Firm Plans to Hang Skyscraper from Asteroid

>A New York architecture firm is taking experimental design out of this world with a plan to hang a skyscraper from an asteroid that would roam between the northern and southern hemispheres.

The Analemma Tower, which Cloud Architecture Office is calling the “world’s tallest building ever,” would hang from the sky, suspended by air cables attached to an asteroid.

It would travel a figure-eight route over the Earth’s surface, slowing its orbit over New York City, and returning to the same point every 24 hours, according to the company’s initial design plans.

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Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard

>Forget something at the office
>Go back to get it
>Stuck at work for a full day

>24 hour workday

if you think this possible jump off a fucking cliff

Literally the most retarded thing ever conceived

lol wtf

>suspended by air cables attached to an asteroid

Not sure that they could come up with a worse idea if they tried.

this is so dumb it actually hurt

Kek. This thread had me laughing out loud.

It would fly over the city at supersonic speeds for physics illiterates, unless it was at the equator

Well, that's it, pack it up, boys. We had a good run, from now on it's only downhill for mankind.

fourth and fifth posts best posts
also satan digits confirms

>skyscraper crashes into an airplane

And the cycle is complete

> What is atmospheric drag
Don't they teach basic physics to architecture students in Burgerland?

>slowing its orbit over New York City
how do they even think they'll manage that?

They will make a kickstarter and recieve millions, mark my words

top kek

and why are you posting this to pol

and here is a video from ya boi, busting it like there ain't no tomorrow

are you retarded, new or both

Imagine al-Qaeda hijack a skyscraper to crash it into civilian airliners. The horror

>Pay 15$ to get to the deck and take pictures of earth plebejans.

it would crash into the andes if it was at the equator, or new york because new york can't have a perfectly geostationary orbit

What I found funny too is that the picture shows those few steel cables holding all that up. I think it would be impossible to even ground that thing unless the rock was absolutely enormous even if it magically hovered still.

Why not just make it a fucking space elevator at that point? You'd make a lot more money if you did.

>inspired by DUUUUDE WEED LMAO

Everything about that thing is fucking impossible.
I'm wondering if maybe this was just some marketing gag where they come up with designs that sound interesting but are impossible and the media was just retarded and took it serious.

They didn't even account for Earth's gravity, did they? Tidal forces would rip that shit in half

so its an atmosphere skimming orbital tether with an asteroid as a counterweight ?
sounds retarded as fuck desu, would take the entire budget of all the planet's nations to build\keep afloat.

fuck I can't stop laughing on pol this morning between this and the fyrefestival threads

>actual photograph
>concept art

They're planning on changing the trajectory of an asteroid or creating a new asteroid and making it a satellite?

>terrorists hijack the building
>destroy the cables when it's above NYC
>hundereds of thousands die

>It would travel a figure-eight route over the Earth’s surface, slowing its orbit over New York City, and returning to the same point every 24 hours, according to the company’s initial design plans.


>circumference of the earth/ 24
>approx 25,000 miles / 24 = 1042mph

Thats almost fucking 1700 kilometers an hour..

Good luck slowing down enough to drop off at NY.

garbage pr bullshit

i read seveneves too faggot


Too bad a project like this would cost billions if not trillions. It's also impossible with current technology.

>superstructure moving over 1000 miles an hour across most of the earth

Probably the single most dangerous object ever created

This wont happen, nobody is willing to spend the trillions that this would cost

Best ally has a plan.

Would laugh when it fell.

>colorized, ca. 2017

Won't happen, this isn't a real proposal, architects have too much time making silly models in 3ds max

>coworker lets one rip
>open the window to get rid of the stench
>shredded by the air currents

Muh brain

are you a moron? opening the window in an ordinary skyscraper would have you and everyone inside sucked out of the building. theres a reason those windows arent made to open

how the fuck would the asteroid remain stationary?


architects design weird stuff then mechanical engineers have to see whether it's possible

These people should just kill themselves for even having such a stupid idea let alone telling other people about it

No it's just the shitty quality that makes it seem fake.

