This world is fucked

Ask an aussie anything after 6 months of job searching who finally succumbed to ticking the aboriginal and "does not identify as either gender" boxes and have an upcoming job interview.

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start taking hormones, if you become passable i'll pay you to suck my cock

pic related is the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on holy fuck


ay baby wan sum fuk?

Are you saying gender have ANYTHING to do with hormones levels you BIGOT !?
If he identify as a woman, he IS a woman and nothing you say can change it, HATER

ill blow ya didgeridoo ya white dawg cunt

will the suck the fromage off my baguette ?

I am guy who is taking all you job

Electrical engineer at a solar installer in Perth 150K per annum salary
will be moving in this August.

I am going to enjoying pooing in your loo.

>I am going to enjoying pooing in your loo.

You sure you know how to use one?

Shut the fuck up you shitskin

I'm gonna get stoned tonight and fuck with the solar installer stack exchange queries, just for you poo

have been tempted user, did they ask you any questions ant your background when they called to confirm details for job interview???

>I am going to enjoying pooing in your loo.

Do you even know what a loo looks like?

Congratz Imran
Watch the attitude and stay positive!

I'm going to send you back you smelly curry eating fuckwit.

I'll give you a hint: It's not a street.

>tfw seen this abo before
If it's the same one, HE has a "sister". And they come from Tiwi Islands.
They got bashed one night by another group of abos. Their faces are all busted up now.

They were in Royal Darwin Hospital for the longest time.

I feels you ausbro, been looking for a while myself but as a straight white physical fit and capable male with not criminal past and a clean skin, I may have to tick those boxes myself

k, just be warned we are full and there might not be a loo for you, to the street pajeet

>there might not be a loo for you
It's OK, you have some fine streets over their, i can make some compromises

Abos are going to wreck u m8

Jesus christ what job? Do you have skills/tickets in anything, or just looking for random entry level?

Gonna need more details op

Abos love bashing street shitters and the leftys can't do anything because of "muh privilege"

Are abos /ournoongas/?


But it seems that those actions will provide him with even more work as he will get payed to fix it.

why don't we take the abos and drop them on saudi arabia? they'll finish off all their petrol. and without petrol, their power will be considerably less

matt? is that you?

My guess.

Abos are a protection against you poo in loos.

I'd gladly make them /yournoongas. We'll sell them to you for 5 bucks a boong.

Guess you haven't heard about our 457 visa changes yet?

>Electrical Engineer
>Installing solar panels

Yeah, because you need a degree for that.

Thanks for the details Pajeet

I'd rather have abos than street shitters desu

Holy fuck I finally got quints.

doesn't seem to be working

Instead of solar why don't we burn poos to make power?

I saw some guys in india burning dried cow shit in their fires and seriously, why don't we burn all of our shit

>moving to Perth
I am sorry for your loss

457 is only used by temporary foreign workers .
only 65000 or so Indian use that.
It wont make any difference in the long term

This is just another trick to pacify Australians like the "No way" boat people ad.

Placement agency and colleges from Australia have already informed us about other ways of entering your country.


can I come and work in your country ?

Pajeet bringing the bantz
A rare occurynce

I don't know if you are rare but i sure haven't seen many of you around

Curry with the spicy ideas.

Are all of your women born with the thousand cock stare, or do they just work hard for it?

They're all fuckable but no beauties. I might find room for front left.

no fucking way. you got a job interview?
I'm fuckinf half abbo and i can't land a job at all.

fucking kek this is brilliant.

That's internet mind rape you will be hearing from my client the OP very shortly good day sir!


I'm sure skin heads won't beat you to death pajet.
Good luck.

He's been doing a pre Australian resident banter course

Wait until that 457 expires, Pajeet.

Even people who think global warming's a myth know that shit's bad for the world. Otherwise India would be an actual superpower.

my baby brother is working your people are ducking cancer you worthless at your jobs cost people like and my brothers work. A reminder you were only hired because our women are being enabled to destroy our society.

Why bring in an Indian whose degrees aren't worth the paper they are written on if you intend them on paying such a high salary?
Surely you can find a white person to do it for that salary, I thought you only use immigrants so you can pay them peanuts.
Anyone explain?

1) poo is likely lying
2) "Boss, we have five candidates - four aussies, and a poo. The aussies all want $200k as per market standard, but the stinky fucker will work for significantly less - what do?"

Make the next world war against the fucking Indians. People like who are stealing jobs and are happy to brag about it have less rights to live than globalist Jews

Man you Australian shitposters are such worthless people. Just learn some skill which is actually needed dumbasses, yea it might not be as exciting as being a world wandering biologist who surfs as a recreational side job but that's life.

Honestly can't tell which gender you are, so I'd say you can pass perfectly as an aboriginal female.

t. Chang

You're talking to people who can earn 200 thousand dollarydoos a year to drive dump trucks in a mine out where you could cook breakfast on the truck metal, or 20-25 dollars an hour simply to do labour. There is near to 30% unemployment in young men but world wandering biologist is not the goal of most of them, it's more working class.

to this day i have never saw an Indian guy alone. they are always in a pack with other 1 gallon of cologne wearing nu males with the same haircut.

Oh god ive been doing the same. Im a black gay disabled muslim apparently

>cologne wearing nu males with the same haircut.
This is poo dudes summed up. I've yet to meet a pajeet who actually...looked and acted like a man. Most act like horned-up 14 year old boys, and barely look any older.

stop daydreaming apoo i am trying to pay for my slurpee

As we burn gas out of the ground. I'd say we should import the 40 million tons of fart gas coming out of kiwi farming every year but you know they would sell it at a premium as 100% pure grass fed farts.

