Putin's State destroys SJW snowflakes once again

Hey, guys. I'm sure that you've heard about Sokolovsky case.
That russian youtuber who was arrested for disrespect towards religion and the state via playing PokemonGo in a church.

Well, today, during the trial, the state prosecutor announced his demands and described the crime Sokolovsky is accused in. The prosecutor's statements were the following:

1. Sokolovsky's goal was to form a negative opinion about women and believers.
2. Statements he made contain not only negation (of religion), but also negative (information about it).
3. The video was provoking the believers to protect their beliefs.
4. The information in the video "Block, your own anus, Roskomnadzor!", shows how (disrespectfully) Sokolovsky feeling about the state, the President, citizens.
4 The expression of disrespect to the state is unacceptable. If a person does not like it (the state), he can leave (the country), but Sokolovsky does not do this, he just expresses a negative attitude, not offering anything (positive).

For these crimes state prosecution requested 3.5 years in a labor colony for Sokolovsky.

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No ski, no care.

Fix your own problems Vlad.

>Putin's State destroys SJW snowflakes once again

While sucking tchetchen dick

Let's celebrate the justice. That ugly fucker was thinking he could get away with all these anti-state and anti-religion propaganda he created.

I bet that US are not that based. In fact, US cucked by Russian Proud standarts.

Putin should just make him drink polonium tea.

>"Block, your own anus, Roskomnadzor!"

Кcтaти, я знaкoм c типoм c тoй фoтoгpaфии.

>Trying to fuck with the Pocкoмнaдзop

The US is way more based, we have freedom of speech faggot.

Dictatorial actions. Based. You're retarded.

Dictatorship = tradition and purity
Liberalism = degeneracy and faggots

putinbots on my 4chins REEEEEEEE get out olgino

>Dictatorship = tradition and purity
more like stealing money and genociding ethnic russians by replacing them with central asians
kys shill


Thank you for suggesting justice be done on the societal level. You are truly a warrior.

>be harbringer of equality and justice
>make harmless little video about a video game
>get life prison

This is fucking bullshit, Russia is a backward shithole and you are all retards.
You don't put traitors in prison, you kill them. Put a bullet in the brain of the degenerate already, Ivan.

get bent navalny cuck

>oy vey putler shoah'd half of my face with Zelony B
>it spread to all my face call the UN

Am i reading this right? The youtube is 28 years old and can get 3.5 years in prison for his actions?

should do that to antifa with the color white

give me a quick rundown on sky vs ski

Just shitty romanizations of cкий

Good, I agree with this we need a theocratic government again
Hang the fags
Hang the zoophiles
Stone the fortune tellers
Make the sabbath mandatory

>Based US
>freedom of speech for degenerates
>muh evil dictatorship system
Burgers are stupid. US these days is the pure image of decadence and degeneracy.

Degenerates deserve to be killed, not to be able to express their opinion.

Dictatorship>government. Picking between two jewish parties certainly is not in the favour of the people.



This is retarded. There are bigger fish to fry than some kid playing pokemans in church. This just gives ammo to our Russophobic governments.

The decadent west does not realise the dangers of a secular society, the former Soviet nations know it, they've lived it and they know a life with God at the centre is better than anything else you can experience. We NEED a leader who will use the bible as his guide

You're true patriots of your countries, you're redpilled about 'democracy'.

He disrespected the church, I'm not orthodox myself but this is Russian heritage and tradition, you disrespect your countries heritage you should be punished.

People don't realise, all the troubles we face in our society now is because we have walked contrary to God.

Leviticus 26:21
And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.

Leviticus 26:22
I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.


praz jebus

hahaha calm the fuck down, loser.

based Russia

Do you want the beast to make Canadas prosperous ways desolate? Do you want Canada to become Europe? Read the bible, this is the solution

Freedom of speech is overrated. I guarantee you that 80% of your countrymen would shit on your Constitution if you would give them universal free healthcare & education and put somw token Wall Street big shots behind bars.

People want free shit, people don't need free speech. Free speech is nothing.

russia is a shithole blackmailed by mongoloid muslims into becoming a religious caliphate.
this is why they get butthurt about religion.
because hajis might drive to moscow and kill their sorry asses.

