Automated response? or are the police really this retarded?
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Since metcc replied an hour later I'm guessing it was personalised.
My kind o'gal
> or are the police really this retarded?
It's policemen we're talking about. The average IQ is like 100 n the police forces.
I am having a shit day, please tell me that response wasnt real. PLEASE.
Police just do what they're told like good little dogs. We'll need to defend ourselves from now on.
It was real goyim. Portraying muslim terrorists as muslim terrorists is illegal outside of Israel.
Police prove that they are part of the problem once again, Stopping society sorting itself out and standing in the way of actual justice.
Used to hate this woman but she's hilarious now
Thought Police strikes again
Weapons-grade Anglo banter.
Can euroPEONS even compete?
Well she can come to the US illegally if she's on the run and we won't deport her... oh wait she's white. Yeah nah
Well that is the exact average IQ.
>Inb4 "no hurrdurr my country has an average of X IQ."
An IQs average will always be 100.
>Racial Violence
>Muslim is a race now
We're fucked.
Oh, that's a bot.
Lots of dumb people in every country. You start being smart in the 120s.
>An IQs average
>Oh, that's a bot.
The world's average IQ is 84 though
That means your IQ must be 100 because it's the average of your IQ.
When of course you have an IQ below 75 and a PQ (Potato Quotient) even lower than that.
Right wing revolution WHEN!?
>The average IQ is like 100 n the police forces.
That's how IQ works. The average is always 100
Quality bait.
>PQ (Potato Quotient) even lower than that.
Wouldn't a lower Potato Quotient be a positive thing? It would mean you are less potato
It's crazy how terrified leftists are of Muslims.
An IQ tells you how many standard deviations from the norm someone is. 100 is the average, 85 is one SD below and 15 is one SD above.
If you based your norms on a global population, the average would technically be 100.
However because the IQ test was not developed by and validated on shitskins, the "norm" of 100 is actually higher than a global average.
It's a miracle KT hasn't been banned or at least unverified on Twitter yet.
Why do SJW cucks defend Islam so much? I thought they hated Religion?
So if you take a group of retards with Down's syndrome, that group will have a 100 IQ?
because they classify everyone on the planet as oppressed or oppressor, and so despite the fact that muslims oppress everyone else when they're in power, they have brown skin and come from a backwards, savage part of the world and so SJWs view them as oppressed and will defend every action they commit
is that why they defend them? i dont understand anything any more...
In most cultures, yes, but in Ireland the potato is venerated. A recent DNA study found that on average an Irishman is actually genetically 98.3% potato.
Of you use it correctly, yes. IQ should be standardised to 100 using the data from the population. However, if you want to compare it to another population, you use that populations average
I assume OP meant that police have an IQ of 100 compared to the general population? Otherwise..
>The average policeman has an IQ equal to the average of policemen
But can they not see that the religion is violent? Do they not see that these feminists (including 1st wave) would be the first to be stoned or sexually enslaved?
And why do they put the race issue into it? Anyone including whites can be a muslim. Do these SJW fucks not realize that Arabs are Caucasians?
Why don't these SJW defend the ideology of National Socialism, seeing that it was oppressed by ebil capitalist white westerners, and ebil bots of stalin in WWII?
I'm sure he did. I was just being a dick
It's a combination of supporting anything that's anti western and viewing them as savages, though they'd never admit to doing so.
They think every Muslim is a single mild inconvenience or insult away from strapping on a suicide vest. Rather than take that idea and say "Wow Muslims are fucking dangerous, maybe we should stay away from them", they go "Wow, Muslims are fucking dangerous, we'd better appease them so they don't kill us."
>are police this retarded
because they're brainwashed idiots who refuse to acknowledge what Islam is, duh.
You assume Lefties think. They don't, they only use feelings. They feel muslims are opressed that's why they help them.
Really mashes my spuds
ive seen this salute before!
So if I want to file a police report now I can just ping the met on twitter?
I'm starting to think that these lefties actually WANT people oppressed people around as a form of pet, so the lefties themselves can give themselves some moral high ground. They just don't realize it.
((( Levi )))
>tfw you've sent two hours in the back seat of a car talking with Kai Murros
>without food
Yes, for some time, but then they eat like 2 Americans.
They have to respond to everything. Just like when someone in the building fucks up and dials 911 like an idiot the cops show up.
depends if you're reporting a white person for racism, or an actual crime.
they respond to the former
Mhen will twitter close down like Myspace?
>Leftists treat shitskins as pets and children
Now you're starting to understqnd
>Accuse someone of hate speech
>Then order a hit on them
The irony is palpable, but completely lost.
kys Trinity
that is correct. their messiah complex requires that they have someone to save at all times. in modern times rather than hunt for causes they've taken to farming them.
