White people BTFO!
White people BTFO!
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What about kebab?
>english slurs originate with native english speakers
really activated my almonds
What kind of half assed kaffir idiocracy is this?
Add 'poo in loo (Indian)'
>Racial slur for whites is literally a whip-cracker
I'd take that more as a compliment than anything
Gweilo is used by chinks as an anti white slur
Foreigners in the Netherlands call white people tata's
>White people are racist
...and that's a bad thing how?
Man that's not even half of them. Get out and come back with a more complete list. Also fix the typos. Dumb goatfucker.
If these people hate white people so much why do they flood our countries?
>you can't be racist towards white people
the poison idea that will destroy egalitarianism and ensure brutal racial/ethnic conflict
Don't forget cameljockey for terrorist
Gas jockey for poo in loos
Dot head
Tech support
Also they forgot honky, whiteboi, white devil, productive member of society, cuck (only applies to a subset of white males though)
"kike" came from the word "circle".
worst 'insult' ever.
> White people once again invent everything
Fuck me, do the rest of you cunts ever do anything?
What about gringo? Gaijin? Canche? Babeco? Custer? Conky? Etc
Seems like a well rounded insult.
chinks, nips and the kikes atleast are trying
i agree, "oven dodger" has a nicer ring to it, lets all start using it
What about phalang? The Thai term for white man. Or wide-eye, the Japanese term. Do some fucking research.
Kikel is yiddish for circle. (Illiterate) Jewish immigrants at Ellis Island hated Christians so much they refused to sign papers with an X and used O instead, so the workers started calling them kikes.
So the term actually started with their own bigotry.
simply epic
If they hate whites so much, why don't they think of some clever racial slurs?
I miss the good ol' aussie bantz
Didn't Arabs refer to Africans as raisin heads?
Jew is the best insult, don't know where it came from, but I know what oven it's going in.
Cry about it nigger
They're missing a ton... I demand a more accurate,complete list...I'll name a few for nigs
Moon cricket
Rope straightener
Let's fill it out Sup Forums
holy fuck
Have you ever wondered why black people hate getting called a nigger while a white person doesn't care if you call them a cracker?
It's because calling a black man a nigger is reminding him that he's black. Which reminds him of his place in history and the world
Calling a White man a cracker doesn't do anything besides make him laugh because his people have actually accomplished something
Don't be greedy, you're all shitskins
Funnily enough just the other day I was looking up racial slurs and their origins and I came across one for jews that caught me off guard.
Ikeymo, from a contraction of Isaac and Moses.
mfw my parents have used this as an endearing term for ice-cream through out my childhood.
wait. wasn't "dindu nuffin" created by pol?
Blacks are missing "moon cricket"
yeah it's pretty awesome
Just shows how creative and smart us "crackers" are.
Major redpill: Sup Forums created everything.
well there's also hebe, christ-killer, and hook-nose, but nothing can compare to oven dodger
would a world without australia even be with living in
We just put kanker in front of everything, much easier
>kanker moslim
>kanker marrokaan
>kanker flikker
>kanker neger
>kanker buitenlander
>kanker hoer
It might have come from Zimmerman trial.
the origin of crack comes from britain. it did not actually have anything to do with the cracking of whips. that is a myth. it has to do with the origins of the folks that settled in the south. it was only adopted later as some sort of a slur. the word remains in use to this day as term in parts of england.
your chart is shit.
Oh theres a word for whites that hits them right in the fucking soul because they know deep deep down that it's true, and that word is Cuckold
You fags don't know racism. If you've been anywhere in the world you would know white people today are basically the least racist. Just because white people have the intelligence and creativity to give the monkies nicknames, or invent basically everything you see around you and use and do on a daily basis doesn't mean anything but that you owe everything to white people, fag.
here some people call niggers hamsters
Ever met a chinese person and had a proper conversation with them, most racist people I have ever worked with. Apart from south africans of course.
How is wide-eye specific to whites? Thats every race that isn't asian.
Don't asian people say we smell of milk?
>The word "Mofrika" is a portmanteau of Africa and "mof" and is used as a humorous reference to Germany.
Pfffft hahaha nice. Basically comes from this glorious autist:
Sound like long-schlong which makes sense given their wee little weiners.
hebe = hebrew man - cool
christ killer - technically the romans, but who gives a shit
hook nose - too big of a generalization
oven dodger - yes, dodged, and now alive and thriving
Kanker jood.
Every word that is a slur for blacks will eventually become derogatory, simply because it will be associated with blacks. The fact that blacks get mad when you call them something associated with black people, is because youre acknowledging that they are black. Blacks hate themselves, and being reminded that they are black infuriates them.
Jews are more racist but chinks are currently the jew s of asia
This. Most languages have slurs for outsiders; SJWs just have a hateboner for America so they only consider English. From my understanding Slavs are worse and have hundreds of derogatory names for all kinds of people.
This list doesn't mention the numerous names nigs and various other races call whites. I've been called peckerwood, woodrow, cumskin, honkey, cracker, redneck, etc.
>white people are the most hostile races on the planet
Says the pakastani
What about Umlungu? Meaning "european" but actually meaning white sea scum? What about this new buzzword niggers came up with? Boer? What about whitey? Cumskin? Honky? Peckerwood? Redneck? Hick? Bumpkin? Cuck? Soutie? The list doesnt end you sandnigger sandkaffer gemors
>Cracker is a racial slur
>you can't be racist towards white people
You forgot Kkona for white
>Hamas, Hamas, Joden aan het gas!
I personally use the term Shekel-master to describe kikes in public.
Jungle bunny
Basketball Americans
My fucking sides, kek
>Thinks Cuckold only applies to whites
Why does everyone else struggle with inventing???
You forgot tacobowl. That one was made up by liberals that aren't racist at all and never laugh behind your backs about how stupid non-whites are.
I thought Cucks is the new antiwhite slur.
Kekked and checked
But that is the official racial slurs there are unofficial racial slurs example marshmallow faggot Wonder Bread I can't really think of any right now but you get the point anyone can be racist by the way why do you like to rape children much? You and the Saudis give us a bad name
>willingly ignoring HONKY and Gringo.
Add ''gringo'' to others, it originally came from the spanish word for Greek, Greco
Gringo just means American in another language if you choose to get offended by it then that's your choice and honky is just a senseless word that doesn't mean anything
If it is impossible to be racist againat white people, then does that mean it is okay to hate jews?
Like 90% of cuckolds are white or (((white)))
Wait, we only get one racial slur? How is that BTFO?
>Foreigners in the Netherlands call white people tata's
wtf they're foreigners in a white country...fuck em
Not all Jews are white there are black Jews Mexican Jews Arab Jews all source of Jews
He is trying to debunk the argument that you can be racist white people
And? A Jew is a Jew. You can hate an idea dipshit
Don't frown now. You've had a couple of thousand years to either straighten up or get your people to straighten up but you never change. The time is coming.
>Trys to offend Sup Forums by caling whites racist