>You are even more criminal than Pakis
>You are pro-EU
>You are welfare leeches
>You do not integrate
>You are ugly
>You are even more criminal than Pakis
>You are pro-EU
>You are welfare leeches
>You do not integrate
>You are ugly
>you are pro-EU
>goverment is legit representation of a nation
Your people are pro-EU. Fact.
Also you can send them to death camps, we don't want them to come back
>You are ugly
it takes one to know one
holy shit france
Maybe old people who remember communism. Younger ones want to get out of this abomination
Look at an aboriginal
In perspective that woman is Helen of Troy
If you don't want the Polish women send them our way.
>implying that's the sort of Pole we have here
Thanks for taking care of our genetic wastes :^)
Please pols go away from France too
Better let us in, brits. We will work for less.
There's quite a lot of polish qt's living here to either sell themselves or live a normal life in a normal neighbourhood
qt's are qt's though
This. I must agree with Mykola. Accept ukrainians and use poolacks to fight off niggers. Ukrainians will work for 2 potatoes and an onion.
Most the Polish guys I have worked with are nice hardworking grafters. Most of them would put u to shame in the work place.
>in a normal neighbourhood
There is no normal life in Babylon.
shut the fuck up mehmet. gib money.
Come to the us, we need more whites
>Your women fuck like mute cats
arent pole whites ? isnt funny that a british mutt wants more middle eastern than poles ?
Poland Pro Eu, to steal their money.
They don't actually take it seriously , they haven't even changed to euro.
Tried to joing US military, so I could shoot some sandniggers. No green card. Guess were worse than niggers from West for USA, lol.
It seems every brit has big mouth on internet. When ive been to UK, you fuckers runned from 3x1 fight. No wonder muslims and pakis are doing what they want there, lol
What do you want from this fine Gopnik gentleman , hes minding his own business?
t. Abdul bin Bigboom
T. Sadiq "Criticizing Islam is hate speech" Khan
You do the live around enough pakis if you think that.
Yes I hear there is a labour shortage in Poland and your jews are now importing hohols to do construction and pick fruit and shit.
Not an argument, ukrainians are poles in denial
Why would you rather have the rapefugees?
No, no it's not an argument.
Who said I was trying to argue anything?
that said, I thought they were Russians in denial and Though Lwow, Lviv whatever, was yours the rest belonged to mother Russia
He wouldn't. He's merely trying his hardest to rationalise his retarded vote for Brexit. A vote which will bring in much more shitskins and considerably fewer whites. (Not that race is a huge issue but culture can be a major stumbling block for assimilation).
>>You are even more criminal than Pakis
Hi Mustafa, butthurt your family's house got raided by anti-terror police today?
>hurr durr not wanting Poles means you want rapefugees
Why does Sup Forums resort to such a dumb argument? WE DON'T WANT EITHER YOU STUPID FOREIGNER
Half of them are Poles and the other half are Russians.
Are you Welsh? If not go back to Germany you filthy Anglo.
I for one welcome my fellow Europeans.
Brown people and muslims are untermensch and should stay out.
I'm back in Poland, its fuckin glorious here, bough a flat. Have a nice job and beautiful gf. I have no idea why I've wasted 4 years in fuckin London.
Urmmm, try again sweetie
Gee those bongs
You still have to go back to Pakistan m8
You should liberate them and partition Ukraine with the Russians. Their country is a retarded mess that needs to be put out of its misery.
because you're a silly boy who bases his life decisions on memes like 'London is good you will make good money there' which turn out to be bullshit.
No we are not, we are proud whi.. Slav nation.
People are fickle, short sighted and suffer from a variety of inferiority complexes and external loci.
I don't really give a shit about what happens to this country (moving to a non-EU country once I graduate) but I don't see why the destruction of your economy and international standing is something to feel happy about.
>backing of the media
except the Mail, the Sun, and the Express
oh yeah and half the ruling party
your delusional persecution complex is wearing a bit thin now that you actually won
Disgusting slut, its about time we invited muslims to introduce sharia law
No I'm not silly I always had good jobs in Poland but four years ago I got cucked by my gf with my best friend and also got cucked by business partner so I decided to leave country and ended up in London. Pol thought me how to be proud of who I am and basically pol is responsible for my comeback. You mad ?
I love Remainer butthurt.
quite right
you definitely need more Shariah
Jan Sobieski was a racist
We should. Ukraine has some of the richest arable land in europe, huge mineral wealth, stablished heavy industry, huge nature reserves, coastline for tourism, literally everything a country could ask for and they fucked it up. They have proved already they aren't capable of ruling their country. Plus they have only jews in goverment.
The true numbers are probably 80%. Frexit would have happenned long ago if they let us have a referundum.
Yeah it's dumb. I wish we would be left alone by all that scum. They don't belong in our countries.
Nigel's adorable.
No I'm not mad and now you explained your actual reasons for being so foolish as to live in the shithole that is London I feel I have greater understanding of the reasons for your mistake.
Why are Polacks ITT so defensive? Always 'not an argument' and 'u mad?'
I think the lady doth protest too much.
would smash the fuck out of feminigel
>tfw we will have to wait untill the next decades for France to destroy the EU
Fuck Macron
And the Telegraph. All those old boomer faggots are FURIOUS the government can no longer afford their "triple lock" pension guarantees. Fucking hilarious.
>British prefer niggers over whites
Business as usual.
I say we keep the women and send the men back to poland.
we aren't white
polish women are by far the worst race betrayers you will ever see.
also they sent us all of their roma ty for that.
Well desu i've never had any issues with niggers so far.
When i was a teenager i got punched in the back on the head then kicked multiple times while on the floor by polish men who were 10 years older than me.
So in my opinion they are literally worse.
No problem. Embrace gypsy culture as much as you want ;]
>all those british women being impregnated by stronk polish alpha males
We have Catholic Sharia and ToruĊ Mekka.
To jest fuck't. Serio!
Don't worry Ahmed, a few Poles can't prevent Britain from being overtaken by your Pakistani brothers.
Probably because you look like a fucking arab
nice try
Why are poles on the internet so autistic?
I have a polish gf and I'm in Poland once a month so I really have no clue because rl polacks aren't this autistic
normal poles have jobs, friends and families so they don't have time to post here
if you think were criminals
just wait till we flood you with Ukranians
thyey'll turn your shithole island of inbred assholes into chernobyl zone
it's almost as if criminals love to travel
Pure anglo-saxon blood.
>implying Poles aren't pro-EU even if they don't love the EU
>implying Poles in the UK aren't super pro-EU because it's what allows them to work in the UK in the first place
self-interest primes over feels
lika is serb clay btw.
i see that britbongs wanna whose poo's in the loos all for themselves
why u lyin, they are 0.01% less criminal than pakis.
but you still look like an arab
>>You are even more criminal than Pakis
c UK c
Austrian Sup Forumsacks represent Austrian people irl in a much better manner though for some reason
I wish Poles would come to America. They're better than fucking Mexicans, that's for sure. Polish-Americans are indistinguishable from everyday white Americans. They assimilated perfectly.
Come home Slavman.
I'm not really surprised that brits hate us, I remember how poland looked like 15 years ago and I know how it looks now
and probably 90% of our criminals left poland
>muh beloved paki gang rapists
can't spell KEK without UK!
top kek
Your that EU shill aint you from the other thread that got BTFO by poles post the exact same pictures. Jesus lad, sort yourself out
Gas yourself, jewish whore.
>>You are ugly
says a brit
>bong calling anyone ugly and a welfare leech
>I have a polish gf
dumb racemixer
>more criminal than Pakis
lel nice try Ahmed