How the fuck does commuting work?

>inspired by DUUUUDE WEED LMAO
m8 I don't think even Quentin isn't this stupid

>how the fuck would the asteroid remain stationary?

If it returns to same point every 24 hours it can't be stationary, it would be traveling at about 1700 kilometers an hour

how fucking retarded are these people? seriously, how in the FUCK are they making money

Could probably be done. But would cost more that all buildings in New York combined.

What's better. Spend 200 trillion dollars to build another New York. Or build 1 upside down skyscarper?

>It would travel a figure-eight route over the Earth’s surface, slowing its orbit over New York City, and returning to the same point every 24 hours, according to the company’s initial design plans.

What the fuck, how does anyone think you can just simply slow down the orbit without the whole thing falling down

small problem of where are they going to get the asteroid from

It wouldnt only cost 200 trillion to build, it would easily crash into new york city and kill millions

So really it's paying 200 trillion to destroy new york city

>Usual hurricane on the east coast
>can't stop a fucking astroid so the building goes through it
>stars swinging wildly
>destroys every city it floats above like a massive wrecking ball

>So really it's paying 200 trillion to destroy new york city

Sounds tempting.

>try to capture an asteroid large enough to anchor a building down to NYC
>Asteroid descends and destroys NYC
>new real estate market in NYC

> At work, throwing chair through window out of frustration.

> Everybody out

What the fuck is this

>skyscraper moving 1,000/mph flies through a hurricane

whats the worst that can happen

>He'll do it you know

If you hate the city that much, you can build a nuke for 1/100000th the cost

Nice clickbait

>begin building it
>asteroid crashes down to earth due to building

Love it

So, um.... What about air resistance?

Clickbait is having a misleading title to lure you into an article

This is an actual story that dozens of publications have reported on

It's just the worst architectural concept of all time

In order to do this you need a large asteroid that orbits earth(none now)

The sky scrapper would create too much atmospheric drag and would eventually pull in the asteroid and the skyscraper on a collision with earth

You sure? Don't remember anyone on the twin towers getting sucked out by anything except explosives.

really boggles yer bogdabots

Are you retarded

>Muh rules!
Kill yourself you dumb faggot

Why? Seriously for what reason? Between how fucking expensive this would be and the obvious implications it would bring, who the fuck thinks this is an actual idea?

Actually, if it actually stays still while moving like that, won't it create huge destructive winds?

it's gonna get 9/11'd pretty hard if it ever exists

>stock market crashes
>everyone jumps out the window
>float into space and explode


Probably. There's more problems with this idea than I can count

A fucking floating building that costs the price of NYC. Why not just charge people for transportation to wherever the fuck the figure 8 goes all day, hypothetically

Science, not even once

i found the blueprints to this company's design of this supposed asteroid skyscraper

yeah fuck it all, imma go and make 12 trap thread, 4 roll your waifu threads and to top it all of how about some good ol banana thread :)

>Actually, if it actually stays still while moving like that, won't it create huge destructive winds?

What? You don't have any flying skycrapers in your city that go fly over faster than the speed of sound??

Most dangerous kind of subjective, but it would definitely have more kinetic energy than any manmade object. Right now #1 is the ISS.

Why this, and not a space-elevator???

Sup Forums allows news posts. This is a news story

Just because the building is upsidown doesn't mean gravity is, too.

The guys that conceived this either are mentally challenged, have just finished gender studies and decided they would like to play minecraft in real life, most definetely have no clue about anything involved in making and keeping it from destroying itself and everything on earth, or just want easy money. I'm pretty sure feminists would argue that it looks a lot like a dick so they would bitch about it.

Castlevania, I'm having a boner

>float into space and explode

The building will probably have an elevator, so it's close enough

>A fucking parasite

this has already been debunked many times by people who know what they are talking about

He's from the southern hemisphere. Gravity is different there. It's upside down

Foundations of Burj Al-Arab hotel.