>Alexander Van der Bellen: "if this continues... with the widely spreading Islamophobia, the day will come when we have to ask all women to wear a headscarf – all – out of solidarity to those who do it for religious reasons."
>Alexander Van der Bellen: "if this continues... with the widely spreading Islamophobia, the day will come when we have to ask all women to wear a headscarf – all – out of solidarity to those who do it for religious reasons."
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now come austrian president doesn't look austrian or european? he looks like that house in Fritz Perls case in fact belonged to him, Fritz Perls was just a fall guy. In other words Austrian president should be checked for NAMBLA ties. If you don't know how to check NAMBLA ties don't bother - the NAMBLA would fuck you up.
Move over every other European state, make way for the latest and greatest cuck.
isn't this the dude who lost the election, so they pretended the ballots were faulty, then kept putting off the new election until the polls were favorable to him over the nationalist guy who actually legitimately won the original election that had the results tossed?
That's what Austrian women voted for, let them have it. Westerners are retarded when they want to fight Islam in the name of "wimmins rights" "yuman righst" and "democracy". That's literally what's killing you.
Islam is bad because it's non-European, Thirld-world-centric and comes with shitskins and Arab supremacy.
That doesn't change the fact that women should be more controlled in the West before they ruin what's left.
For fuck's sake.
I thought Austria was one of the less cucked Euro countries.
Fuck Austria I dont care what happens to them after they voted for this cuck.
>Inb4 w-we didnt vote for him! 6 millions of jews immigrated to my country and voted for him!
the commie won both times actually.
we have 80.000 turks with dual-citzenship who are eligible to vote.
Guess who secured his win
Watch my vid. Support a poor Sup Forumslack scraping by. It explains what he said and his commie fraudulent background.
He's a Jew who fled from Poland or Russia. He feels literally no duty or love for Austria. It's a case of (((someone))) gaining power in a random nation he grew up in to use it as a tool to further (((the cause))).
ahahahahahahha, austria voted for this, hey at least you didnt elect a litteral NAZI who would FORCE you to do stuff.