There will never ever be a white ethnostate, you idiots don't believe that once all mintorites are gone you won't just turn on each other right?
There will never ever be a white ethnostate...
>you won't just turn on each other right?
Better us than them
muricans are not white...most of them are jews
Meds and spaniard are not THAT brown you fucking mouthbreather faggot
>not wanting to mix with shitskins
>still wanting to mix different ethnic groups because they're vaguely white
you never learn do you
There needs to be a better definition than just "white"
What does white mean?
Britain 40 years ago was a white ethnostate.
only if you stay inside for 6 months out of the year which makes you a neet not beneficial for the white ethnostate
Funny thing is that you are probably a full blown nigger, so shut up and kill yourself
Have you ever been to Italy? No, so shut the fuck up
The world will still be a better place.
youre right there will never be a white ethnostate because theres no such thing as 'white' the libtards are right when they call that a social construct. there is, however, the european race with many different groups within it and ethnostates based on those seperations would work well as they have historically
go to italy greece and spain every year can confirm they arent this dark also slav should have brown hair
European isnt a race, kappa
What is it about living in Italy that makes you so angry?
Naturally short men
it is actually your government just doesn't use it
>White people have no culture
>There are different white cultures
Pick one.
Whatever you say m8 :^)
We were doing OK before the 1965 immigration act. It can happen here. It can aslo happen in European countries as long as they don't allow the free movement of people and keep their nations original ethnic makeup.
We don't want there to be a united one white ethnostate. We want European nations to be independent ethnostates.
nordic rape baby detected
All you need to do to prove /op/ right is to look at the stormfaggots
They still don't know what white is.
>England calling me a nordic rape baby
This is what happened before. Wars for over a thousand years. And that's when Europe was "alpha". lol imagine how stupid it'd be now. It wouldn't last long. History has proven it. Are these LARPing internet nationalists better than our forefathers? I think not. They are in denial.
We were doing OK before the 1965 immigration act.
How the fuck were you doing OK in 1964, when your entire populace was enslaved by the Fed in the 1800s. Shut the fuck up. You don't even know about your own history, yet you're up here splattering hot, creamy shit out of your fingers. Educate yourself on the Federal Reserve and Fractional Reserve Banking.
Actually you fucking faggot stormfront is a much better place than Sup Forums right now, they have real discussions and consider the whole of europe white, not this typical Sup Forums faggotery where only anglos are white
African genes
i'm a gallic rape baby you shitlord
t. stormfaggot
Exactly. That's not to downplay immigration, zionism, Israel, the media and the rest of it, but this is 100% true. Anyone who isn't new to all of this knows it. Things only seem a tiny bit cohesive because there's a non-white threat. But take that away, and well, look at all-White Europe from ancient times all through the Middle Ages, through the Renaissance, through 100-year wars, and centuries of killing each other. No immigrants, no outside influence. It was a relentless onslaught of killing.
It's a subdivision of the caucasoid race so technically he'd be right but I agree with your sentiment
>How the fuck were you doing OK in 1964
Demographically and as far as relations between different whites. That should be obvious from the context of the thread. Work on your reading comprehension.
>enslaved by the Fed in the 1800s
That happened in 1913. You're factually inaccurate.
>You don't even know about your own history, yet you're up here splattering hot, creamy shit out of your fingers.
Typing things in the hopes of eliciting an emotional response from me is pointless. I don't feel emotions.
>Educate yourself on the Federal Reserve and Fractional Reserve
I already have. Would you like to discuss it?
>they have real discussions and consider the whole of europe white
lmao stormfags are less racist than Sup Forums, whoda thunk it
> look at all-White Europe from ancient times all through the Middle Ages, through the Renaissance, through 100-year wars, and centuries of killing each other.
more like filthy snownigger lanklets killing the civilised med and hunnic manlets
theres only 4 races,dummy. european is not one of them. a greek,german and georgian are the same race,different ethnic group but same race.
That's because a white ethnostate is an american meme, I'm Portuguese, not "white".
>inb4 >portugal >white
Implying that a state of civil discourse between white peoples would be worse that the civil war between us and the shitskins right now. Nice try schlomo.
