>low birthrate
>shitty economy
>super low wages (zloty is garbage)
>shitty government
Dying countries that Sup Forums love
>pol loves
>but they will defend its invasion and massacre
>literally no mudslimes or niggers
>everyone is racist
>no Political Corectness
>qt girls everywhere
>atheism or catholics are only viable beliefs
What's not to like Ahmed?
If your country is so good then why is your population dramatically shrinking
even with your fascist abortion laws you cant make babies lmao
Losts of poles working here in Norway. Most of them behave like neanderthasl. They steal, drink, fight and stink. Theyre total degenerates.
I dont know if this is only the type of people to be migrant workers but poles are generally disliked here.
>Sup Forums
>loves poland
KEK since when? You can't shill Hitler and like us at the same time.
>talking about dying countries
Stop making threads about us, are you fucking obsessed? It's fucking embarassing at this point.
>talking about dying countries
Swedish cuck tries to shift discussion.
Poland will survive culturally and racially, despite temporary issues with birthrate, economy, govnment.
Sweden will burn in the fire of a nuclear bomb once it become a caliphate. Fuck you swedes.
>still Poland
still literally 10/10 country
But they work?
>low birthrate
Still better than nigger birthrate Sweden has. I agree with other things.
Currently 1/10 people who live in Poland are Ukrainians
Because Poland send you our worst people with trouble. Normal people doesn't have to flee from their own country
>everyone is racist
only eastern poland, western is like normal european countries
there's literally nothing wrong with population reduction you nigger loving neoliberal swede
>reduced birthrate in a world slowly moving towards mechanization
>importing gorillions of african savages with single digit iq in a world slowly moving towards mechanization
Really ahmed?
I remembered a kebab shop in Lublin got vandalized after a Pole got stabbed to death by some muslim shopkeepers.
Your country is allready dead
Poland uber alles!
says the Frenchie...
and why not?
Also THIS looks pretty ok to me.
You are even worse than sweden hans
France hasn't take 2 millions refuge in 1 year
nice meme. Have a (You) on the house.
Then why did you invade us, you stupid nigger?
>inb4 muh 50000 killed germans
>no sweet polish catholic qt as gf
Some of your girls are god tier
They aren't that bad in germany they are better than any arab/turk by a milestone.
They used to be stealing stereotypes,but nowadays they are well functioning immigrants who integrate well.
Also alot of them are krypto-germans from pre ww2 settlements.
>>low birthrate
You have old data Abdul. After "500+" (google it) birthrates skyrocketed.
That's like 80 years ago, things change. I mean a girl I want to fuck today, I don't wanna fuck 80 years from now. BUT: I might be very interested, being her heir.
lublin is in eastern poland
>low birthrate
Had baby last year, will be even bigger this year
Got 1.5M young ukrainians
Lots of Poles will come back from migration
Shitload of white western immigrants will come here to run away from leftish hellholes like sweden
>shitty economy
The fastest growing economy in Europe, already at Spain's at Portugal's level, in a decade we will overtake Italy and with 2-3 decades we will catch up with Germany and the UK - but without niggers and muslims
>super low wages (zloty is garbage)
just enough to have a pretty comfy life, except electronics
>shitty government
not taking in million of illiterate subhumans and paying for their houses and vacations here like sweden does
kill yourself sven
baby boom*
Half my family is French, so I know what I am talking about:
The metropolitan areas are even more overcrowded with chimps than around here and the French majority (especially the young females) are completely overcucked.
>80 years ago
Yet you are still crying over our land that we have"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""stolen""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" from you.
kinda guilty on currently learning polish
>why is your population dramatically shrinking
No mudskins raping our women
yeah true , but most of our people is against immigration , just the massive propaganda brainwash the stupid french and old people scum alway defend liberalism. Most of the young are for marine le pen
You did though, you can work out which of your places are Polish and which are German quite easily. Where the cities are bleak and crammed with commieblocks - they are Polish. Where the cities have nice Modern Age architecture, Hanseatic houses and nice plazas - they are German.
>Getting cucked by PiS/PO all the time
kys, i'd rather die in explosion than die in poverty in this shit fucking country.
Country that was shit for most of the history is still shit, wew who would of expected that
Poland has one of the fastest economies on the planet idiot. I think Nigeria is the number one fastest growing economy. Nigeria will be a major power in 10 years
Commie blocks are present in all Polish cities, that has nothing to do with past heritage.
