Sup Forums has always been able to self regulate, even against the poor judgement of the mods and the constant attack of shills.

Gook wants to make old Sup Forums into some sort of Sup Forums 2.0 where will be lumped with God knows who, while this board will be heavily moderated and turned into a safe space eco chamber a la reddit.

Every politically incorrect thread or comment will go straight to said new board, leaving dear old Sup Forums in the hands of beta alt right redditors.

This isnt the first time the administration turns against us, but they WILL FAIL AGAIN if we all do our part.

we will stay on Sup Forums

It's not the gook it's the Jew mod
There is a literal kike mod here, there were threads about him that got deleted

thats why they want to make a new board for "non political stuff"

divide and conquer

They're trying to take away the memes of production.

who gives a fuck. this place has gone to shit anyway. the sooner people understand that fact, the better off we will all be

>destroys ANTIFA in the US within weeks
>gone to shit


The Jew fears the Sup Forums.

people dont like that /pol is in the real world these days

this board is garbage

>Sup Forums has always been able to self regulate
>board 99% shitposting

Nigger please. This is potentially the best thing to happen to Sup Forums since Trump.

Shitposters get eternally btfo. Commie fags get eternally btfo. Sup Forums becomes a board worth viewing again instead if the current model which is a slightly tamer Sup Forums with cuck porn substituted for trap porn.

Anyone against this is either a concern shill or a shitposter terrified of losing his (You)s.

>/mlpol/ gets taken away so we take over /qa/ we blow them the fuck out so hard they delete the entire board, harrasment continues through other means, few weeks later mods cave and announce new board, nu-pol whines about it.

Exactly why it's needed.

Thanks to leafs like you.
>also, that picture really made me think

BUMP, this is an obvious and cheap trick

STEEEEEE Help us again

>what is image encoding
>what are sprites and solid colors
>what is the difference between 8 bit color and 256 bit color

Nigger do some fucking reading, shit.

Reddi.t fags and newfags need to be culled, that's litteraly it.

Oh and perm ban anyone posting shit/slide/shill threads

Yeah, who cares. I'll just stay on infinity. ISIS has apologized for accidentally hitting the Israelis and not a single beep about it here.

And yes, this is an attempt to shut down pol, because if you'd want to have political talk, you can already go to news.

>Commie fags get eternally btfo
You are a retard if you think there won't be anything else but Praise Marx thread. They were caught months ago doing exactly that and one mod was fired because of it.Few weeks in and you will be sucking Bill Nye's dick.

I don't get it, what's the point of having a dedicated shitting Sup Forums? wouldn't that just make the memes stronger? Sup Forums, and the old /news/ all had their basis in reality, unleashing Sup Forums from those constraints would be utter madness. The other boards already feel the presence of Sup Forums even when there's no relation. when ever Sup Forums or Sup Forums has something vaguely political, they blame the Sup Forums boogie man.

will a new Sup Forums bring greater censorship, or freedom?

I agree 10000℅ op.

nobody, and i mean NOBODY who didnt discover Sup Forums from the way of reddit believes in MORE moderation.

And that's basically the crux of the matter in the sticky. They want plausible deniability in deleting and censoring more threads. What better way then to tighten the allowed content on Sup Forums

I've been on Sup Forums since 2005, literally over a decade. Nobody who i'd want to hear an opinion for would advocate MORE moderation. Its quite ridiculous. Im at a lost for words. What they are trying to do is turn Sup Forums into a mindless soulless /general/ in which the only threads allowed are /trump/, /lepen/, /syria/, euro generals. Yawn.

No more bill nye the science goy threads. Those wont fit into the RULES. Go to the *other* board thats dead and no one uses.

No more conspiracy threads
No more maynstream meator threads

How to convert liberal faggots? You draw them in with the light-hearted threads. Once they get deep into the keks they wander into a /natsoc/ general and become radicalized.

Its quite ridiculous what the mods are trying to do. They are taking the (((complaints)))) to serious. I doubt it, but if its coking from a good place then They are going to unintentionally kill this board like they did Sup Forums.

But its new t coming from a good place. The sjw fag mods are truly ng to shut it down amd the gook doesn't even speak English so he shakes uis oblivious little head as he counts his increasing server bills because his shitty ads are going nowhere since we all block them kek.

I want to see Hiro nudes

Sup Forums is reddit anyway.

>A gook
you mean a nip?

Well something has to be done. Reddit and co blew this place up. Normies talking about "kekistan" and le pol XDDDDD irl, it's fucking disgusting.