Tbh even the definition of white is warped with them. If we're talking just plain skin color than yeah, it's the nords. But before the Greeks and Romans, the germanics were no better than the native Africans. And if we're talking about a mix of skin color and historical culture, than you'd have to put Iranians and Greeks at the top.
still a utopia
still beats living with niggers
The entire premise of the thread is based upon an absurdity derived from idle conjecture isn't it? While there has been some regional instability within our own nations in the past, the violence and crime of modern multiculturalism is of a far greater magnitude over time than our own internal divisions ever were.
i find it funny how ''genetically superior'' became the last 500years in a 100k yo species
>"is x white"
Is jewish subversion even if the person posting it a shitposting Aussie with a proxie.
>the violence and crime of modern multiculturalism is of a far greater magnitude over time than our own internal divisions ever were.
are you fucking retarded
answered my own question there
Because everyone thinks THEIR race is superior.
Seriously, the stormfaggots think that Iranians and Armenians aren't white, but slavs are. What metrics are used? There are none. It's all arbitrary.
>wants to draw Meds
>draws a guy with kebab skin color
The guy there with a skin color that looks like mine is the chink looking one with a red shirt, which you call slav.
Our common hatred of the Irish/Germans/French/Spanish/Polish/Swedes/Belgians/Dutch/Yanks(*) will unite us.
(* Basically everyone not British: 'The wogs begin at Calais' after all.)
You're really no good at this. Is this the first time you've tried to bait someone for a reply?
every race or culture that has some value is suddenly part of your own
if it doesnt it isnt even if they are practically the same
This is stupid as fuck normal people don't fucking argue about who's white and who's not the ethnostate is not going to be populated solely by Sup Forumsacks
>implying England isn't nord
Where do you think Angl-Saxons came from?
>the violence and crime of modern multiculturalism is of a far greater magnitude over time than our own internal divisions ever were.
are you seriously saying that some minor scuffles with the police is of an equal order with world wars/ the struggles between the right and the left? read a book you dumb baiting fuck
>dijo el moro.
Yup banter with Russians is better than having people from different ethnicity.
Issues come when two groups are way too ethnically (((diverse))) like in the case of Romania and it's gypsies or Brazil with Southern vs Northern states.
t.1/2 elven and liberator.
White just means European people, it's not directly tied to skincolour.
I partially agree.
>We need niggers to commit crime or else someone will strawman us in a comic
Yeah Sweden was a crime ridden hell hole before multi kulti
arent you conflating ethnicity and culture?
>While there has been some regional instability within our own nations in the past,
>regional instability
LOL. Trying to downplay it as though they were tiny little skirmishes and not full-blown slaughters in which millions of duped Whites died screaming miserably in their own shit. You're just another disingenuous snake-oil faggot.
>100 years war. Death toll: 3.5 million.
>Napoleonic Wars: death toll: 4 million
>Russia: Times of Troubles: 5 million
>Fall of Rome (estimated, could be more) 6 million.
>Germany: 30 years War: 7 million
>Russian Civil War: 9 million.
>World War One: 15 million.
"regional instability"
>the violence and crime of modern multiculturalism is of a far greater magnitude over time than our own internal divisions ever were.
LOL. Immigration is bad. The Zionist Jews are bad. Islam is also bad, but none of them - even when you combine how many Whites they've killed - is anywhere near even the same fucking galaxy as the number of Whites killed by Whites in European Wars. Don't even try to contest it. I left out many documented wars intentionally to go easy on you.
Do I believe Whites should have their own countries? YES. But I'm not foolish enough or in denial enough to not know they'd be wars soon afterward. Again, some LARPing internet posters aren't smarter or more manly than Whites from the past. And they almost destroyed Europe fighting.
>are you seriously saying that some minor scuffles with the police is of an equal order with world wars/
Once again your low native intellect is handicapping you in our conversation. Let me repeat: than our own internal divisions. That means inside the individual nations. You are looking for civil wars to rebut that. Not world wars.
>the struggles between the right and the left
These were largely peaceful in white nations. They've grown more violent as more non whites participate. Like jews with communism.
We cant do wars due to increasingly intertwined trade.
this is other thing that baffels me
white = blonde and blue/green eyes
and its the worst white
Identifying as white is like identifying as a Nazi
They are both terms of abuse
But "did your family believe in the triune god in 1450" isn't as catchy
Effectively we want Europeans but not Jews and definitely not Muslims.
