The future of Antifa? Thread 3

>please officers can we wear our masks?
>no? o-ohhh... that's ok officers please don't arrest us
>Trump supporters, please still be afraid of us
>no? o-o-ok, can you please say we won
>no!? ok, sorry, can you guys please be angered by our insults

What is the next step of the domestic terrorist organization turned international laughing stock, Antifa? They lost today by not showing up (The "anarchists" didn't have police permission this time), they lost last time when they were chased out of their own turf and they will lose again when Milo comes to town. Their biggest defeat of all? Instead of learning from these failures, they're completely retconning their single, solitary goal of never letting a day like today happen in r/anarchism to try and twist today into a win.

Antifa is a fucking joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

He looks like a fatass.

Hu ha, antifa!


Cry more, little one. Want me to fetch mommykins for you? Face it, you idiots got rolled and trolled.

Both unmasked antifa that came up looking to yell at rassssssssisssssts to blow off steam and left angrier after Lauren Southern schooled them

IRL versions of the lil commies that are going to start shitting up this thread very soon

Imagine being so autistic you spend your days trying to convince other people that they're scum if they don't shoot cops but you don't shoot any yourself because it's too frightening but you're not going to admit that so you LARP that you're a revolutionary on the cusp of pushing forth the greatest revolution fro freedom over seen.

There is hate speech you idiot. When you wish death and violence onto someone you are antagonizing. You are the man yelling fire in a crowded theater. There is a difference between free speech and being a shitlord who is trying to destroy free speech by shitting on everyone with hate. I grew up in the tough side of the streets. Where if you talk shit you get hit, and you have nobody to blame but yourself for running your fucking mouth off and pissing people off. If you can be respectful that is one thing. But if you go up to people saying you're going to fucking genocide them, you can't go crying like a nancy bitch when they crack your skull open for making death threats against them. Don't instigate shit, you won't get hit. Its not about censoring your ability to speak. You can say all sorts of offensive shit. But when you go making death wishes and death threats and organizing for genocide and mass murder, you can expect people to stomp a mudhole into you

Spotted the Antifa cuck already.

This is some of the worst bait I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of bait.

>school being sued
>local PD cucked by highway patrolmen
>antifa arrested
>patriots gave speeches without being attacked

lol alrighty then.

Soon comrade


I think you're the one who got cucked, buddy.

No wall.
No Hillary prosecution.
Goldman Sachs in the Treasury.
FDA head in the pockets of Mallinckrodt the opiate giants.
Jeff Sessions going after medical marijuana, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden etc.
Paul Manafort selling Pakistanis weapons in the Karachi affair.
Donald Trump selling Saudis weapons.

Tell me some more how I'm the cuck, you giant cuck.

>There is hate speech

Stopped reading there.

I can't even....

Are you real? Are you larping?

>death threats

That's Antifa's bag, right? Coulter couldn't find and venue and eventually cancelled because of...threats to her safety. Yet, to my knowledge, she has never once harmed another human being physically.

To the Brit demanding that I come up with every and all solutions: I'm here; not running away.

>lol alrighty then.

Here ya go....


Know this guy? Think he's talking about you down at the station right now?

wew lad, let's not get crazy here.

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nobody got violent today did they?


If you're trolling, good fucking show man

If you're serious, top wew lad

Imagery doesn't make any sense. The red and black flags in antifa imagery don't represent their opposition you retard.

Everytime one of you Anifa cucks opens your mouth, it reminds me of the grown ups in a Charlie Brown cartoon. All that comes across is "Waaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaa Waaaaa Waaaaaa Waaaaa!"

Antifags were talking about doing a cookout instead because shot was escalating to dangerous levels.

>I grew up in the tough side of the streets.
I grew up on a ranch, and I'll kick your filthy nigger spic ass.
Test me boy.

Good to see.

Here was my last reply to you in the previous thread. Also, I was only asking for one tangible solution, not all of them.

Got to go to their nests and smoke them out.

You advocate for minorities to have sex with your women while you watch it happen. Pretty much the literal definition, with the added outgroup destroying your heritage entirely. It's pretty bad desu.

>calling others cucks
>not understanding most of Sup Forums are against Trump and found out that he's a globalist bitch

So is tonight your first time on Sup Forums antifa faggot?

I think these antifafags seriously shit their pants over Sup Forums identifying the bikecuck.

Seriously, I'm thinking about staging a rescue mission for you, li'l dude. We need to pull you out of that BAMN cult. There may actually be hope for you. Felarca's pussy is just one pussy, kid. There are many more pussies to enjoy in the world. You should endeavor to experience them.

Or pasta?