Australia... where did you go so wrong?

I just want my full blown conspiracy board,/x/ doesn't really fit the bill with tarot reading and ghost

They are trying to divide us.

Theres already /news/ for strictly news content.
Theres already Sup Forums for random shit

Their excuse is utter nonsense.

>The idea is to allow people who like Sup Forums's format a place to post off-topic stuff without being hassled by mods, and to help keep Sup Forums focused on politics and current events despite the massive growth it continues to experience.

Sup Forums format? Pols format is literally /news/ /his/ and Sup Forums

Sup Forums is what Sup Forums used to be before it became a garbage unbearable porn hub. Who the fuck even uses Sup Forums? No one will use /pol2/

Im convinced they are doing this to clampdown on moderation and stop the silly entertaining threads thst mock sjw retards so they can ban and censor anyone on the well known Sup Forums thread because they nobody is ever l going to find /pod/

Did Obama save this picture or something?

No way comrade.

hahahahhahahahahhahaa. this shit is gold.
you idiots belong on a sub-reddit of Your contribution to anything political here has been abysmal.
its all meme frogs, unbridled hatred and lies. fuck off. politics is an adults business. 99 percent of you do not belong anywhere where it is taken seriously.

>They are trying to divide us.

I bet Shia Lebork is behind this.

CTR is exacting its final revenge upon Sup Forums : The shills aren't any longer just shill-posting, they have infiltrated the mods.

GUIS , there jews ......the only reason they want a second Sup Forums

>is to divide us and push us into a civil war between Sup Forumss to get rid of us


Do they Ghost Ban here like JewTube?

>Theres already /news/ for strictly news content.
maybe they want a Sup Forums for sjws. censored and heavily moderated with the "right" opinions. more people, more infighting, more news coverage on what Sup Forums did this week. more revenue.

>there were threads about him that got deleted
There was nothing to it. The guy just wrote an article and shills jumped on it to stir shit.

>The free board will regulate itself
>Mods are bad, and a needless block on personal freedom

You're forgetting about inflation.

Literally divide and conquer
Cucks are already saying "great idea, Sup Forums has gone to shit"
The mods quite literally have the power to do something about this """problem""". Instead they want to split the board. If that doesn't indicate their ulterior motives, I don't know what the fuck does.

Aye, user don't fall in the totally jew mod's trap.

they tried it with /news/ right? Now that pol is anti cronies that surround trump like kushner the hammer is misteriously going down. Reminds me of the then still nascent pizzagate on election night thread thatwere getting axed

A celebrity gossip board would help. Making trannies go to /lgbt/ also?

Sup Forums is cancer so it's time it died anyway.
literally Sup Forums v2.0

Fucking nu/pol/ wants to destroy Sup Forums.

Trust our mods, Sup Forums = Sup Forums

Yet we're being infiltrated by journalists, SJWers and payed trolls. They saw the power of an anonymous board after Trump's election

We need change. We need mlp back

it was Sup Forums in it's early days but now it's pretty mellow


Don't let them do it, please. This is the only place where I can be a kike and not get kiked and controled by the gov into being one of (((them))).

pol was always shit, newf*g

New Sup Forums will separe ideological Sup Forums from activism Sup Forums

Sup Forums wiped the floor with antifa in the past few months and helped elect trump. The leftist gook and his liberal mods are getting scared.

>implying Sup Forums hasn't been the most reddit board on this site since the start of the election

Changing Sup Forums is confirmed as antisemitism. Shut it down!

at first i thought this would be a nice idea, a board like pol, but for anything.

But its clear this is just a means to divide.

All the mods have to do is actually enforce the sticky, we don't need another board, except for /mlpol/, those faggots need containment

all that article even said was that the internet, especially Sup Forums, hates blatant political propaganda thinly veiled as entertainment even when it comes from the mouth of a beloved childhood figure turned radical leftist mouthpiece.


if this goes through then Sup Forums will feel a reckoning that will dwarf GamerGate.


holy shit the delusion

this shit board has been Sup Forums 2.0 for a few years kiddo. Trumptards just made it worse


Oh please. You should know very well what happens if you mix us with another board. We never quit, hence forces the redpill down normies throats.
This is why Sup Forums was created in the first place, they wanted to contain us in one board.

Sup Forums is in trhe midst of creating an antifa database using profiles from their stupidly public groups. Not that delusional.



Tell me about the Aug.

rise of /mlpol/ when?