>TFW people are trying to meme t*rks as European
>arent you conflating ethnicity and culture?
Russians are still partially different ethnicity. Latvian border states with Russia is where it overlaps.
I don't want to get in detail but it is like southern Brazil is ethnically similar to Argentina but Northern part isn't.
Culture wise there is no issue though apart from Putin shills. Even Russians here hate that shit.
>LOL. Trying to downplay it as though they were tiny little skirmishes and not full-blown slaughters in which millions of duped Whites died screaming miserably in their own shit. You're just another disingenuous snake-oil faggot.
Now you've moved the goalposts. At first the OP said we can't have white ethno states due to internal conflict. Now you've moved to external conflict. You've already lost. Your premise was flawed. We've already had ethno states.
>Let me repeat: than our own internal divisions. That means inside the individual nations.
wait so we're talking about multiple white ethnostates for different kinds of whites rather than one big state for every kind of white? somehow i doubt that's what Sup Forums means by ethnostate
>These were largely peaceful in white nations. They've grown more violent as more non whites participate. Like jews with communism.
even before the jews you had the french revolution and the peninsula war
It's because inbred albinos decided to call caucasians "white", and decided that since they where the whitest, they were the purest. All circular reasoning based on a false premise.
Caucasians developed civilization and thrived as knowledge, healthy genes and goods flowed along the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Meanwhile, inbred albino snow niggers tried desperately to survive in the frozen wastes, which made them egotistical and warlike.
The world wars killed, what, 1 to 2% of the population and spurred the course of technological development that took us to into space and into a plethora of scientific frontiers? Conflict is a normal part of primate social dynamics. A nation can bounce back from a a war in a few years. You don't bounce back from the mass miscegenation that comes from diluting your gene pool with tens of millions of low IQ brown third worlders.
Germany was an imperial monarchy, a social relublic, a national socialist dictatorship, an occupied state and a federal republic, all within the span of 39 years, and at no point in this insane chaotic bloody tumultuous period did it ever go 5 years without being the largest economy in all of Europe. Because it was still Germany. Soon, it won't be.
America is a new ethnic group based upon mixing of different euro ethnicities into a new one. And it was VERY successful. Now we have brown hordes coming in and its going to shit. Ethnostae can work in America because pan European nationalism can work in America. For britbongistan and other euro country's ethnic nationalism should be applied on a country scale
>one big state for every kind of white?
I think the United States of Europe would be a bad thing. It would destroy multiple cultures. That's simple a subjective opinion based on my personal preference. I can't validate it factually. We did have that in the US.
>even before the jews you had the french revolution
Jews were involved on both sides of that conflict and later ones revolving around the French upheaval.
south brazil is multiethnical mostly euroblacks mutt
argentina is semiwhite manlets all over
north brazil is blackindigenous
i dont think ethnicity is the problem almost never, apart from obvious iq deficiency in many cases
but 2 intelligent ppl can coexist no problem no matter the race, is their cultures clash too much though...
i dont know latvia or russia or roms and gyps
>he still believes in outdated 18th century racial science that the us gubbermint only uses for legacy purposes and refining it would be deemed "racist"
We are blessed with land and sun. Better have a tanned skinned than commiting suicide for never seing the sun.
>mud rape baby hates the whitest people of them all
who could have guessed
>The world wars killed, what, 1 to 2% of the population and spurred the course of technological development that took us to into space and into a plethora of scientific frontiers?
it also lowered the standard of living for the middle class
>You don't bounce back from the mass miscegenation that comes from diluting your gene pool with tens of millions of low IQ brown third worlders.
idk about that
>Germany was an imperial monarchy, a social relublic, a national socialist dictatorship, an occupied state and a federal republic, all within the span of 39 years, and at no point in this insane chaotic bloody tumultuous period did it ever go 5 years without being the largest economy in all of Europe. Because it was still Germany.
more like because labour was cheap as shit and there was tons of building going on
>I think the United States of Europe would be a bad thing.
well i'm pretty sure it's what Sup Forums means by ethnostate
>Jews were involved on both sides of that conflict and later ones revolving around the French upheaval.
yeah but they weren't the main movers and shakers
>1 post by this ID
I live in a white ethnostate you stupid Paki.
so true
i missed the blondies empire and superiority
>It would destroy multiple cultures.
who cares
The point of a huwhite (or nigerian or chinese or etc.) ethnostate is not that you always think about race, it's that you never think about race. Even outsiders are treated as individuals, because they don't form a consistent voting bloc and as such are politically irrelevant. It's a form of identity politics that seeks to eradicate itself.
