Sup Forums, I need your advice right now

So me and my ex were together for almost 4 years and then she broke up because her new friends told her that she has to suck dicks while she's young because that's cool, right?
Now, I'm still pretty young (early twenties) and she is too. And it's kind of my fault because I didn't pay much attention to what she was doing, she spent way to much time with those new people and developed a new way of thinking. But the thing is, I can still see her as the mother of my kids in the future and I really, really love her. And I must assume that she already fucked another guy in the meantime and that's the problem.
I wouldn't have a problem with a scenario where I would meet a chick who already had sex with other guys because that's before me so whatever, I had sex with others too and I would find it weird if she would have a problem with that. Of course, if she was a whore and had more than 20 guys, that's a nono but I'm not talking about that.

But the situation I'm in is different. I cannot stand the thought of my ex sleeping with another guy and even if she came back to me right now and sooner or later she must tell me the truth, if she did have sex with another guy, I couldn't take her back. That would make me the biggest cuck ever and I would rather watch her drown in her own fucked up life right now (which she currently is, when I talk to her she is destroyed and has to compensate that by getting wasted at parties) than taking her back.
But I still have deep feelings for her and maybe it's not to late to save her because I know she will kill herself sooner or later because of that.
She keeps telling me that she hasn't been that miserable ever before and that she knows that it's all her fault and I'd like to save her but it has to happen now, because there is a 60% chance that she hasn't fucked a dude. I don't care if she wants to, I just want a pure woman.
If I take her back I will not trust her and will control her life more, what I should have done in the beginning.

Other urls found in this thread:

nah fuck that bitch, obviously do what ever you feel is best but i wouldnt take her back.

Another info to consider:
Aside from being depressed all the time my life is getting better. I'm eating cleaner, I work out way more, I'm making money doing fun shit that I didn't figure out before but I feel like it doesn't matter without a good woman. On the other hand, she cries all the time, is depressed all the time and only can have fun while drunk out of her fucking mind with random people.

Is she worth it? Because she actually was and still kinda is a more classic woman and wants to be that role. It's like she is bipolar or schizophrenic because when I talk to her I see and hear the woman I fell in love with but she transforms into a retarded, degenerate bitch when I'm not around.
It feels like I have an obligation to save her, isn't that what a true man would do? Because I know what is best for her, she doesn't. Women are like kids who want to eat chocolate the whole day and the man should be like a parent.

Yeah, that's kind of easier said than done. And another question to you maybe:
How would the public around us react to me or think of me when I a) took her back after this bump and gave her a fullfilling life again or b) let her become a desperate whore who would fuck every male in my social circle. I don't know what is more embarrasing.

So lemme get this straight. She broke up with you to go fuck other dudes and now you want to get back with her?

user are you dumb or just naive?

This isn't your personal blog, asshole

Well, she constantly tells me that she knows she was wrong. It feels like I have to take away drugs from a kid.

Sure it is

please read the sticky.

>my life is getting better. I'm eating cleaner, I work out way more, I'm making money doing fun shit

Sounds like you're on the right track. She's not worth worrying about. You will definitely meet another girl soon enough. If she is so easily manipulated by her friends, she's not worth having as a wife and the mother of your children.

that makes sense

I'd take her back but lay it out for her. Tell her she needs to change and withhold getting back into a relationship untill u feel that she's actually trying to change.

Ok user, let me explain to you what's happening here.

She dumped you because she thought that she no longer needed you anymore. If you take her back you're basically admitting that you need her more than she needs you. Knowing this she will dump your ass AGAIN further down the line, because you've shown you're willing to take her back. She basically wants the freedom to fuck around while simultaneously relying on a beta provider (you in this case).

The biggest thing you have to accept is that she's already a lost cause.

You mean, I should tell her that if she wants to have a relationship with me, she cannot get together with other men until I feel like she has done enough? I've thought about that kind of but I don't know whether it works well or whether it pisses her off.
If I would do something like that, I would tell her that she has to decide on the spot. But that would mean that we would start a relationship again without me knowing what she's actually up to.

I think that is with 98% certainty right. I will have to tell her that there is no chance because she still keeps saying that she wants me.

Some things canĀ“t be repared. Maybe you wonder why you feel that if you know your ex had sex with someone else you wouldn't take her back. That is because she took you apart, that's what hurt you. Try to move on. You are better than that.

