Hello Sup Forums, how do we deal with this?
Redpill me on the minimum wage.
The minumum wage dilemma
>tfw you raise the minimum wage but there still has to always be a MINIMUM wage and there's huge inflation etc but at least McDonald's employees had a few months were they could buy new phones.
they should look for jobs that pay more than minimum wage
also there niggers so im not even sure they work
You shouldn't have a family if you earn minimum wage. Minimum wage is for high school kids and those with a record.
You can survive on that by pooling resources. You can't make your own way.
Can't survive on 8.25?
While wearing good clean clothes, smooth skin and using an iPhone.
People are getting dumber and dumber by the day
Nobody can afford to live alone on minimum wage. Thats the incentive to get a better job. It would appear there is a new generation of entitled children. News flash, the world owes you nothing. If you think it does, you are wrong.
If you can't live on 8.25/hr, you horribly fucked something up in your life.
>We can't survive on 8.25 an hour
Than learn a skill beyond flexing your wrist to flip burgers. There are tons of jobs that pay far more than the minimum wage and only requires skills you can learn by googling.
I'd say it's probably about the same as your 'fair share' of the profits of your workers,
>inb4 'risk and reward ' trickle down retardation.
Back in Africa 1€/day = you are a King...they kidnap your children - that's high quality life
You can't live the gangsta life with a minimum wage
I can't survive on $15 an hour
The answer isn't raising the minimum wage
The answer is making goods cheaper.
>We can't survive on $8.25/hr
Then get a job where you're worth more than $8.25/hr. People earn what they are worth, that's how the market place works. If your work is worthless you will make minimum wage. If they raise the minimum wage a lot of worthless jobs are just going to be cut and companies will get some other worker to sweep their floors or whatever the fuck, and a lot of worthless workers will be out of the job and making $0 an hour.
That would, in turn, demand lower wages desu.
Couldn't be more right
countdown until "flipping burgers" is called out as racist
Sup Forums consists mostly of parasitic neets that lives of daddy's money
While watching anime all day
Those people are infinitely more productive and worthy than the majority of Sup Forums
Holding contempt for your fellow man just because he is working class only perpetuates class divide and in turn lefty bullshit
I earn absolutely fuck all, but still live like a king, minimum wage is fine
But on the other hand employers exploit employees, I'm highly skilled but earn slim due to the unemployment rate being high and flying in foreign workers if need be
>give us more money
>but also let refugees and illegal immigrants in
>even though that would mean more labor force and lower standard of living?
What the fuck I get paid half of it by day
Work hard and get a raise you dumb shits
>we can't survive
Fine by me.
Perhaps if they didn`t spend all their money on expensive jewellry, clothes and mobile phone cases, then they might have some cash to spend on food and water.
Just about every person in know just can`t wait for payday to come because they have no money through out the week as they spend it all on fucking junk.
Minimum wage is a scam to prevent workers from collective bargaining.
>implying that I want shitbags that make minimum wage to survive.
I disagree
Employers jew you out of collective barga ining anyway. At least they can't pay me any less than the x amount
motherfucker, minimum wage here is $10 a day and people live normally, them niggas should be woke on third world living conditions.
When your fed can just create fiat currency at will well inflation. Don't worry you could default on China debt and nobody could do shit.
I don't wanna defend these protesters, but the cost of life in your country is different
>min wage
Aren't there workers unions for this?
In other words: we demand you to give us free shit because reasons.
>live in Africa
>make 11$ per hour
>top 1%
No minimum wage. Let useless people starve. Problem solves itself.
universal basic income to supplement minimum wage workers
Get rid of the minimum wage.
I agree that the economy sucks but raising minimum wage solves nothing. It only inflates and serves as a short term solution that bites you in the ass in the long run.
Workers get paid. They have no entitlement to any profits.
If they want profits they should take risks.
Now kys, socialist faggot.
We don't even flip burgers m8, its a platen grill.
Minimum mage matches current inflation.
>niggers that actively destroy and attack society
>versus people that do nothing and mean nothing
Direct negative is lower than a zero
fucking lvl up magic then geez
Lvl 110 frost mage nigga.
open a business and pay your workers literally all of the profit then, you enormous cocksucker.
Or, something that's actually worked out decently in a few spots is the everyone owns a part of the building and business and shares profit & loss collectives things.
