Austria, yes! Of 15 candidates for the Miss Vienna title

only 2 are of Germanic blood.

Can you spot them?

Well post a picture that doesn't have utter shit quality, so we can take a closer look then

I'd be surprised if there are 2 girls with germanic blood in all of vienna.

This. Vienna is a mess.

Well Austrians are basically Germans and German women are joke material over here so there's nothing surprising in it.

far right can have my baby.

Oh fuck off you authoritarian stalinist faggot.

It's called free market, and otherkin freedom. They can nominate whoever the fuck they wants as Miss Austria

seems like all the hot ones are from here lol

Moving to Vienna this autumn, anything I should know? Is there even a slight chance of meeting a conservative germanic girl? Maybe at church?

At least none of them have beards.

As long as they dont reach miss Helsinki tier




Mr. Helsinki*

holy shit dat trogdolyte

there is no such thing as germanic blood
germanic is an ethnicity

germany is in itself a coalition of many different blooded little kingdoms

Disgusting, she looks like a nigger tranny.

8 & 10

Yes. Also holy shit you have so many Kebaps there.

What't that, a picture for ants?

If youre able to even get a girl then you shouldnt have a problem finding a white girl

They'll let some darkie win.
chance, would even put money on it.

this,at least the colored are pretty decent,and all of them have god tier meaty legs for some reason.

>seems like all the hot ones are from here lol
Someone knows.

So, let us go through all 15 of them?

We have been importing 99.9% of our women from eastern europe for over ten decades.

You can see how they are there just for multiculti reasons.

Number 2 - first non-white


Number 3 - first Middle Eastern

Number 4 - first of the two Germanics


Number 5 - another Middle Eastern one

horrific face

I'm already sold. She wins.

chink eyes

How the FUCK can this compete with this ?

Number 6 - Italian, French crossbread

Slovak or Czech, could be both

That's more like it

Number 6 - undefined Eastern european

Number 7 - well you know where she is from and what crossbreed (nose)


>that dye job
>that hair line
>those teeth

So far only good ones are 1 and 4.

Gross. They look like pornstars

Number 8 - Romania or some other far Eastern european

Number 9 - another Balkan girl

She's a qt too

This is the best one, full stop. We're done here.

nope,maybe moldavian or other ukyie rapebaby from odessa. Still best one so far

Number 10 - do we even want to know where she is from?

Holy shit heterochromia? That's rare as fuck. She is also a cutie.


whats up with her eye?

Number 11 - another Romanian


I change my vote. She's the best. Too bad the nigger will get it probably because racism.

Number 12 - Middle Eastern trying to be European... tragic

hungarian judging by name,also got that fucking fish lips surgery that women do these days,it's a fucking cancer

Number 13 - ANNNNDDDD another Balkan girl

>middle eastern

Learn something about races hans.

Not that good looking for a White girl. Ok but not good.


would call that Armenian I guess

Number 14 - seccond of the two Germanic girls, although to be honest, she doesn't really look Germanic, does she?

She's the only white girl there apart from that French Italian girl

doesn't look germanic to me

Jesus christ. This looks like some used-up pornstar who got old and busted from years of drug abuse and plastic surgery and now does that awful MILF shit

What the fuck are all these shitskins doing in your beauty pageant? They range from average to below average.

yes judging by name and that peculliar eye color/shade although the forehead is too low .Also that smile,

This one seems white though . Also she got a nice smile.

Why not? Are all germans blond with blue eyes?

Someone must have thought it'd be funny to put a baboon in a dress.

she's Bosnian Muslim trash. Last name Zenicanin

>tfw know natural beauties who destoyed themselves into this used slag look through makeup fake nails and plastic surgery

P.S. just realized, I got 2 number 6s... my bad.

Anyway, Vienna has fallen. While some of the Balkan girls are q.t.s, it is a shame Germanics have gone the way of the Dodo.

Pic related is my personal fav... and she ain't even Germanic. How low have I sunk?

In all my life I have not seen a single germanic person.

she's from Serbia we aren't white

This one is the best one

>This looks like some used-up pornstar who got old and busted from years
She is probably a hooker. She is 23, which is sort of mid-aged for a hooker in Vienna.

Nigga your dick and insticts don't care what blood is in the bitch.

He looks like a degenarte ape

she's perfection, I couldn't draw her better if I wanted to

Muh dick speaks the truth

in the past, based on mainly appearance (before gentics), germans where considered to come in two "races" nordic in the north and alpine in the south. she looks like an alpine germanic.

Her name is Gabriela Milcheva - not sure which country has this surname

Moar of those tits, please?

nigger speak has no place on Sup Forums kindly fuck off

I thought the ottomans were stopped at Vienna

>Learn something about races hans.
Tell me then. North African?

we should annex them back in the days.

>Tessa Madeleine Maderner
>Eastern European

Not really kraut

Damn nigga check them muhfuggin digits bruh boii 100 100 100 100

I already told you. She's from Bosnia. Her last name is Zenicanin which means "from Zenica".
Bosnians mate with other Muslims so maybe she has a middle eastern ancestor

She ain't that good looking really. Still not sure about her race.

>I thought the ottomans were stopped at Vienna
Do you see a Turk girl in one of the 15?

Oh fuck I'm blind. My bad. I think that girl is middle eastern yes

>NoƩmi Csekei

Hungarian, but you can see she has some Slavic feature so most likely crossbreed between Hungarian and Slovak or Hungarian and Croat.

black or white, dogs. all of them.

Wrong one - I was replying to the due who replied to the girl whose name is Rohrhan - this one

that's what I would guess too , she's probably mixed with Balkan blood. Looks like she has more of our blood than Hungarian lol
you're right

Damn, she really is a q.t.3.14.

I wonder where she is really from? Sarah Botkova... czech or Russian?