I'll wait!
Name a more iconic duo
Other urls found in this thread:
All I see is soy
way too much soy...
>Name a more iconic duo
You should know this board better by now.
One is fashy
One is Jewish
But by gynecomastia
They are one!
They're in the thread right below yours.
Estrogen Brotherhood
kek this is good
How bout a dynamic duo?
Two fine specimens of degens. I mean, i middle aged man should not have tits
NO you idiot!
So if they still in puberty that means they will stay young for long.
What the fuck is wrong with his lower pectoral. He looks like a failed female to male transition.
>About 65% of normal healthy males have growth of some breast tissue around puberty. It is caused by the hormones that lead to the other changes of puberty.
Looks like he lost some weight?
Maybe not, since it's only the tits.
Thats more than "some" buddy.
I'd prefer
Sargon vs Molymeme
>implying these two low-T shills are still going through puberty
Maybe they are obese also and on top of that eat GMO food.
Would pay to watch Sargon vs Molymeme desu
Also Sargon vs Spencer would be good.
I think Spencer vs Molymeme would be boring.
You'll probably call me a boob for saying this, but they both need to calm their tits.
dat gyno
source: my titties
i think he's just chubby guys. that happens when you get fat tits.
pics or shill
That guy on the right looks like such a beta faggot. Too bad I don't even know his name.
I would but I might get BOGGED in doing so.
Can we meme a debate between them?
good thread OP i laffed
what would they debate? whether or not Jews are considered white?
>not citing the bogs
>about to get a quick rundown
VERY disrespectful
How can you overlook /ourguy/'s
>"Bog one calling bog two"
>"imposters on the horizon"
>"bog two responding"
>"execute order #B.476
pls no bully gyno
I have to get a job just to save up so Dr. Shekelstein can chop em off and I'll be no better than a whore who gets fake tits.
I didn't ask for too much xenoestrogen in the food and water during puberty
Is that his real nose?
I keep seeing these guys everywhere, can I get a quick rundown on them?
you are not ready to swallow the bogpill
Will milkies come out if I suck them like mummy's?