I just want to see animals walking around with balloons sticking out of their arses, vote greens. Or just embrace our destiny as a nuclear powered nation

Lads this is going fucking ridiculous. I'm an underground coal miner and the mine is pushing for more abos and women in mining. Through quiet channels they told our contractor company we've got too many men and need to hire more women, my supervisor told them "we had 250 applicants for these jobs and not a single woman". The mine takes on majority female trade apprentices and is now taking on female miners.

>no fucking way. you got a job interview?
>I'm fuckinf half abbo and i can't land a job at all.

probably because you're an unskilled, uneducated cunt. guarantee you, the employer is tickled pink that some fine bloke finally had the nerve to tick the special boxen, so that now they can tick their boxen and show the gubmint just how diverse and tolerant they are.

yes they all look like that.. Though the 2 blonde women look like some Russian whores, not sure.

the one with the yellow dots, looks very very Maltese.. you see a dozen of those walking around here...

My family has 200 years history is country w set up one the first vineyards in SA try again.

We set up

you didn't do shit you lazy cunt

Giving them the right to vote was a mistake.

(In the application)
People of torres strait islander or aboriginal ethnicity are encouraged to apply

(In the fine print)
Please note: AIATSIS cannot comment on, prove or provide confirmation of anyone's Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage. Your Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage is something that is personal to you. You do not need a letter of confirmation to identify as an Indigenous person.

This is when bogans get given some tangible goal of diversity

Rajit my son, you have just solved the arab and the abo question.

not my fault my parents generation destroyed the country because they are spoilt greedy shits.

PS My own father has admitted we are all fucked.

like you would fucking know fatty.
I've worked some hard jobs. cunts these days want women, gender bender fags or some other cultural fag. i pass as a white and did everything the same as a white cunt, even the abbos think I'm white though i tan real fucking easy.
I've got an education and have skills, what i truly lack is experience in a work environment besides the jobs I've work, which were hard labor and didn't require me to think too much.

Those germans were good immigrants, but shit I bet a lot of people wish they could come and be given all of that fertile land in confidence that they were industrious and would pay it back.

In some ways it's a model of perfect immigration, in other ways give me some land to work as well you cunt. As someone who has kiwi family from 1840 and came here early 1900s

stfu and mine some opals you feggit

Those germans in SA were good immigrants, but shit I bet a lot of people wish they could come and be given all of that fertile land in confidence that they were industrious and would pay it back.

I find it hilarious that the argument "If I feel I identify as X, I am X" now allows anyone to circumvent the biased programs put in to favour those groups...
Abuse the living fuck out of it - they did.

yeah it's bullshit. The mining industry is very small so we all know each other. Any woman or abo that applies for the job automatically gets it regardless of being qualified or not. The women are fucking hopeless because none of them can or want to work underground so they know fuck all. Even if they want to go underground they're too weak to do anything so they eventually get moved into jobs which are supposed to be saved for old timers that have been in the industry for decades already and are winding down, getting too old to do the proper jobs of the younger guys.

Do you usually have to prove you're an abo? I have too much self respect to keep up pretending to be a imaginary tranny, but saying you're 1/16th wubbajubbajiroooonga sounds easy enough.

You've just described women in the fire service perfectly.
Exact same issues and career path.
Women in traditional male jobs requiring male physical abilities are doomed to failure. But they'll never be allowed to fail...

It's possible HR will ask for proof but that's as far as it goes. It's not like they're going to be running around saying "we just hired user the abo!". Even if they did it's not like anyone ever asks you about it in polite conversation, rule #1 pretty much anywhere is don't talk about yourself unless asked, and even then try to spin it back to them. You don't do yourself any favors talking about yourself in the work environment, you don't build relationships with others this way

I'm an experienced chef trapped in fast-food management. I can get more respectable work but not many jobs offer decent hours, most employers only advertise for 8-15 hour weeks (Fri-Sun) and the wages are not impressive.
My fast-food job offers the security of 40 hours weeks.

I want to get some qualifications that will allow me to move out to the country and guarantee a stable career. I'm still young and don't want Melbourne to be my life, I'd happily commit to some menial farm job like collecting pig cum if it means being able to buy a quiet home and put food on the plate.

Any tips on rural work/courses /r9k/?

when they ask say youre half murry and your totem is a carpet snake.
if this doesn't work. find an abbo mate and get him to ask an elder to vouch for you.

working in a cubicle would make you fat if you could land such a job. but nothing wrong with hard work, mate, i've done my own share of mopping floors and standing on ladders.

Ha 150k in Perth. I call bullshit. Solar installers are all from Ireland dickbrain. Enjoy working at Subway for $3.60 an hour.


give em hell pajeet

The mines are kicking up again in QLD. Look for jobs advertised to inexperienced miners, they're constantly looking to bring them on. The work is shit but the pay is excellent, often starting at 6 figures and you work even time instead of this monday to friday bullshit. If you're not a retard, after several years you can get specialised experienced in certain equipment which can bring your pay to $160k+ or so in the current market conditions.

Farming pays shit. they prefer to bring in backpackers so they can pay less than minimum wage

There are FIFO chef jobs out in the mines if you have experience cooking bulk food. Imagine cooking for an army barracks or something, couple of weeks on couple of weeks off long days. Good money.

Chase the money and then you can do whatever you like, get your quiet home or whatever pleases you.

Perthfag here, it's not worth it man. Go to an actual city over East.

i love hard work, i would shovel shit if i could right now.

yes this is correct all the mining camps in QLD needs chefs. I don't know what they get for salary though

get a job in the coal mines in QLD they're always taking on new people. look on seek type coal or mining or something and see if they're advertising for inexperienced miners.

What's a good company up there?

Become vet. Or