Stop bringing your shit problems here this isn't therapy

Life is too goddamn short for this bullshit.

Awalt: all women are like that.

She's not yours, its just your turn. Move along and dont beta yourself by giving a fuck about her. You are self determining. Make yourself into the best version of yourself and ignore the bitch.

You'll find more. Pussy isnt
a precious resource.

I think it's important to talk about those issues, even if it's real life cases because the truth that is spilled here is easily the most politically incorrect thing there is. And I want to save men from making mistakes I made.

Grow up, be a man, die a little inside and move on. That romance is long gone into the trash bin and it will never be the same. Unless youre a cuck then go for it.


Once your relationship is entirely based on emotions, crying, its over. Learn when to move on square head.

user, I'm sorry to hear of your heart break.

If your gf has slept around during her little break from you then do NOT take her back. It's a matter of self respect and this will come back to haunt you years down the line if you're still with her. You'll ALWAYS remember that time she took a break from you to fuck another guy, it'll always be in the back of your mind and you'll never forget it. It'll torture your mind far worse than ripping off the band aid right now.

If you truly love her then be prepared for a few years of heart ache user. Taking time to move on is totally normal.

Do NOT take her back if she has slept around. Think to yourself; do you really think you're going to move on from that time she took a break from you to sleep with another guy? It'll torture you in the long term far worse than ripping the band aid now and moving on.

If you want revenge on her, the best revenge is literally living well and happy. For women it is devastating to see their ex move on and living a happy and successful life without them. If you want revenge then this is the only way.

Bro. Calm down. She's not the one for you. Seriously. I know you hate the idea of swallowing a black pill and this red pill at once, but think about it: do you really want a woman this easily "swayed" by her friends to slut around to be the mother of your children?

Come on now, man. Take a step back. Look at the situation objectively. She's weak-minded AF. Probably bad genetics.

There are plenty of based women out there. 4 years is a long time, I know. I just got over an ex of 6 years, I thought she was the best thing in the world/ But the chick I'm seeing now is exponentially better.

Cut her loose, start lifting, set some goals (don't have to be lifting related), accomplish them, and you'll be fine.

You need to grow up and let go.

>Is she worth it?
No. Never speak to her again. Cut off all contact - no phone calls, no text messages, no social media, complete blackout. If you see her in public look THROUGH her, not at her, and don't say a word to her ever again. This will fuck with her more than anything you could possibly say or do, for a woman it is the ultimate hell.

you are not the only one who has gone through this sort of situation. You are already making progress on improving yourself. Keep doing so and find a woman who meets your needs, not one you have to compromise with or kowtow to. I went through a similar heartbreak in the past, by all means worse than what you have described, yet I am better off than ever and am glad I never gave that cunt the time of day. Be a man, do it for yourself and your pride, don't ever let a fickle thing like a woman affect your life to such a degree and don't let one lower your own self worth.

Move on krautbro, it's for the best. People rarely change, but when they do it's completely radical. I had the same scenario with a girlfriend of 3 years. What had changed her was liberal brainwashing in college.

Lift some weights, read some redpilled literature. Take your mind off of her. You'll find someone else.

>But the situation I'm in is different.
No it's not. Stop deluding yourself. Get rid of the slut and go live your life

Its part of being a man. Telling a whore who fucked you over to get the fuck out. Only pussies put up with shit like this. I had a similar tale when i was 21 it was my first love and first lay so i was totally enrobed by her. Even to this day over a decade later she still ges all sentimental and messages me and tells me she loves me but its too late, shes already fucked me over and YOU CANN NOT REFORM A WHORE

Theres nothing i would love more than to have had things work out, but since she did what she did IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME

Write into Bill Burr at the Monday Morning Podcast.
This is right up his alley.

nice blog retard.

I will give you some choice advice. Fuck sluts until you get over it, until you stop falling in love with whores and can be independent. Nobody should rely on someone else for their own happiness. Sort yourself out fag.

Work, fuck, smoke, sleep. That's all you have to do. Time heals all wounds.

>She basically wants the freedom to fuck around while simultaneously relying on a beta provider


Also this

I relate to an aspect of this.

I had a girlfriend in high school who was pretty good in many ways.