Neck yourself Sergei.

Only faggots complain about religion.
You must be a filthy faggot. Enjoy your decadent EU turning muslim.

funny, that's also what democracy and freedom do

Teal is a shade of blue not green. Its not even that hard to mix up.

>Sokolovsky's goal was to form a negative opinion about women and believers.
Freedom of speak and proving that playing Pokemon won't destroy church.
>Statements he made contain not only negation (of religion), but also negative (information about it).
FREEDOM OF SPEECH. You know values that built west so great even Russians want to live like Pidorashka westerners.
>The video was provoking the believers to protect their beliefs.
No it was about catching Pokemon in the church
>The information in the video "Block, your own anus, Roskomnadzor!", shows how (disrespectfully) Sokolovsky feeling about the state, the President, citizens.
So you can't have an opinion?
No wonder why your political refugees hide here.
>The expression of disrespect to the state is unacceptable. If a person does not like it (the state), he can leave (the country), but Sokolovsky does not do this, he just expresses a negative attitude, not offering anything (positive).
Honesty is love he is a patriot.

>Enjoy your decadent EU turning muslim

>jewtin participating at the ceremony of the opening of the biggest mosque in europe

>hundreds of thousands of muslims pray on the streets in moscow

>haji has his own private 20.000 strong militia composed of muslims

look at me, you're the muslim rape baby

You really think that Russian orthodox church is true and not corrupt in lust?

the leader is a legit kgb snitch woh ratted on people. corrupt as fuck too.

Don''t think they'd approve of this site, maybe take the first step and quit?

There's nowhere else on the internet where I have freedom of speech to discuss politics and religion. If I go on a bible site and I say how the bible says niggers are a beast of the field what do you think would happen?

Include the money laundering.

>Labor colony


It does not matter if we can nuke you all and dominate pribaltics and cockhloina.

I really don't understand people who idolize the current state of Russia considering it's muslim population, multicultural laws and when all of it's oligarchs are provably Jewish anti-Russians like Fridman. I mean out of the identified Semibankirschina all but two were part of the same group of Jews. (Yes, Putin constrained them somewhat and even killed one of them off but the rest are still in his circle of power)

So you want to destroy Saint-Petersburg?
You won't have a lot of healthy people on the east side of Russia after the nuclear fallout.

But when will you exterminate the chechens and stop letting in turkic mongrels from Central Asia?

They're ex-ussr citizens who enter from south, many of them are ethnic Russians.
Also, these nations fought alongside Russians in the Great Patriotic War against fascist Germany 1941-1945, only a fascist like Navalny-Analny would purpose to ban them from coming.
Chechens are part of Russia, they're patriots and Putin's loyal fighters, no need to worry.

In soviet Russia, the SJW's are right-wing.

never. they are second regarding migration, after the usa.
they will be bred out in a few decades by asians.

>Chechens are patriots
>Putin's loyal fighters
So loving your country means loving the leader...
When did Russia become Parliamentary monarchy?

>many of them are ethnic Russians

Russian have never heard the difference between Left and right wing libertarian.

>Wow muslims are such barbarians for jailing people for opinions
>Wow antifa are the real nazis for beating up people for their opinions


(((Multi-Ethnic))) ((((Russian)))) state.
They even made a new name for Russians just to appeal dark skinned citizens.



wow, thanks anons, I finally got triggered on Sup Forums. Fuck this.

Sounds like something a muslim country would do to me. Just another confirmation that Slavs being based is entirely inadvertent.


Gib source Petru.

Russia is meant to be a monarchy, always was.
We have mystical bound with our leader that makes him a godfather of us all, the owner of our country and its people, and it's totally okay.

Russia is truly multi-ethnic, Russian is like American, but better and more pure morals, more spiritual might.

Anything with "lib" in it is a libshit. Go away, hershill, suck Obongo's black cock.

Diversity is strenght

>We have mystical bound with our leader that makes him a godfather of us all, the owner of our country and its people, and it's totally okay.
Slav means Slave

Except Muslim countries treat their women like cattle. So at least ebil russsia treats everyone like dog shit.

Yet our gov't is sucking Saudi cock..

