues related to social dumping, explains the daily.
"We can not have a Europe where ... when we are dealing with a member state behaving like Poland or Hungary - in matters of university, knowledge, refugees, fundamental values - it is decided not to do anything. "Continued Macron.
"I will not give up on any matter. Those who do not understand this do not know me," he stressed.
"I want Poland's case to be looked at in a holistic way, and to put sanctions on issues of European Union law and values," Macron repeated. Macron was supposed to meet only with a factory union delegation on Wednesday, whose workers are on strike Monday. The change of plans and meetings with employees forced him to visit unexpectedly Marine Le Pen, the extreme right-wing candidate of the National Front, who appeared in the plant at noon.
>Good. WP countries should be punished heavily if they try to undermine socialism. The recent political changes in Czechoslovakia are very worrying.
>Poland’s backsliding from the common values of the EU
>and women’s sexual and reproductive rights
So no abortion is an attack on women's rights while Islam is feminism the religion and nothing needs to be done about it. What is this hogwash?
nice bait
Good. Polish government is sick. I mean literally sick. Even for Sup Forums. They traffic in non-stop nonsense conspiracies of the kind that wouldn't fly even here: "eeeeevul putin shot down our former president's plane... because.. reasons... and.. feelings!! evidence? they didn't give transport the wreckage of the plane to us! FOOLPROOF SIGN OF GUILT!!!"
These people are just fucking dumb. Also their stand against immigration is tragicomic. Sure they're against mudslime coming into P00land but even Sup Forums wouldn't do totally stupid ass fucking media disasters like they have, for example, banning a town from taking 10 orphan kids from Aleppo after the town's council was unanimous in that they want to do so. Mind you these were actual kids not the bearded kind. Under 10 yo.
Just stupid all around. They gotta go. Macron is right on this. The current government in Poland is just too fucking retarded, incompetent and full of resentment and ill will to survive in any case. Might as well hasten the demise.
Again, it's hogwash, but Poles readily accepted that when they were given money.
Now they screech when they criticize them for abandoning shit they accepted previously.
Get those polacks out of Europe
>Poles readily accepted that when they were given money
Show me where in the EU documents that said every nation must legalize baby dismemberment.
just do it like you did it until now
>take refugees
>put them in concentration camp and make their lives hell
>after 3 month in camp, open the door and show them what way Germany is
>you collect your EU gibs for good work in housing refugees
>mudslimes get their EU gibs for being brown
>germany becomes more progressive
pretty much win-win situation
Man, this is great.
Reading delusional shit like this make me LOL.
>rubs hands
>yes, yesss!!! europe is almost entirely niggerfied
>only Hungary and Poland still refuse to commit suicide
>b...bu....but.... we did help them in the EU lately?
>yeah, but they say it doesnt justify suicide
>oy vey!!! those ungrateful fucking slavs and hungarians!!
>why do they still refuse to suicide??? I DONT GET IT!!!!!
>even Sup Forums wouldn't do totally stupid ass fucking media disasters like they have, for example, banning a town from taking 10 orphan kids from Aleppo after the town's council was unanimous in that they want to do so
Think again.
Poland and its allies will simply ignore these globalists as their host withers and die and they become desperate for the next host. Fuck the EU, actions like this will only quicken its demise
Every conutry in red should be outed of the EU
fucking gipsies
funny how its always said the mass immigration is not an EU plot, but those refusing it will be punished by EU functionaires.
they are your niggers. you can keep them. DONT FORGET TO ENJOY
>expert on Poland
>i know everything the polaks do!! im a montenegrian expert!!
yeah, fuck off.
Poland must be lovingly taught the Way of the Rapefugee. They'll question it at first... why some strange, smelly brown man is touching them in a funny place... in their No-No Place... but soon Poland will understand. They're a grown woman now and no longer a little girl, and they must put aside childish ideas and Welcome Refugees between their legs.
Relax friend, le pen will win the election.
good post
shut up colgate or i'll ficki you
Why is your people so salty wtf
I went to Dam and the fucking shop keepers are the worst mother shiters
Good job Poland for not accepting refugees like suicidal retardland next door.
There's only one solution Poland. Form a V4 with your bros down south and fuck the EU.
Vote Le Pen!
Aren't sanctions technically an act of war?
Not that shit, but other stuff is pretty much contained in treaties that formed EU, and lastly the Treaty of Lisabon.
On top of that you have European Charter of Human Rights, and Polish accession treaty.
Joining EU means you have to accept certain stuff. Poles knew this well.
I hope this will happen. EU needs to be the most anti-polish it can be. That is the only way to convince retarded polaks to leave.
le pen wants to leave EU, macron wants to dismantle it
That's not an argument, you aligned yourself with West, and now you cry when you get influenced and pressured by them.
>ride a bus to work
>news on the radio
>france will "punish" Polska because immigrants
>entire bus bursts with laughter
I agree. Time for Polexit.
No Greece
Given the fact you cut off all ties with Russia, they could absolutely cripple you in economic sense.
a blockade is an act of war
Are you stupid ding dongs actually voting for this cunt?
nobody is crying, you stupid nigger, the entire 38 million polak population is literally laughing their asses off, but you, some random neckbeard on Sup Forums from some shithole, apparently knows better.
