How do we fix women and degeneracy?
How do we fix women and degeneracy?
I think we should reintroduce White Sharia....
The birth control pill should be restricted to married women who have had at least three kids.
They must be fully cut from they're cycle of validation. Women respond to social pressures much more than men and if they don't receive validation then they will alter themselves until they do (you would be surprised how quickly this happens).
To achieve this end two groups must be marginalized and removed from the equation. For-most sexual validation for anything other than a women looking to become a mother and good wife must end, so Chad in other words must go. Women who aren't rewarded for lascivious behavior will correct themselves into the rewarded roll.
The second group are the emotionally validating white knights, they themselves are motivated by a sad mix of a lack of understanding and desperation. A women who misbehaves and doesn't receive comfort from the phalanx of thirsty men will learn the lesson she must.
Traditional rolls are the only thing that will correct the system. The men can fix this, with discipline and time.
Very true. Plus females should be barred from higher education. College is not only a waste of good fertile years on the carroussel, but fills their heads with pointless leftoid propaganda...
Ancient Greece had sharia (for women) and boys (for men)
Take the redpill
Lesbians making out isn't degenerate.
Change your culture America. You're turning people into wiggers.
>american education
Look at how Jewesses behave in general. Learn the secrets of the staunchly patriarchal Jewish culture and apply to white Goyim slut.
I'll be in my shed
no it didn't
kill yourself tourist troll
Your cuck shed?
Force them to lie in the bed they made for themselves, whisper 'no' when they cry for help.
I feel bad for the Swedecuck but can't help but laugh
The answer has been right in front of you the whole time.
Look at the swedish flag you stupid tea nigger. Of course it's a cuck shed.
What's the problem?
We fix the r9k beta autists like you, by culling you from society in a mass genocide.
It has heating and Sup Forums
Is there some scientific explanation as to why lesbians kissing and intimacy is so erotic compared to all other forms of intimacy?
That webm is pretty streamy.
>implying anyone will let you spread your beta genes
If you can't get a woman now, it means you're in the bottom 30% of men that are genetic dead ends. Nobody is going to let people like you use an artificial womb. We don't need more bottom of the barrel people.
Why are you so toastie roastie?
I'm okay with this.
I like ice cream cones
Two ice cream cones!?
Two of something I like???
Agreed. But I hate lesbian porn where they're all wearing the same thing. Bothers me for some reason.
muh dick
I knew I could depend on you, Sup Forums.
We don't, we smash the fash.
I'm not, still even if I were I wouldn't care what you think roastie.
ive never kissed a girl before, if that helps.
>Is there some scientific explanation as to why lesbians kissing and intimacy is so erotic compared to all other forms of intimacy?
Sisters prepping themselves for the bull that is not available at the moment.
Intensifying and prolonging heat while signalling to the bull his services are needed.
We are animals that carry the residue of our pack animal past behavioral patterns in our DNA.
Gender is not a cultural construct.
Feminism is a biology and evolution denying cult.
We do what mudslimes do -violence and pretend that it's righteous .
Oh and let's drop polyamory , let's build harems and outbreed those fucks.
>All these faggots not fucking degenerate women and enjoying their youth
that you can fuck them doesn't make it a good thing tho
Buncha slacked jawed faggot virgins itt
For valentines day this year, I got the girlfriend a toolbox with a couple extra things inside because she nor I could ever find a screwdriver or whatnot when it was needed. Pretty much leaving things in random places
She was less than thrilled. I get flowers about every other week on my way home anyway, why drop cash on a 200% markup for just one day?
I'm thinking some of her coworker ladies got flowers delivered at work and girlfriend felt left out. She hasn't wanted to talk about it since
I explained this to my sister and she said, fuck that, get that box back and give it to me instead!
What's the deal here?
We encourage it.
I'm not joking. Nothing is more of a red pill for these people than turning into an emotional wreck thanks to a degeneracy overdose
I should know
>ive been there
Trade in the gf and date your sister.
I personally deal with it by becoming fit and rejecting degenerates out of spite.
When they misbehave force them to prostitute themselves on BP to learn the true cash value of their mouths and crotch holes.
its much easier to recreate sperm than it is to create a womb. kill yourself.
tfw you get an inkling of an erection of this webm
can't be fixed
you might as well just enjoy the ride
You fix it by not being a pussy bitch white knight who caters to their every desire.