Am I supposed to be afraid? Seriously? lol. You guys are the ones always obsessing over killing people. You fuckers are the ones instigating this shit to turn violent. If you silly fashies would stop thinking its cute to threaten death onto people, you wouldn't get smacked in the head with bike locks. You can talk all the shit you want without threatening death onto people. When you threaten death onto people (murder, genocide, etc) you cross the line.
It isn't about jokes.
It isn't about stopping you from making bigoted humor.
It isn't about stopping you from making sexist humor.
Its about preventing people from amassing power that literally want to gas/ throw out of helicopters / shoot to death people. Its about showing far right reactionaries who talk violent speech about wanting to "mass murder" people that we aren't just pushovers.

Great movie.

These fucking idiots are literally destroying their own country


Who is this bikecuck? You mean the lock swinger?

You know they did. I even did a "Holy shit! This is unreal!" when I saw how quickly the rest of Sup Forums figured out who he was.

But kill all white people, amirite


I, for one, welcome Antifa to Sup Forums. It's a mathematical certainty that a decent percentage will become redpilled & channel that youthful bravado into something constructive for once.

You won't do shit with your stupid toothless redneck threats you fucking hillbilly. Test me bitch. I know how to defend myself too, I'm a biologist. I'm not stupid. I don't want shit to escalate to that level, so don't push me to it. My endgoal is peace. Yours is stupidity. Don't be fucking stupid, Jethro. Guns don't scare a man who can genetically modify microorganisms. I don't hate. I don't want war. So watch yourself. I don't want death on anybody. So watch how you threaten.



I beg to differ, Antifa-fucker. You dumbasses started shit, expecting no response, and got your shit pushed in like prison bitches.

I didn't need my sides anyway.

>Guns don't scare a man who can genetically modify microorganisms.

I don't understand the connection here.

Just watch yourself or im gonna peace the fuck out of you !

>When you wish death and violence onto someone you are antagonizing.
>Don't instigate shit, you won't get hit.

You would be wise young padawan, to practice just a smidge of what you preach.. Look deep inside yourself and abandon your hate before it consumes you.


lol never had my shit pushed in by anybody.
Unlike you fucks who voted for Trump and let this rich cock sucker push your shit in. Stupid fucking morons.

>shoot to death people
Oh you mean like communists did in 1920-60's+? Who the fuck are you even talking about? Do you know? Everyone is on to your
Bolshevik bullshit and see straight through you. The second you start taking the fucking internet seriously you have a fucking psychiatric problem.

yeah goy go see milo and praise degeneracy

Biologist. Pfft! What are ya gonna do, grow a big dick and beat us over the head with it?

Antifa just look like university students who have been failed by education.

He's Doctor Octopus

>No wall.

Its going to happen
>No Hillary prosecution.

Wasn't a promise
>Goldman Sachs in the Treasury.

And? Is he supposed to have some gas station clerk do the job? How many of them made donations to his campain? None? k. How many of these people does he owe any favors at all to? None? k . You are literally just going 'rich ppl bad reeeeeeeeeeeee'
>FDA head in the pockets of Mallinckrodt the opiate giants.
>Jeff Sessions going after medical marijuana, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden etc.
lol, no he is not

>Donald Trump selling Saudis weapons.
Weve been selling the saudis weapons for decades, youre being islamaphobic

And why the fuck would we give a rats ass about any of those things?

You think Sup Forums is dogmatic ideologically stifled cuck like you? ROFL..

I don't often come outside Brit/pol/, this truly is a treat for me.

Poor little Antifag, you're not even trying, and you call us stupid fucking morons. Oh well, I didn't need my sides this morning anyhow.

Blacked porn for most.

I'm a scientist. I was raised around firearms. I know how to make projectile weapons from anything. I'm not stupid. I took organic chemistry. I know how to make high velocity shit. I know how to genetically modify bacteria. I don't want to hurt anybody. But I do believe in the second amendment, I do know how to fire rifles, I do know how to make explosives, I do know how to defend myself. Simply put, don't be a shithead to people, and people won't be a shithead back.

The Bognadoffs control all of them and I have it on good word that the Bognadoffs are /ourguys/. I'd be careful if I were you, you might just find yourself on the Fourth Astral Plane if you don't settle down.


I've been a student of politics and law, not military strategy. What I'm telling you is this: the political solutions aren't working. We no longer live in a nation of laws, but a nation of men. If we had a president who was as committed to his campaign rhetoric as he is his perceived popularity, a Congress committed to serving the best interests of the American people, and a court system dedicated to upholding our Constitutionally granted freedoms, there wouldn't be such a pressing need for change. I'm not the guy who can tell you exactly how to charge Bunker Hill; that's outside my area of expertise and study. I am the guy who can tell you if Bunker Hill needs charged. It needs charged.