But I certainly recognized she was a bit mental, and I think she did too. She even said: "I wish we met when we were older so we could get married."

Soak wet pussy, easy to make orgasm, tight, fit.

I've stalked her on facebook 20 years later. Holy shit, she still barely looks older than her own 15 year old daughter.

She's got 5 kids, and is still tight as a drum.

But she found a husband who was 10 years older than her, and probably decisively put her in her place. I needed a bitch who could kind of self regulate. My own wife can do that, but she isn't gonna pass for a teenager, that's for damn sure.

But then I think about the last time we talked. She found me walking home from work one random day a year or two after we broke up. Asking if she should get an abortion.

"Uh....sure. Why not? You're kind of mental."

I'm still not clear if she did. Her oldest kid might be that one in question.

But anyway, let this skank go.

Even my own thoughts of "regret" are bullshit, and that crazy broad would have brought nothing put shame and annoyance to my life.

Have you tried raping her??

Sounds like you didn't rape her!

If you want a gril to stay with you, rape her.

exactly. After a few months you realize that you need to let go. YOu had your time with her but it is over and defintiely damaged beyond repair. I wish some of these teens and virgins on here would listen and genuinely benefit from the experience of someo of the more aged gentelmen on this board.

sadly this is true. Not necessarily rape, but you need to absolutely ravage and dominate her, . that was liekly an issue she probably got fucked harder by someone else.


>I wouldn't have a problem with a scenario where I would meet a chick who already had sex with other guys because that's before me so whatever, I had sex with others too and I would find it weird if she would have a problem with that

kek, you're already lost

Nice blog entry. Hopefully you snap out of it before you let her humiliate you any further.

If she's very "hot and cold" with you, she could have borderline personality disorder (sometimes called emotionally unstable personality disorder). Wiki it, if it sounds familiar, RUN. The bitch will torture you if you stay with her.

medfag btw, for what it's worth.

Stay strong friend, don't lose the fire during the storm.

Listen to what the others have already said. It'll hurt but brace yourself and move on. Focus on yourself and come out a stronger man.

germanbro if there is one thing i have learned from personal experience is to never avoid suffering
When you break it off for the first few months it will hut.But there is nothing wrong with that
After some time you will understand that it was the right choice and you will simply move on with your life
Trying to avoid suffering will only prolong your suffering and slowly break you like it did me
Dont make the same mistakes I and so many other men did

>Is she worth it
Fuck no
Dude you're in your 20s right? You won't hit your stride till like 30s.
At that time she'll be hitting the wall.

At least you have enough in you not to take her back if she's fucked another dude.
Some guys aren't at that level and are fucking pathetic.

There's nothing embarrassing about you getting rid of her if she becomes a degenerate whore. It's a big time self-esteem move and will be viewed as such by anyone with a fucking clue.

holy fug, based

you have to give her a chance, like you said its your fault she started down this path, women only do what the strongest male in the room thinks they should

Don't take her back. It never works, bro.

Well said, THIS is female nature and must be taught to all men

Move along man. Hopefully you'll meet another girl that will make you feel like she did.
This guy summed it up perfectly.

WOMEN are the problem of the west.

if we dont subjugate those walking breedingmachines with no brains for what they are ) breedingmachines without a funktioning brains ) and DO NO LONGER allow them ( breedingmachines WITHOUT BRAIN ) to meddle with politics and society, the west will contimue to selfdestroy.

in the end it is not hard to understand, whY the west is dying, as soon as you consider or accept the reality that women have no brain functional enough to manage - let alone create - anything that affords deeper intelligence, e.g. and let let alone society.

they are brainless breedingmachines and thats a fact.
when u let brainless breedingmachines do politics and society, those 2 areas get a degenerated mess.

and thats precisely what we have done.
and the outcome is precisely as predicted.



100% haram, you and your friends need to get her stoned..

I will start by saying I had a very similar experience which emotionally tore me apart for a good year, regardless as to how much I tried to forget about it all.
You have to let her go mate. You have no control as to where she goes only if she can come back and personally even if I loved her truly to my core the bridge back to me burnt down after she crossed to the other side.