>Anything with "lib" in it is a libshit
>Freedom of speech
>Land rights
>Being free
>We have mystical bound with our leader that makes him a godfather of us all, the owner of our country and its people, and it's totally okay.
Yes Ivan don't think leader will do everything correctly. Who needs responsibility when you can sit in Saint Petersburgs shill office.

This kind of shilling on Sup Forums of all places?

Feels kind of bad for guy but this is that you get when deal with scammy Joint Stock Company "Russian Orthodox Church" and their fanatics.
>Great Patriotic War
It is called World War 2.

"Russia for ethnic Russians" is pure fascism.
Stop shilling for analny soros clown.

You just never been a great empire, lol. Poor barbarians.

>Poland supporting commies again
Should have learned by now.

>better and more pure morals, more spiritual might.

russia is the top divorcing nation

putin claims russian prostitutes are the best in the world

>"Russia for ethnic Russians" is pure fascism.
This hurts me.

>muh 19-84
>muh gunz, muh freedomz, muh sodomy
>muh denying of God's will
just burn in hell, you're worthless like a 9 y.o. femenist

fuck that nigger, I want an ethnically pure homeland for all european peoples, not a multiculti hellhole


>"Russia for ethnic Russians" is pure fascism.
nu-Sup Forums will conveniently forget this and still claim putin and his shills are nationalists

I always found fascism angel for that quote a bit ironic considering country is runned using actual fascist ecomonical and social policies as they are defined by Mosley and Mussolini.

its ok when putin does it!


Yeah posting from Tranystria will help.

Putins is Imperial Nationalist. He wants to build a Russian Empire again. The concept of Russian Nation is the most genuine and unique, Russian Nation can absorb anything and still be Russian Conquest Machine. We shall conquer because our cause is always just. It's easy. You fight for us, you accept our traditional values - you are Russian.

Read some Dugin's books to understand what Russia is.

ce mai zici moldovene, mai ai paine? tancuri pe strazi, ceva?

>Putins is Imperial Nationalist.
Yeah Russian empire was great it taught you morals and values based on church know you have what? Soviet mentallity?
>We shall conquer because our cause is always just.
So you will give people freedom of speech and guns?
For such a great empire it shouldn't be afraid of its own people.

>you accept our traditional values
islam, drugs and prostitutes

Know put the same Dugin videos in Russia and lets compare them with his videos in English.

arent there like 20k blacks in russia, thats less than what country like norway has though

>being the largest nation (in area) in the world
>not being multi-ethnic
choose one, without massive ethnic cleansing you can hardly have a country larger than Poland that isn't multi-ethnic, because no single cohesive ethnic group spans so much territory, unless of course you have very sparsely populated areas, and even then those areas by have other ethnic groups

>thats less than what country like norway has though
Legal ones Pekka.
Ever heard of Hanta-Mansisk.

>Putin is a commie
ebin maymay

>getting abused by the state is good
Hoe cucked is russia really

So a Russian Roman-esque Empire? Not very novel. It doesn't really work.

.5 years for shitposting
>>Ivan will defend this

the red pill is ethnic nationalism, small ethnostates > sprawling multicuckti empires

Dreaming of expanding your country's borders is stupid, it only dilutes your identity, you should seek to have a country with the highest concentration of one ethnic group

Freedom of speech =/= freedom of action.

If he go to youtube and says the church and state are assholes, or protest in the town square, he is doing freedom of speech.

When he enters the church property to make them look like fools he is breaking the NAP and it is acceptable to beat him up to a pulp in retaliation. It is just merciful to just send him to the gulag for rehabilitation.

Also, freedom of speech cannot exist without weapons. The only way to enforce your rights is through force and he wasn't carrying when playing pokemon go, so he had no right to say anything hurtful about the church and state.

100% Mariusz
Always knew that you are the greatest ally.
Issue with land grabbing mentality is that after a while the lands you own star owning you for example Chechenya and Siberia. Imagine what Russia would be without colony type Siberia that is sucked out dry from resources without building infrastructure?

>freedom of action
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>being against leftists getting their shit kicked in by government
Fuck off nigger.

yep, plus all the people you conquered (that you'd typically consider subhuman) start flocking to your capital city and shitting it up permanently and you cucked yourself out of any way of preventing that