>shooting at german hospital
>the only one hurt was the perpetrator (whichs condition is not even life threatening) and the only one shooting was a cop
really makes your neurons fire huh
>Katie Hopkins’ Ramadan Tweet Investigated By Police In Wake Of London Terror Arr
How quick they are when solving hate speech, but nobody moves when 1000000 get raped for decades.
average IQ is like average dick, therefore bad. You are basicaly fucking retard if you are having IQ under 120 and dicklet if you have less then 18 cm, i mean ofc that most of the people have around 100 IQ and 14 cm but that doesnt make it good. you are still retared stuck with bad sallary and cant satisfy woman. thats where women starts chosing sides, they have 2 choices going black for sexual pleasure or marrying smart white guy for good life.
truly, /ourgal/
That's exactly it, and it makes my blood boil.
I would rather be called a nigger to my face than to have some highlighter vomit colored hair pussy telling me "what's best for me" and "fighting for me". No, fuck you.
funny because this leftist has always viewed islam as the greatest threat to my ideology.
Of course I also think antifa is a danger to a liberal society like all extremist groups.
There are many kinds of people on this earth. The ones who are drawn towards the leftist ideology of collectivism over individual freedom are ultimately the ones who have committed the worst atrocities in history, notably communism just recently.
>ITT people unironically support inciting hatred
>Article 29
>2. The propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be allowed. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be banned
>shall be banned
Extremists BTFO.
Under that article there is little that can not be considered hate speech.
It all depends on who has the power to judge the comment and we better hope that person is not anti-white.
Islam is the official religion of western Europe
You can spend all day taking a shit on Christians and Chrisianity and no one will do anything.
Make a single comment about Muslims/Islam and the police will break down your door for heresy.
After every single Muslim attack the "real" victims are the Muslim community and these worthless Europoors are more worried about natives attacking mudslimes then the next actual attack.
100 IQ is the average European in the very late 1900's. They're the standard that all others are measured by.
Is he LARPing?
He says some very extreme things.
Does he really think there will be a right wing revolution in Europe?
Is he a government agent?
stay safe bro
This how you know what religion is true and what is not. Truth proves itself.
I feel more hate for them than the Muslims.
Nothing is as disgusting as traitors.
he has the soul of a poet and gets carried away. but i suppose he believes what he says. not a government agent as far as I'm aware.
sad but true
This also means that if we incorporated all the shitskin IQ's increasing them towards 100 so that the global average of 85 goes up to 100, this also means that whites old IQ score would be increased, even though nobody has actually gotten smarter, it's just the scale that changed.
The UK is a fucking disgrace.
At least with the enemy you know where they stand, honorable or not, but you never really know with traitors.
The coddled white leftists are more dangerous than any brown people.
>first reply was obviously a pisstake
Meanwhile at police hq
>Moyshe we can finally get that goy! Someones offended!
>The utter STATE of Londonistan
Why are Japanese female weather people so hot?
Under that article, any pro-migrant stance should be banned because it entice hatred.
It double-check with UN laws regarding rights of indigenous populations.
It may also triple check in the US with the 1925 Gitlow vs New-York case that limitates free speech regarding anti-governmental discourse (which is a good way to trick anarcho-leftards into doing something illegal btw)
No, they hate whites. You can easily navigate the seemingly convoluted and contradictory leftist psyche and easily predict their future behavior when you realize they will always without fail support anything that is bad for white people over something that isn't. Even if it betrays their other supposedly dearly held values.
They don't even know they're memeing themselves?
>Outraged Londoners are calling for Katie Hopkins to be investigated by police over a string of tweets she posted after a suspected terrorist was detained in Whitehall.
>Just look at the fuckin tweet PC Cummings!
Also I like how they distinguished Londoners from normal Englanders
They are good reminder of how the world isn't black and white, but some dilemmas can only be solved with this mindset. I just wish the day comes where we can finally be free as humans and pursue our interests without empathy holding us down.
>An IQs average will always be 100.
That's not how IQ works though. IQs tests are reformed every decade or so because the scores keep going up. Western European whites are used as the average which determines a score of 100. Different countries have different populations and thus different average IQs.
Cities are literally cancer.
They defend anything anti-White and anti-Western civilization/culture.
They're brainwashed.
I think we missed a trick here lads, the police wouldn't have had to respond if Damian had followed through with his threat, he knows it was empty and slinked off with his tail between his legs
Levi Ria, on the other hand is going to jail.
>tfw you will never slice and dice mudshits with your 3d maneuver gear.
I feel like this is a quote from the quran
The filth are part of the problem. They will do this while ignoring mass rape of thousands of children.
Fuck the police.
If Europe is in such a bad state, then why don't you see random white people murdering the shitskins?
for white euros
are you retarded? serious question.