>Where the cities have nice Modern Age architecture, Hanseatic houses and nice plazas - they are German.
It doesn't seem so in the Southern and South Eastern cities.
How does it feel that I'm a light skin British-born "mudslime" and I'm dating a blonde Polish girl?
Compare Łodz with Danzig, which has more commieblocks?
Of course that they all have them, but some have more and some have less.
& rekt
I am personally on an acquaintance basis with a Swede who literally had to run from his home in Malmo and decided to stay and live in Warsaw
It may be bad here but at least we have some hope for the future
You're fucked man
>muh fucking corrupt politics
>muh fucking poverty
>muh fucking shit history
Znowu cudze chwalisz a swojego nie znasz, buraku? Wypierdalaj trawę kosić Niemcom jak się nie podoba
ale przynajmniej masz 500+ nie XDDDDD ?
>calling someone else dead country
wew lad
The only reason I don't like interacting with Poles online is this laughter full of cancer. Why is it so popular in Poland?
It was supposed to be used ironically on polish chans, but that oldfags are gone and normies took over, they use it in every single post.
>dramatically shrinking
yes we are garbage country, please kick us out of ue, also we are full so fuck off ,keep refugees in your countries
Same here with ":)))))", maybe you know about how Romanians use it, and it's the same, on the romanian imageboard you don't know who uses it ironically and who is a newfag.
XD is socially accepted in Spain too, it's a normie thing. lol is what weirdos say.
Feel a bit sorry for you lad, surely you can do better.
another whiny weak escomorphonigger?
You should check for AIDS
Here we also have XD from time to time, but you don't get it, Poles use it all the time, and with several "D" letters.
She's only been with one other guy and never went all the way.
You may hate my kind but I find your girls hot as hell
Why should I hate arabs? Turkey is our best ally and they are arabs.
Hitler tried to save the Jews but Poles were too quick and killed all 6 million of them.
Fuck Turkey.
Dunno dude, Blonde, cute face, hot body and I like her accent
You do realize that most of those cities were destroyed like 60-80% and had to be rebuilt from the ground?
My mistake, I'm actually Turkish origin anyway
You know exactly why, just wait a moment.
And while they are at it, they should kick us out of eu too. If that helps, we will voluntarily send all our oppressed and marginalized gypsys to globalistan so swecucks dont miss any cultural enrichment.
>*wants to post Serbia
>>that Sup Forums loves
Continuing the old Ottoman tradition I see.
They stole xD from us.
xDDDD is rightful german laughter
you will hang alongside with ar*bs for such a low energy bait you slavnigger
im sick of this polish slander
There are no blonde polish girls.
Well there clearly is... She's not bleach blonde though and her sisters have darker hair
Dyed ''blonde'' doesn't count.
"would of"
prime example of an uneducated toilet cleaner
>kys, i'd rather die in explosion than die in poverty in this shit fucking country.
This, at least you die a cool death, maybe even an hero like that truck driver in Germany
There are plenty , because of germans constantly fucking with us.
The fking cuks, send all of the blonde men to conquer and give us good genes, while taking in mudslimes haha fking idiots.
She is blonde though, just not bleach blonde. More like strawberry blonde
This, literally everybody hates us in Europe, everywhere the stereotypes are negative thanks to our diaspora
;D is so German.
>Lots of Poles will come back from migration
>Shitload of white western immigrants will come here to run away from leftish hellholes like sweden
>The fastest growing economy in Europe
it's not 2015 anymore
And there are other reasons our government fucking terrible, like nepotism, corruption or lack of respect for the will of the people
Don't understand this.
Polish people are literally the worst scum in every nation, there is no way this is not a reflection of the general population of your country.
I live in a Polish area and it's pretty much hell on earth.
> muh will = will of people
you literally 15/88
I fucking hate nationalism, all nations
should really just merge into one
you have never seen hell, Agnar
I agree actually. Shitty people too
Poolish people aren't like chavs but they're shallow in how they try to imitate the West and are self -hating and this makes them neglect economy or the state. Chavs in Europe are only the consequence of this neglect
Polish Internet culture is an absolute garbage. Cancerous with people compelled to say every dumb crap they have currently in mind.
Don't forget full of dumbass hillbillies.
Americans be projecting so hard
>be sad first
>then look at the flag
Don't forget this
No we don't, despite the fact that we came to a war without preparation for you and that you are stealing your jobs now.
We don't hate you, but poles are rancorous.