Yes buddy, come to France if you want but get your Country the shit of Europe
Greece is token gipsy, we need them
>Given the fact you cut off all ties with Russia
yeah, no.
>they could absolutely cripple you in economic sense.
yeah, no.
man, your posts are retarded.
Id say Putin would be happy to enlarge his own sphere of influence that has been curbed by EU and NATO for years. He would try to improve relations with Poland and start the trade flowing.
But who knows is Katyn crazed Poles could accept that. They might end up like Ukraine
Franch people are a little less dumber then Americans so yeh.
Say it with me
Monsieur Le Président Emanuel Macron
You're retarded. First, it's not only about abortion but about the powers of the executive that are expanding at the expense of the judiciary. Less respect for separation of powers. It's also attempting to restrict freedom of speech. Second, Poland is an European country. There are no Muslim majority European country, you're not making sense.
If you care about Europe and European values, then European countries are the subject. Turkey's latest referendum, other mid east countries are irrelevant and aren't the business of the EU. The whataboutism toward the Muslim world just goes to show how dogshit your ideology is. You're afraid to argue the merit so you need to make this false argument when Europeans are engaging in the political system for their countries and the union. Not for what happens outside of it. And European courts said business can discriminate against veils if they want.
That's actually a good idea. Pay the UE so they can pay immigrants, and make ourselves even poorer so immigrants won't come here. Just pour money into this cancer until it chokes and dies.
Slovenia, Czech and Poland will be next to embrace the multicultural diversity
fucking frogs and krauts. they are retarded as shit and have destroyed the entire project with their retardation. soon we will need a wall to keep 'europeans' from escaping to the east.
nononono, eastern europeans (most of the ones who wanted to work in europe prepared, learned the languages etc) you stay, you no allowed in until integrated border management systems are in place for at least 20 years. whilst millions of fuckers from all over are pouring in without documents, dont speak the language, dont even want to go there in most cases, but soros has just made it easy for them so they go.
>yeah, no
Cmon who's retarded now there.
Polskiman tries to sound americanised but IRL he actually say "yeas, naow"
Refugees go to the nearest country, Poland isn't it.
He's not even elected and already act like he's on top of the UN whith foreign policy. He's completely oblivious to the fact no country will listen to a 39 year old pedophile lover. It's going to be like Trump, nobody will "let him" do his promises and it will be the Nazi's fault because that's the trendy scapegoat.
I can guarantee you that the next time a terrorist kills, he will blame the rise of the FN.
treacherous cunt, and if your a shitskin get the fuck out of my country
couldnt agree more, you retards can stay live in your own hell
There's already a grievous split in Poland between the nationalists that view modern Russia favorably as a tentative ally against Western degeneracy, and between the maniac blackshirts currently in government that are extremely Russophobic Katyn-fanatics.
In fact the country already has a "Ukraine" style government. Of course this hasn't caused the sort of civil war that is in Ukraine because essentially many of the nationalist demands are being met in some way and Russia is not aggressively trying to inject it's army into the country.
>If you care about Europe and European values,
define them
kys frog
Iberia and Italy combined have as many gypsies as what you colored
And you have as many niggers and mudslimes as gypsies in the whole Europe
I don't want that to happen but we're checkmate now lad. Kalergi plan is almost complete sadly
I stand with you eastern bros
Eastern and western frontline when?
this Macaroni retard is going for the Gyoim of the Year prize
but germany is? ah, flag, gotcha
>There are no Muslim majority European country
What is Albania? What is Bosnia? What is Sweden?
>Europe and European values
fuking leaf and their fantasy land.
C U C K O O M U S 5/5
>closest country
blimpf eternally btfo
Yeah have fun with Putin you shitfuck, nobody cares about those ex-soviet coutries get fucked
Krauts are irrationalists and parrot anything the elites tell them. So far I never got a reply on what European values are.
The damage isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, yes there is damage and alot of it but not nearly as much as all the doomsayers are preaching.
The fight is truely lost when you start giving up till the fight is over. If the native populations are to be replaced, then we should not go so quietly
Those countries have a hard time understanding secularism and democracy.
Poland isn't even a Western country. They have never produced a Voltaire, Hume, Rousseau, Smith, Spinoza, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, etc...
Why the fuck did the Germans let them in? That's their problem, not everyone else's.
Ok, I'll try.
coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat coup d'etat
How did I go?
You are Romanian, you have 0 value. Please stop waisting your fingers skin and don't reply.
Wouldn't it be great to go back to the strong core of EU ? :(
No they are a diplomatic last resort.
Not always.
Also this is highly amusing to us, please do continue EU. Just continue on down the path you're going we aint gotta do shit.
HAHAHAHA the EU is such a cuck joke.
no gibs no niggers, greatest trick ever played get the subject of genocide pay for it.
spain BTFO
Sind nicht dumm wie wir.
We are with you froggie.
france is finished, it is irrelevant. enjoy it. we will not let you in
Yes, I said they are fucking gipsies monkeys, they need to go back to Putin's circus RIght now !
They are welcome to migrate to us tho.
>Why the fuck did the Germans let them in?
They really have to try to destroy this continent every 20 years, otherwise their heads would explode or something.
what a cuck
Ok how do we remove the Muslims and blacks in our country? If you think we can vote out of this mess you have a lot to learn.