Its funny because all of over here in australia thought trump was a good choice because hes a smart business man and your country has had failed business men rule bringing your debt to like what 30 trillion. I read on these forums people say rich dog and shit its like isnt that what you fucking needed?

Every day without a clinton or bush in the oval office is great ! Feels good !

There is no real antifa in the USA, there are only stalinists, maoists, leninst..authoritarian people who want to be part of a collective and are deeply fascist.
This is seen mainly in their hatred of Israel.

literally none of the people you dipshits have protested have called for killing anyone.

Unless youre so triggered by Sup Forums trolls you are beating people in real life

Literally no conservatives are calling for killing anyone.

Youre so desperate to be oppressed youre just making shit up and lashing out violently over it.

>genetically modify microorganisms
>Dick so tiny he can impregnate amoeba

Back off Sup Forums, he's a scientist!

>Test me bitch
hows your "revolution" coming faggot

fuck. what happened today? i missed it since i was sick as fuck and sleeping it off.

My friend group in town are liberal bernouts and they all fucking hate Antifa too. They know I voted Don yet we'll have a bitch about these face mask fucks over a blunt any day

The whole country hates them, they literally only have each other. Makes you really question how a "revolution" is gonna go


Cool story bro you should visit /k/. Our boards cross-traffic a lot. I know you think you're impressive, but you're really not.


Fucking state of you, I can watch a couple of YouTube videos and learn how to make explosives and accelerant. And anyone with half an hour spare on a weekend can learn how to shoot. Stop bigging yourself up you crumb covered fatty.

I get this, but once again you are failing to provide just one tangible and immediately enactable solution to these problems. For God's sake provide me with just ONE proper solution.

>This is seen mainly in their hatred of Israel.
The state of you.


wait, did cali state police step in and enforce the law over berkeley cops? holy fuck i missed something good today didnt i. school lawsuit? fuuuuuck

I know you probably think you're impressive, but you're not, and all you guys making threats don't intimidate in the least, you're not scary at all

ROFL.. So what happened when said evil maniacs planning to genocide all non whites from the planet were allowed to speak without you children throwing a fit?

Reasonable discussion, hell even the high school kids got involved..

And you still don't realize you have been sperging out an imaginary foe in your delusion and harming innocents in the process?..

Fuck your dim witted.

You fascists will get what you deserve when the the fat capital guardogs that are the current law enforcement is replaced by actual people's militia.
It is fun thinking you are safe behind them, but that is what many bourgeois thought before their heads rolled.

Antifags are similar to mao s youth brigade

Nobody can even point to you on a map, so go away.

>I know you probably think you're impressive, but you're not, and all you guys making threats don't intimidate in the least, you're not scary at all.
all you guys making threats don't intimidate in the least, you're not scary at all

Whew! The irony is completely lost on this wackjob, lads!

>You fuckers are the ones instigating this shit to turn violent.

Says the guy in the masked lynch mob marching into other people's events and beating innocent people in the street for "wrong think"..

I think you just may be beyond hope kid..

The fire rises.

>user, immediately propose the ultimate, perfect, shovel ready solution to all woe everywhere.

I can't and if I did have it, you'd just shit all over it anyway. What do you think we should do? Sit and talk about it forever with no action of any kind? Because that's sure gonna work.

"Fuck your dim witted."
>calls me dimwitted

I love how people mention that they took a class. Big fucking whoop lol. You don't know shit little antifa fuck.
I worked my ass off and make 95k, I bet you work in retail.

Tell me more about which classes you took. Also don't try to be menacing about guns... It's obvious to everybody here you have no idea how to actually use one.

Dude,for real. Are you a BAMN cultist? Do we need to rescue you? You're sounding a tad suicidal.

Excuse me, exactly what shithole country do you hail from, and why do you think you have any say in what happens in the US?

>NAMING Sup Forums
Cleanse this heretic

There will never be a communist USA. Ever.

Did this faggot really just "I know you are, but what am I?" me?

>I know how to defend myself too, I'm a biologist.
is this Sup Forumss next hot new meme? XD

Basic gestalt:
Antifa didn't have pemission from the mayor and police to roleplay as ISIS this time so they didn't bother to show up. the few stupid and radicalized enough to be there masked got arrested and are currently snitching on all of their lil "comrades", trying to dodge domestic terrorism charges.

They tried to run a couple psyops but they were easily spotted and thwarted pretty quickly, best they would have achieved was a few terrorist spies getting names and photos of people that already have their names and photos out there associated with these rallies.

/ourguys/ basically got to live out a live action Sup Forums for a few hours while in costumes. Surrounding, red pilling and autistic screetching at any normies that struck up an argument. It was just like watching the comments roll in when a newfag says something stupid here, but IRL.

What was that show with the antifa chicks? It was like revenge porn, from last year maybe?

Take this. It's dangerous to go alone!