Last weekend Push for Marine Sup Forums

This is it fellas. This is huge in determining the future of the EU and Globalism in itself. This will be a huge ally for Donald and hopefully someone who will can convince him to keep the nationalist song strong within his administration. I'm asking for my fellow Sup Forums meme war buddies to give it your maximum effort to get this woman into office this weekend! If you're French and reading this, you better be knocking on doors and grabbing your friends and family to vote!

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She has no chance. She didn't even do that much better than last time.

France is lost.

Might I remind you that Trump had "no chance" prior to election day? With that attitude, we already lost.

notice marine doesn't look french or european? She looks sikh or persian, just like another DIA whore Ivanka, who is probably not related to Trump at all. Trump himself is probably eunuch or hermaphrodite. Notice the skin tone of le pen is some sort of strange color? It's not a tan. It's middle eastern or taj-mahal or bollywood.


save the world marine

Bet against the Euro faggots.

She abandoned her party

And how does Le Pen "not looking french" being worse than the guy who wants even more "non-french looking people" into the country?

>notice marine doesn't look french or european?
You mean not a sandnigger?