Americans in charge of making WW2 game

>Americans in charge of making WW2 game
>They chose most overrated and boring episode of war, Normandy. Again.
>Why am i not surprised?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Americans? Why do they keep pushing muh America saved Europe narrative? Who the fuck cares?

Couldn't they make battle of Kursk for example, largest tank battle in History? Something interesting???? there's so much to choose from

Another game about hero Americans, with niggers of course. Don't buy this game.

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That guy looks sooo Jewish

Jews make call of duty

The game is for normies, they know what normies like. Normies like Normandy because it's a name they recognize.

I was happy the whole bullshit with BF1 died down, and now this shit starts.

Can we move these threads to please

Why still make movies and about WW2? The jews can't get past it.


movies and videogames

Because saving kike Ryan was popular among stupid Americans

>Play Japanese and bomb pearl harbor
>Play Red Army officer, do well then get purged
>Play SS officer in battle of Berlin
>Play Japan again and kamikaze a boat
>Play Italy and surrender

So much unexplored shit in WW2, instead all we get is Normandy, Brits sneaking and probably Stalingrad and maybe a tank level/Kursk.