The sad reality is smacking you in the face that she just doesn't value you enough to keep a tight grip of you. If she did her actions would have spoke a different language. You're currently stuck at a conundrum of
>She fucked someone else / validated someone else over you
Whether there is truth in that it does not mean it's correct. She isn't the deciding factor to your worth even if it feels like she is but that is only because you donned on her your self value. Acknowledge that and take it back as she doesn't have the right to carry it.

Take the hardship of the broken heart. Don't chase her because I did mine and I never reciprocated the same love I did before she went away. She'd always keep me there, never pushed me away etc... but I was definitely "friend zoned" when once it was a healthy relationship. Anyway after about a year I just felt better altogether. Had enriched my own life without having actually intending to and started to break away from her myself. Add another 6 months onto that and one day a sweet, kind and loving girl knocked on my door about laundry of all things. She was stunningly beautiful and I did the most "Alpha" thing I have probably ever done (I was always very introverted) and just told this girl that I think we should get a coffee. A bit of banter went on about going for a coffee with a stranger so I just told her "It could be the best thing she ever does" and wallah actually managed to get a date just like that. Many years later I'm still in a very loving relationship and we're starting to think about children together.

what I meant was I wouldn't mind getting a woman who has had sex before me because it's basically impossible to get a virgin woman for life. But what I meant was, that it feels like being betrayed because I had her before, then she slept around, and then I take her back? That wouldnt feel right,.

>she broke up because her new friends told her that she has to suck dicks
>I can still see her as the mother of my kids in the future
This is insane, and once you're over her, you'll realize that. Forget about her, as impossible as it sounds right now. But even if you'd manage to get back together with her, she has proven to be unreliable, and chances are, she'll prefer to be a single mom while you pay for the next 18 years for a kid you'll barely see (and which doesn't even necessarily has to be yours).
Forget it, this is done. Consider her dead. Play video games, watch movies, go out and pick up some women, the latter is the best way to quickly forget about her.

Don't even take her back when she comes back. She has no loyalty, she's a selfish bitch. There are better women out there.

You're going to have to forget about her.

>what I meant was I wouldn't mind getting a woman who has had sex before me because it's basically impossible to get a virgin woman for life. But what I meant was, that it feels like being betrayed because I had her before, then she slept around, and then I take her back? That wouldnt feel right,.

No fucking shit it wouldn't feel right.

"I want to marry you and have your kids."

That is a very conventional set of expectations, and it should be no more complicated than that for the right person at the right time.

"Maybe, if, but, we'll see, I don't know..."

No. Does that sound like a solid foundation to you? Having kids without fucking them up is hard. It stresses a GOOD relationship. Shitty ones disintegrate rapidly.

holy shit
>She even said: "I wish we met when we were older so we could get married."
this is exactly what she told me

The decline of the west

it's the result of female hypergamy and greed and the destruction of MEN by women.

when men have been totally ripped of and dehumanized, they revolt.

happened every single time.

will happen soon here too.

civil war is completely inevitable at this point.

when men get totally ripped of and defrauded, they stop maintaining and building society, and it falls appart.
it's actually very simple.

when men get totally ripped of and defrauded, they stop maintaining and building society, and it falls appart.
it's actually very simple.

when men get totally ripped of and defrauded, they stop maintaining and building society, and it falls appart.
it's actually very simple.

ONLY way to avoid this is the resoration of justice, which again requires to take away the destructove and corrupt power from women, so that the family system can heal again.


>holy shit
>>She even said: "I wish we met when we were older so we could get married."
>this is exactly what she told me

Well, there you go Hans.

Ich spreche auch ein bisschen Deutsch. Velleicht bin ich du?

get the fuck off my board

screw this trash OP, she is clearly damaged and you're probably being held hostage by useless emotional attachment.

either a) murder suicide or
b) dump this burden and look for better, if you must keep fucking her so you don't have that stink of desperation and ditch like a spent cum rag when ready.

>so me and my ex were together for almost 4 years

Jesus fucking Christ. This is a bord about politics, not your personal whining shitfest. If you can't understand that this story means nothing in the greater scheme of things and if you can't move on to the next female to save the White race, then it's better you stay out of the gene pool and off yourself.

Please berndt no matter what anyone else tells you DO NOT TAKE HER BACK.
don't call, text, message or in any way communicate with her EVER again.

She is manipulating you with a desire you will have to save her from her current situation.
She made that situation though. Her. Not you.
She will continue to do this forever once you show her such weakness.

