Who is better?
Who is better?
Poland has less debt so
Poland. Ukraine is literally Jewish.
The real country.
poland is a real country with its own history and culture, ukraine is fake ass commie invention
One of them is Poland.
The other is rightful polish dragoon clay.
Poland is the better country overall, but Ukrainian women are probably the hottest in all of Europe.
They're both shit.
Ukraine fought with the Nazis.
Both Lebensraum
Poland obviously!
They actually have a culture and history unlike Ukraine.
Also Ukraine is a non country like Belgium
Both are meme countrys
And are rightfully ours
Submit pesants
arabs never owned this land, what are you talking about
I don't even like poles, but Poland is richer, whiter, more civilized and overall is a proper nation.
Ukraine is just a bad joke, bunch of white monkeys.
Prior to the Soviet Union, the ukraine area was known as simply as "Little Russia". The Belarus area was "White Russia", and normal Russia was "Greater Russia".
The word "ukraine" was only ever used because it means "border-land" (as in area - not nation) which is what it is.
The modern idea of "Ukraine: the nation" is basically a meme. It's a non-country, except on paper and in superficial appearance. It's just an artificially and accidentally created leftover from the Soviet period. It has no history or unique culture, no real national identity, nothing to keep the people together. That's why it's falling apart.
I like them both in relations to traditions, food and nature, but i don't like any of them in relations to politicians or religion.
We are equal. Ukraine's problem is, they are full of jews in goverment. They could be to richest country in Europe if they didn't gave away those nukes after USSR collaped. Ukraine has some of the richest arable land in europe(and lots of it), huge mineral wealth, stablished heavy industry, huge nature reserves, coastline for tourism, literally everything a country could ask for and they fucked it up. Only because they gave up those fucking nukes.
Digits don't lie.
Ukrainians hate commies and kikes, but this joke of a nation literally exists because of them.
>no real national identity
Sweden please
kiev belongs to poland
Sup Forumsand any day of the week.
The Ukraine is WEAK!
Meme country.
Literaly not a single thing you said is true.
>I like them both in relations to traditions, food and nature, but i don't like any of them in relations to politicians or religion.
That's why you invaded us?
lol ukraine.
Stupid people, without pride or history. Why even bother.
Calm down, i am not Russia. Who invaded you? Stop supporting USA and it will be fine.
t. Ukraine pro
Poland.Ukrajina is full of psychopats.
It has nothing to do with nukes, you idiot.
And just stop with this meme. Nukes weren't Ukrainian, they were just stationed here. Ukraine didn't have resources and it couldn't operate them without Moscow.
Mistake was not giving them up, because it would happen no matter what. Even USA pressured to give them up. The mistake was not getting a better deal, some real treaty, instead this non-binding Budapest memorandum.
Amendments from Russia, kek
Poland. At least they've been able to find a rich papa and stick to him. Ukraine is like a stupid whore, who can't choose which dick tastes better.
holy shit I had those as a child!
>slovakian education
Don't you understand Ivan? She isn't a stupid whore, she just wants ALL the dick. Getting spanked by one of her sugar daddies is just part of the thrill.
He's Slovenian, you fool.
Haha, you are coming close, not Slovakia either.
sorts of heretic shit
Which country's residents leave it in droves to leech off the other one? Well, there's your answer. Of course, both are better than Greece. Pay denbts.
Would it be a good idea for Belarus to joint the Federation?
or would it be bad for Russia, somehow?
>one of those countries is real, the other one belongs on /x/
Poland is literally the only option here
fuck, I can't tell the difference on ''8 screen without a mobile view
ukraine have started to take us over by sending migrants so poland will be no more in a while
They're part of Russia already, in a way.
Poland has the high ground, it's over Ukraine
>ukraine better than greece
Naah, Greece is a cool place. And also Ukraine has a lot of debts to pay.
yeah suck more hohol dick you cuck, don't forget to call Russians our ''slavic brothers'' as well
>tfw browsing Sup Forums just for the ukraine-with-crimea maps to fix
There is surprisingly many - you're doing god's work
nobody care about you cry bitch.
If you NATO master want - you must kiss cockholes anus
Do you think there's a way for Hiroshimoot to change Donbass and Crimea flags from Ukrainian to Russian? I don't know about IP locations, but if it is region and not country based, I bet it could be done.
Choosing between Russia and Belarus, this is how to choose between shit and urine.
In Belarus there is a fucked up Batska ("Бaцькa"), which in the last days goes crazy more and more. In Russia, Putin, who does not know how to work in domestic politics
Ukraine is better because they're orthodox.
still more better than your shithole
So, neither?
no they are Godless
Tell me about Turkmenistan
and that is why your mate came here? youtube.com
No treaty will save you if you themselves are hell-bent to tear your country down.
Forget Poland - even commie Belarus is better managed country than Ukraine ever has been.
the one that is not in the EU, there's still hope for it
Poland. at least they aren't pretending to be something they aren't
Small population, only 5 millions. Lots of gas, 4th place by reserves, and oil.
There're a lot of them studying here, they are pretty chill actually.
Kremlin thread shows Crimea is Ukranian clay.
Kheh kheh kheh!
It's not really even a fair comparison. Better to compare us with Russia
I feel like I see polandball colored wrong more often than not.
Edgy. Or diaspora
I like pole culture better but Ukranian women are more beautiful
Ukraine isn't even a country
Better together. I don't like seeing Polish people die in mines. They should be gearing up to stomp Russians out, not digging their prime minister's most recently stolen minerals out of the earth to choke themselves on..
That's the point ya dingus
But this is true.
When Poland and Ukranine broke free from USSR. Ukraine had superior numbers, better infrastructure, GREAT farming lands (possible the best in Europe.) as well as tourism potentinal that could have overshadowed southern Europe.
ff to the present day, they fuckt it up. All of it.
I don't blame Ukrainians as people,most of those who come here are poor folk who just work hard and try to get their life back on track here, in Poland.
But as a nation, they are resposible for choosing the leaders that stole the shit out of their country, wasted the potential the Ukraine had in those few decades and turned most of their countrymen into living meme of slavic-white-niggers, thanks to poverty, corruption and propaganda.
>these fucking mongoloid subhuman abominations doing a nazi salute
Every fucking time.
>I don't blame Ukrainians as people
You should. You can't blame everything on politicians or Russians. Ukraine is a shithole because people make it a shithole. People really have cancerous mentality here.
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