People get paid more for risking their livelihood, though, you'll understand when you're over 16
Then die son of bitch. I hate disgusting poorfags. They think they are entitled to take free shits from productive members of society.
half the median income of the jurisdiction
Small changes in minimum wage doesn't necessarily increase or decrease unemployment
No unemployment
>Drive on roads
>Benefit from healthy and educated population
>Rely on defence forces and police to protect property
If you own huge amounts of capital then chances are you owe plenty to the government
Risk and return, dumbfuck. Stop reading only Marx and focus on modern economics.
what bout $5.50/hr?
because that's what i fucking live on right now.
says the Turk, biggest welfare leeches in every country they go to.
Minimum wage is your company telling you "i would pay you less if i could, but the govt wont let me"
Which is totally fine. Get a better job.
You can survive on min wage in most cities inna usa, if you think youre going to live in sillycone valley working at starbucks, then thats your own fault for being that dumb.
Tldr, its employers saying fuck you, govt saying you can only fuck them this much. So find an employer thatll pay better.
Did European governments ask me when they were accepting those çomars to their countries?
No. I would say kill them all.
Get a job at McDonalds asap. $20/h full time. Like $24 casual
Do overnight cleaning shifts
>We can't survive on $8.25/hr
>Holding an iPhone
Jesus fucking christ
Minimum wage is minimum wage for reason, if they increase the minimum wage other salary's will just increase to compensate and the price of goods and services will also rise, it'll devalue currency.
Introducing a basic income however is something that will have to be implemented in the next 50 years due to most jobs being replaced by automation. But I don't think it should be overly high, if people want luxury's and a life that is beyond just surviving, they should strive to earn more themselves.
>survive on minimum wage
Who told these people to have a house 3 kids and a car when making so little? The real question that needs to be asked is how at the age of over 25 have they been unable to cultivate a single skill or ability that sets them apart from a high school drop out and therefore give them the ability to earn more. The minimum wage is literally the "you're not worth $8 an hour but the government won't let me pay you less" wage.
What's even more amazing is the way it works. Governments are happy to pay say $X to people for welfare when jobless (a pittance). Now if you open a store and offer to pay your workers $1.5X you will be told by government that this is illegal as it is under the minimum wage that is $2X. You can be paid to do nothing but you cannot be paid more than that to do something. This might sound fucked up and it is but first think about who benefits from this, think about all those who campaign for high minimum wages and you will find your answer
got overnight tonight m8, not bad for the pay
I don't wanna do a goddam thing.
Fuck poor people.
I think it needs to be in place to prevent a race to the bottom. Like where I live. A construction labourer will get minimum wage despite doing honest work, if the minimum wage laws were scraped I think they would be getting about $10/ hour due to the unemployment level. Capitalism wont work when immigrants drop wages and raise the cost of living
Personally took me a long time to get from 8 dollar Craig's list shit to getting a 25 an hour position. You really can't survive 8 on your own
Imagine paying $100 for a smartphone unlocked not purchased through a carrier
Or $20/mo for a smartphone plan
Or cooking for yourself for $2-3/day
Or not getting cable TV and using netflix
Or buying $10 shirts and $30 pants
Or buying $50 shoes
Or not spending while in debt
Or not taking more debt while in debt
Because sure as fuck most people on minimum wage don't do this
It's alright, Friday night is rough, use to do 7.30 until 1 every week night doing close
Got paid better doing that then now
so I'm worth less than 1months rent for 40/hours a week?
Wonder why antifa wanna shoot you
Raising minimum wage merely raises the minimum price of living, while pushing those who cannot make that wage out of the workforce, and onto government welfare.
migration is quite funny to behold, those same people campaigning for more are probably the same campaigning for higher minimum wages.
>race to the bottom
And when we all work for 5cents a day I'll give you call
Scratch that, having a minimum wage at all does what I said.
>worked on minimum wage for years
>just lived within my means and ensured to put a good amount of money into investments
>now have more wealth than some of my friends who earned way more but spent it all on consumption
Granted, it would have been nice to make more money and thus save up more. But it is the difference between your income and your spending that makes you wealthy, not your income alone.
Friday isnt too bad, but the fucking kids on close always leave a mess and say it was too busy. Apparently we have a concert night next Friday so fuck that
Don't rent what you can't afford, Jamal.
Also, if you have literally no skills, yes... You are worthless
The minimum wage raises prices to the minimum wage.
If the minimum wage did not exist everything, including property, would be cheaper. And your wage would be significantly larger in comparison.
As it is, move somewhere cheaper.
You must have been told the answer a dozen times already in this thread. Get a better job. Listen to the collective wisdom of a bunch of sheltered kids who have never had a hard day in their life. If you're born dirt poor its on your own head. Make minimum wage workers hustle for tips. Raising minimum wage will hurt the industry. Because we know CEOs shouldn't have to sacrifice that third Porsche.
no such thing is the best option.Its useless
Minimum wage increases unemployment.