Trust me, I've gone through it all from both sides and have made both the right and the wrong decisions.

NOBODY will ever think I'll of you for letting her reap her own soiled crops. If anything, you can point out how shit your ex turned out after she cheated as a way of showing how fucking good you are versus the choice of being a slut.
Girls by nature are competitive and spiteful and absolutely love to see other girls fail.
If you continue to self improve, distract yourself with hobbies and make every effort to remain independent and free, you will be far better for it.

Please trust me and do the right thing.

Good luck bro.

OP here.
Thanks guys, the majority was pretty empowering and helped a lot.
I just wrote a fucking letter, pretty much telling her everything you told me.
Now I kinda hope that she comes over crying her face off, then I probably should gorilla fuck her for the last time, and dump her.
I hope I can pull this off, nah I know I can.

It's insane how powerful random people on the internet are. You helped me more than my family and friends.

Be strong krautbro

>Now I kinda hope that she comes over crying her face off, then I probably should gorilla fuck her for the last time, and dump her.

Holy shit you're such a flaming faggot.

>Having a relationshit

You need to go back

Kollege, run , FUCKING RUN
If she thought it would be funny to fuck other guys what do you think she will do when she is a milf and it's also cool in her mind to fuck younger boys while you are at work blasting your ass

Once a whore always a whore!

I can't believe this fucking thread is still up.
We really need that Sup Forums v2.0

Went through similar and life worked out. (Ignore flag working out of town). My suggestion, downsize life style, cut her off 100%, change phone number, unfriend on all social media, throw yourself into your work, ignore women for a little while, get fit, stack cash, women will then fight for you, eventually find the one who wants a family and wants to help you be successful. Avoid land mines like, getting a new degree, borrowing a bunch of money, if it smells like (((them))) it should be avoided, if you are white have at least two kids, if you are of color get a vasectomy tell no one....never say the words "I'm a feminist", ....profit

>wrote her a letter

women write letters, just fuck her off and dont talk to her ever again.

>Now I kinda hope that she comes over crying her face off, then I probably should gorilla fuck her for the last time, and dump her.

no you won't, you want her to come crawling back so you can be a little bitch and hug her etc etc.

you are living in a fantasy world. If she contacts you again tell her to never contact you again and leave it at that.

you are such a fucking bitch.




>she fell for the cock carrousel meme

Dude let her go. If she is that easily swayed to leave you because she should suck more dicks she obviously is not a good choice as a mate. She would be easily swayed into cheating, and honestly the hurt isn't worth it. It'll never leave your mind that this happened, and to be quite Frank, it isn't worth it.

You have to value yourself man, you need to think about yourself not the woman. She obviously isn't good enough for you nor does she respect you from what I'm reading. There are plenty of women out there dude.

The whole fucking world wrote letters 30 years ago. And I don't know how to tell her that because I kind of fucked up our last conversation and gave her some kind of a hope.
I have to make that right and I've blocked her everywhere already and lost her number.

My advice would be to convert to Christianity; then and only then find a wife.

Move on. You're not a man if you take her back. For some it's hard pill to swallow but you really shouldn't be such a little bitch especially when it comes to women and relationships. She fucks you over like that? Out the door she goes, simple.


Don't get trapped in this pitfall. Stay the fuck away from that. You'll only come out looking the bad guy and then because you still love her you'll tear yourself up over it and turn into a giant apologizing pussy.

The only correct thing to do right now is to let her go and drastically cut off your contact to her without appearing like your censoring her from your life and when she comes back (She will come back but just as a friend needing emotional help or as a rebound from chad who only fucked her the once and didn't want her) when she comes back you stay polite, you give friendly small talk and whenever she looks to take the conversation past small talk you direct it back to small talk and if she drops a huge question on you then you let her down gently, allow her to act like a child. Politely ask her to leave and don't contact her ever again even when she's messaging you she's sorry and that she loves you.

Okay, she probably has that... And what's your advice?

Here, this might help you as a resource for your self

The most normal way to cope is to get a hobby.

Work out.
Go out biking.

Breakups only sting if you stop moving.
Keep moving.

Run Forest run.

RUN! plain and simple, you cannot fix BPD its a life long issue.

I am kinda addicted to sports right now. I am going swimming once a week, play volleyball and lift the rest of the week.