Wow, my vagina has never been wetter
If you can't get a girlfriend, you don't deserve kids, fucking loser.
It's nature at work, don't give birth to more loser people by using artificial wombs
> getting a bitch a tool box
You will find that thing tipped over and empty within a few weeks, the tools scattered everywhere in the house and in her car under the seats.
Ask yourself, OP
Are men any better?
> women
> guns
Women are childish, never give a gun to a woman.
Would you give a gun to an emotional twelve year old who has frequent outbursts?
If you say so, Jamaal.
Post your gash or take out the trash
You sound absolutely cockblocked.
traditionalism would be the best thing
MGTOW and women genocide is beta tier. Traditionalism means your sorted the female problem out and removed some of their rights instead of being a nu-male loser
Turn women into property
I can't, I'll be banned
Forced internment & re-education. The only way at this point. Wash the zionist filth right out of their heads.
By fapping.
turn that pic a 180 degrees
>women the only ones who are degenerate
We need to forcefully implement lifetime monogamy and marriage by law, with divorce outlawed.
Modern cultural products such as films should depict family values as the ultimate virtue to seek.
All porn must be outlawed.
Maybe then we can fix our hedonistic society filled with sin. Lust, a deadly sin, has now become the norm rather than the odd exception. If this is not a symbol of the collapse of the old culture then I don't know what is.
You sound virginal mr preacher man, try not diddling kids.
>not debating any of the points
I forgot what corner of the Internet I was at for a second. The only people here are chads, clearly, which is why they are on Sup Forums.
Control the culture, control the women
If you want to become the jew, you are already dead
Australian bantz top tier as expected
Kill the blacks and kikes, it's the only way now
Lesbian sex:
>blonde qt vs blonde qt
Heterosexual sex:
>blonde qt vs Lamar with his BBC
What is the reasoning behind this?
Yes, maybe even encourage more refugees because it does two things, weeds out the racemixing weak whites and radicalizes the remaining whites.
>not degenerate
Except none of that will ever happen again. You know who's responsible for the current state of the world.
You don't. Find a good wife and teach your kids properly
you can't, white men are weak af
For some reason it's hotter if these girls are straight. anyone else with me?
Underrated post. Women like to be controlled (not abused). You have to stop catering to them. Be ready to call a cunt a cunt. Be ready to tell them how it is. Or else they will keep acting out for attention
Ive noticed that women who are abused at a very young age are easily redpilled for a period of time after the abuse occured.
Just a thought
Are you being retarded on purpose, or are you legitimately a nu-male?
Either way, you're part of the problem.
You would need to fix (beta)men first.
boy sex slaves I guess
Men are the real issue. Generations of men have been convinced that sex is something we need. It defines us. Sex is not the answer, power is the answer. Power defines you as a male. Sex is a natural result of power.
You fix women by convincing men to ignore sex and seek power. Become physically active, exercise and workout. Control what you eat and decide what you do. Don't just follow the flow, blaze a trail and do. Make yourself the center and focal point of your own universe and women will flock to you for a chance to be a part of it. Women don't have to be fixed they are doing exactly what they are designed to do. They follow the confidence, power and glory. An average weight socially awkward guy working in a retail store doesn't normally exude confidence, power and glory.
This is so fucking disgusting. Stop thinking with your dick Sup Forums and stop being a degenerate fag
>shit skin
>white women making out disgusting
kill yourself
Oh bong. Will you ever stop being a degenerate faggot?
That is hot as fuck you damn faggots. Why would you want to stop it?
>TFW no girl will ever want to grind me because I have no jawline
Admit it Ahmed. You want this to. Give in to your instincts. Deny your god.
fuck im hard now
Nothing wrong.
Girls kissing girls in high school has been a part of Western culture since the dawn of time.
If you didn't experience this at parties growing up, it probably explains why everyone here is a neckbeard loser.
I dated this girl in high school
Sexbots will save us
haha same bro haha
i've dated so many girls posted on this funny website haha
spare the rod spoil the child.
is anyone else disgusted by this? anyways, in order to fix this problem, along with many others, we must first gas the kikes, and once that is done we should initiate the race war
desu that only encourages degeneracy. a mother of three shouldnt be doing that
women are all about virtue signalling. why would the two in the OP video themselves and post it on the internet if they werent expecting validation? we need to bring back slut shaming
t. actual subhuman
>give up, goy. it's over
>give in to degeneracy. dont utilize self control or willpower