>please officers can we wear our masks? >no? o-ohhh... that's ok officers please don't arrest us >Trump supporters, please still be afraid of us >no? o-o-ok, can you please say we won >no!? ok, sorry, can you guys please be angered by our insults >no?... >????
What is the next step of the domestic terrorist organization turned international laughing stock, Antifa? They lost today by not showing up (The "anarchists" didn't have police permission this time), they lost last time when they were chased out of their own turf and they will lose again when Milo comes to town. Their biggest defeat of all? Instead of learning from these failures, they're completely retconning their single, solitary goal of never letting a day like today happen in r/anarchism to try and twist today into a win.
Cry more, little one. Want me to fetch mommykins for you? Face it, you idiots got rolled and trolled.
Jackson Evans
Both unmasked antifa that came up looking to yell at rassssssssisssssts to blow off steam and left angrier after Lauren Southern schooled them
IRL versions of the lil commies that are going to start shitting up this thread very soon
Nicholas Clark
Imagine being so autistic you spend your days trying to convince other people that they're scum if they don't shoot cops but you don't shoot any yourself because it's too frightening but you're not going to admit that so you LARP that you're a revolutionary on the cusp of pushing forth the greatest revolution fro freedom over seen.
Luke Sanchez
There is hate speech you idiot. When you wish death and violence onto someone you are antagonizing. You are the man yelling fire in a crowded theater. There is a difference between free speech and being a shitlord who is trying to destroy free speech by shitting on everyone with hate. I grew up in the tough side of the streets. Where if you talk shit you get hit, and you have nobody to blame but yourself for running your fucking mouth off and pissing people off. If you can be respectful that is one thing. But if you go up to people saying you're going to fucking genocide them, you can't go crying like a nancy bitch when they crack your skull open for making death threats against them. Don't instigate shit, you won't get hit. Its not about censoring your ability to speak. You can say all sorts of offensive shit. But when you go making death wishes and death threats and organizing for genocide and mass murder, you can expect people to stomp a mudhole into you
Isaiah Turner
Spotted the Antifa cuck already.
Kayden Ross
This is some of the worst bait I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of bait.