There must be secrets that are being kept from the public and we have the right to know what it is.
What's actually going on up there in the ISS?
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ISS isn't real. If you watch the NASA feed it's incredibly insulting and fake, also gay.
Medical tests and growing plants and bacteria and shit in microgravity.
2 seconds on google
didn't an astronaut almost drown cuz water on their suit lmfao
Just autistics shitting in their pants and doing summersaults in zero g.
Someone cooked a shit meal and the crew threw up
Its the most expensive man made structure so there might be something about it...
there is no space station because there is no space
if integers repeat your are sucking a negro dick right now
There's YouTube videos of the inside...
My source says they have Hitler up there in suspended animation. The weightlessness keeps him from aging.
whatever goes up in the ISS is pretty boring, the amount of possible experiments that can be done in such a space is extremely limited due to restrictions given by being in a glorified can of soup revolving at extreme speeds around the earth
meanwhile, NASA is experimenting with micropayload delivery via railguns, growing plants under near-gamma radiation and trying to get e.coli to produce THC on earth
Burger has no rights on a place they can't reach.
But anyways, its a crystaline aluminia forge up there for me.
Im working on ultra low density metal foams in microgravity.
The issue on Earth is the argon injection process is compressed by gravity shrinking the void cavity and adding additional stress points.
In microgravity, I can reach a much more optimumn size due to only adjusting pressure gradients.
>there's an uptempoing bacteria project across from my birth who whinedI denatured his peptide chains.
>laughing me as he didn't insulate and lied about doing virological and phage work outside a hotlab.
Its a massive ongoing competition between US and Russia to see who can make the best probes.
UFOs are real, just not what we thought.
It's all microgravity funny pranks and David Bowie covers.
This is why people call you Binland
What happened?
holy fuck you are retarded
some faggot thinks a water droplet is an air bubble and they are filming while submerged in water.
Nice try NASA, we're onto you.
I hope Russia pulls out of the ISS as soon as possible. It is an overpriced shithole.
The problem is that they might just run it until 2028... a real shame. No progress whatsoever, just the same old shithole.
On 30 September 2015, Boeing's contract with NASA as prime contractor for the ISS was extended to 30 September 2020. Part of Boeing's services under the contract will relate to extending the station's primary structural hardware past 2020 to the end of 2028.[306]
Regarding extending the ISS, on 15 November 2016 General Director Vladimir Solntsev of RSC Energia stated "Maybe the ISS will receive continued resources. Today we discussed the possibility of using the station until 2028," and "Much will depend on the political moments in relations with the Americans, with the new administration. It will be discussed."
Let me help you rollerino
Depends on what the meaning of is is.