Pure and simple. Actually it was implmented to ban Blacks from working BTW.
If you want to have some sensible policy give food stamps to everyone, while those who do not need them could lower thier taxes with them. And get rid off minimum wage.
Raising minimum wage hurts the workers, and the industry.
CEO's do not simply put their money into a bank account and sit on it, they use it to advance their business so that they can make more money for themselves, their employees, and their investors.
Stop listening to marxist propaganda.
yeah! fuck people who earn more money than me!
It's the omnipresence of media.
People are constantly bombarded with images of how well other people are off. Or, rather snapshots of life where people indulged themselves in something.
They take this as the new base line for the luxury that should be present in their lives, which heavily warps their ratio of luxury to necessities spending.
And what you listed aren't even the big points when it comes to that. Yes, a flagship phone is expensive, but it is a one time payment and will retain some of its value.
What breaks these people's budget are the every day expenditures that seem small when looked at individually. One coffee at Starcucks for $4 might seem expensive, but not that expensive that it would break your budget. But when you begin every morning by going to the SB next to your office, that are ~$80 for nothing but fucking coffee, every single month.
And it's not just the coffee. Next they get takeout for lunch rather than bringing some self made food, if they are women they spend tons on cosmetics, they spend insane amounts on their mobile contracts because they absolutely have to stream HD videos on the go and so on.
All that shit easily ads up to a couple hundred bucks every month and then people wonder why they live paycheck to paycheck.
Lol. I guarantee my life was harder than yours and I make 95k. If anything having a harder life me me realize that I needed to fight harder and it make me more successful.
If you don't want to work hard for a better job and aquire the skills to get it, fuck right off you leech. Get a useful degree, or learn a trade. You are using the internet right now so clearly you are doing just fine.
I used the public library computers for years to save money. Fucking degenerate gibsmedats
this is reasonable
But the chimps and Jews will still scream oppression
Agree except with that a phone retains value. Nobody needs the latest phone, and almost nobody who gets it actually uses it for anything demanding enough to make the better cpu remotely relevant.
This is 66$ a day... It's enough to survive. (It's even considered an almost perfect job here)
But then the lazy niggers wouldn't be able to live in America, they'd have to lower their standard of living.
Better to make the hard working white oppressor pay their way, you know, because of slavery centuries ago.
Oh yeah, it's an expenditure that is definitely neither necessary nor in a reasonable range.
You can just get a chinkphone with all those gadgets you want, full aluminium casing and flapship-tier hardware for less than half that price and the only difference is that now Xing Pang Woi has your information rather than Agent Smith.
I just think that people are addressing the wrong problems when they keep harping on smartphones, because while people tend to spend a couple hundred too much on them, they are still not the real problem in their budgets.
I haven't bought a new smartphone in years. Mine still works fine.
Here's your redpill, nigger faggot.
You CAN survive on $8.25/hr. You can't have nice things, but you can manage your money and put a roof over your head.
Your job doesn't have to be your only source of income either. We have a free market economy. Why do you have a job at all? It's because somebody used the free market to provide a service in demand and did it well enough that his business thrives and he can afford to hire people like you. So will you remain his pawn and bitch about welfare and minimum wage or will you use your free time to invest into a business or skill that you can sell? Fucking idiot.
Very true. Like you said, it's the daily Starbucks and shit like fast food that really eats your income.
I mean, paying $6 for EACH meal? Insane. I can make it myself for about $1.50 a meal.
>paying more than 1485€ rent while on minimum wage
I don't even need to ask why you are employed at minimum wage desu
They're right though. These niggers can't afford guns and ammunition with their minimum wage, so they quite literally can't stay alive.
Yes goy live frugally! You wouldn't like the rich life! Only the poor know the true meaning of Christmas
>wealth shills kill your fucking self
> implying natural selection is a bad thing
>my life is hard!
>believe me because I say so smugly in the hours of dawn on a Japanese cartoon board
>implying there is anything natural about the capitalist wage system
Wealth literally defies natural selection
See: Hapsburgs
>i'm poor because of the jew
You're poor because of your choices, even if it is harder to become rich because of kikes.
Jews created your "The rich oppress you!" narrative to impose wealth destroying economic sanctions on the economy ("Regulations") so that they can keep the poor, poorer.
The free market created the middle class, government is destroying it.
Think before you believe doctrines created by a man with a long nose.
Or use the free market and make a better position for yourself. If you had skills, you'd be worth more. It really is that simple. Not all people can develop these skills and they sure as hell can't harass others with the power of the government to steal from the more productive citizens because they have lower IQ than a vegetable. I make $16/hr with no educational background. How about you?