... and then spread it on social media?

Could we land the final pokidipoke?

Other urls found in this thread:

Like mock his grandfather the god king really hard?

... You might be on to something ...

make some peepee poopoo kims

Why would you want to make Kim angry?

Oh what a provocation it would be if US and SK accounts shared pictures of Kim Ill Sung sucking Trump's dick...

>Sup Forums is sick of waiting for happening
>Sup Forums memes WW3 into existence
Is there anything we can't do

we need way more rule 34 of muhammad, especially on posters in public places (i.e. universities)

this.. this sounds beautiful!

Thousanads of people tweeting at the official DPRK twitter images and .gifs of smug Trump buttfucking Lil Kimmy. We keep this up for weeks until their government is forced to recognize the butt-rape of their dear leader.

The lulz would be historic. I say we go for it.


Oh fug bampin for potential

Is there really a niche for short, fat, and ugly, butch dyke Korean lesbian porn?

I'd finger blast that one on the right

Life is getting pretty boring. I think we could rush WW3 with some meme magic. I think OP is onto something.

Would be 10/10 bretty funny.

one way to start WW3
I'm in.

We have digits.

Any drawfags around?

Nope, the kikes already mock him in their (((TV SHOWS)))) and even made a ((((MOVIE)))) about killing him, didn't do shieeeet.

We can do it better.

Yeah but those are fictitious.
We can fabricate a sex tape and pretend it's real.

Use the Muhammad Sex Simulator 2015 as an example.
Now if we could make a Kim Jong Goatfucking Simulator 2017 and spread it, so many KEKs.

No, you retard, only Trump gives a shit about Twitter.

>doing the dirty job of the jews
>for free

but if we get trump to repost it.
the jews won't get shit from ww3
everyone dies and thoes who are not dead would be better off.

Easy. We get a standard Sup Forums poster (fat, awkward, NEET), strap a Kim Jon mask on him, push him into a pit of hired hookers, and film it.


The story behind this could be something like: a black female tourist with a hidden camera lands in his office or something and then we can also spot his tiny dick during the tape several times.

We might need a Sup Forums thread for this to not get banned.


This, Kim is small fire and the altercations are guaranteed to happen already. The leftist prized pet, the muslims, on the other hand...

I'm almost positive that this already exists; I think I fapped to some drawn stuff of him with tits and some of the super mario cast in an orgry..

I was dumb as fuck back then tho, I've moved onto bigger and better things.



This is true. I don't know why it doesn't happen more.



How about this?

(pic related is cropped version to not get banned)

I like this one, too.

yes start the war. DO IT

funny, after it's all said and done it was a german who start another world war

Not bad. The lofi edit somehow makes it all the more goading for Dearest Leader.

Maybe some badly edited fatty getting anally devastated but with Kim's face overlayed might work?

Awesome. It has all the elements.


Are you trying to start a nuclear war? This is how you start a nuclear war

>oh wait it's Sup Forums
praise kek let the nukes fly


this is Sup Forums tier shit, take it there hans

Have at em boys

here you go!

that's a funny way to spell ahmed


It took me two hours of hard concentration and effort and I have made my masterpiece.

Enjoy you faggots.

i like the HD resolution!

an entire news paper in denmark needs police protection because of that image. do it for denmark. make mohammed poo poo pee pee

This is Jewish subversion, Kim is not our enemy. The kikes want him gone because they want control of his economy, he has no international central bank in his country.

Holy fucking kek that's fucking funny




shills trying to be funny so that we all think it's 'cool' to mock kim. they want us on board with their globalist aims towards north korea.

we know your games shill these forced anti north korea threads are just sad and never funny


oi that two girls one cup. facestamp the fucker into that. on the girls bodies.

I love this.

The war is going to happen anyways.
We can only help to make Kim strike first.

we're so fucked once this shit gets going.
but really what do you think this will have on political views?

if his people saw this they'd lose faith in him quick and bail on the state.



what did he mean by this


Knew you morons were full of shit. Fuck your stupid kek meme. It's not even clever.

It's war time, boys.

wait what?

It's gonna be once we use these to cause trouble with North Korean mouthpieces.

Keep the thread going as long as possible

We'll have to make so many new threads with the sheer quantity of content coming in.

I made one

Now using this in other threads

importance bump

Yeah he is surely a reguar visitor here and he will be so pissed.

Autism intensifies..

It would have to be the MOST CONVINCING shop of ALL TIME. no fuck ups. no obvious link to it coming from a troll site (Sup Forums). it has to be done right or you queers will ruin our image and everyone will think we make kim jong un porn..

The point is to spread it.

Fucking shills.
This is a retarded thread/idea anyway, but everyone out to understand this is shill shit to try to start WW3.

We need to trick today's clickbait journalist authors to make a dumb article about this. "The alt-right's new passtime is photoshoping Kim Jong Un sucking America's dick". This would look like a real provocation from America.

And it spreads from Sup Forums to the mainstream sites.

how do we grow faster

And more normies will come. Great idea!

I'm going to make 20 fake twitters and start throwing this shit at DPRK.
Hopefully we find out

lol, of course you are a nip.

You must be new here


Starting ww3 is a great and noble thing.

All we can do is reuse the images randomly in all other posting online where it is permitted.

So you are saying. We need to photoshop Kim giving Putin head?

Great idea

have him be fucked by Putin and the Chinese president both with MAGA hats



this thread is a reminder to everyone how scared and terrified the western faggot imperialists are of mighty NK

>Sup Forums makes R34 of the Glorious leader
>no one takes him serious
>lil kim wants to show that hes the big dick swinger
>nukes world because of of some autistic kids on Sup Forums


>hello fellow centipede goyim
>look at this frog im on of you
>wouldn't it be fresh if we where the MSMs personal army and insulted Kim ans shilled for war with Korea just like (((they))) want?
>true that fellow centiped goy that would be really fresh! radical! do it!

This. Western imperialistic pigs are scared of might of DPRK. Kim would wreck your shitholes right after war started.

Have some SK agents send the pictures over the DMZ

kek, this is the greatest idea ever. how do we spread this then?