If the same thing could be achieved with a multicultural paradise full of blandaing upp, I'd be equally happy. Signs indicate that it can't.
>"white ethnostate"
you're not white buddy you don't get a say in this conversation
I don't hate you, I just don't think it's in your nature to build civilizations. From vikings to privateers to the genocidal British Empire to the US meddling on world affairs the snow nigger and its anglo brethren can only survive by raiding and stealing from other people.
It was the anglo who developed neoliberalism in its supreme egotism. Their small minds are so used to hoarding they don't realize that solidarity can result in the benefit of all.
nice bait muhammed
Get the fuck out of my country Abdul.
dude you're from chile
There is no way you can deny red hair green/blue eyed pale skin people are not white.
>no im not a ginger
There will be a white ethnostate because contrary to NatSoc pseudo-science white genes are actually stronger than other genes.
>dont know about immigration
Ironic considering you situation
its not though. The anglo's came and the saxons came but they interbred with the majority of bretons that had already been there for centuries
the vikings set up towns in Ireland, by your logic the irish are nords
Which is why we need to segregate further and give every white group their own state.
>a jew says this
You guys have african, asiatic and god knows what else running through your blood.
>i'm pretty sure it's what Sup Forums means
Sup Forums isn't one person. Americans with no appreciation of the different European cultures are more likely to view a USofE more favorably than people in Europe who value their individual traditions. Certainly there are cosmopolitans here but I see no way to determine whether or not they're the majority.
>yeah but they weren't the main movers and shakers
That's debatable. Certainly historically they've always added vitriol and extremism to every cause they've taken up. Agitating for radical change. They themselves admit this in books they've written on their history of involvement with historical movements. They're proud of it. Of course when society views those things unfavorably they try to distance themselves publicly, but such is the way of things.
>Jews were simply part of the general effort to achieve freedom and rights that drove popular uprisings like the Revolutions of 1848
>a growing interest in proto-socialist and communist movements, especially as early socialist leaders, like Saint-Simon, preached the emancipation of the Jews
>While the Jews in general played an important role in the international anarchist movements
Why do you assume that World Wars were about ethnic tensions?
>Muh nazis
Hitler went crazy when he wanted to exterminate all slavs but tolerated muslims, that doesn't make sense to his own logic boefore 1939.
Religion, Elite Wars, Coquest and RESOURCES are the casus belli of most wars in europe.
You can get the resources now, you must reject the elite, and if you want to be a christcuck soo bad, ok! but don't start to get Jihadi style fanatic.
>tfw living in an ethnostate
The Khanate is strong and thriving.
This thread is fucking stupid. Nobody irl goes around calling other ethnic groups nonwhite. America was basically a white ethnostate till the 60's and it did fine integrating all Europeans
its a sad world we live in user
>you idiots don't believe that once all mintorites are gone you won't just turn on each other right?
I don't see why not. Afterall, you retards think when everyone is a shitskin there will be no more conflicts.
where did you immigrate from then
>Why do you assume that World Wars were about ethnic tensions?
because i studied them in school dumbass
are you another (((immigrant)))?
>Hitler went crazy when he wanted to exterminate all slavs but tolerated muslims, that doesn't make sense to his own logic boefore 1939.
slavs are fucking subhumans and muslims have a strong culture and history
>Religion, Elite Wars, Coquest and RESOURCES are the casus belli of most wars in europe.
yes, most of the time it's religious prejudice which translated over in the 20th century to ethnic prejudice, protestants were prejudiced against catholic ethnicities, wtc.
>You can get the resources now, you must reject the elite, and if you want to be a christcuck soo bad, ok! but don't start to get Jihadi style fanatic.
where did this come from