Is this map accurate?
Sacramento, California user here
I think Korea might be killing me soon but according to this I might not die?
Is this map accurate?
Sacramento, California user here
I think Korea might be killing me soon but according to this I might not die?
Other urls found in this thread:
They aren't nuking anymore. Nothing will happen, it's all dick waving.
Who cares i'm safe
Post proof faggot
Trump is sucking this gooks dick, he sounds scared to me
Was that named after Kim Jong-un?
What my best escape option?
Ride my bike to the port and hijack some fishing boats?
>what is a missile defence system
that handful of missiles the north korean can fire is easily intercepted
karate chop the nukes
stay safe user
just to humor it, sacramento is a terrible target for nk, considering they'd be sending a missile past about 6 bomber stations and striking a traffic jam
I read that its in the top 10 biggest US targets factoring in airforces bases and old nucleaer plants
but it does seem like such a boring shit hole, i think he's wasting a perfectly good nuke when he could just hit SF twice
your a good egg user, im feeling better about this
Taepodong 2 doesn't exist, not in reliable state
but even if it did, it doesnt kill me i dont think
why do you guys like dota so much
I play HotS so I don't know
Taepodong-1 doesn't exist either. Koreans don't really have reliable ICBMs right now
The norks could put it in a submarine and sail closer to Cali and ur ded mate.
oh fuck u fag
is this true, wouldnt see know if they had subs
wow, i thought i was safe from u guys in hots
I don't play like a retard, so you will never guess. Either way HotS handles regions much better than Valve does, so you're unlikely to see your typical feeder scum.
I'd be fucked before any of you and yet you never see a worst Korea flag making these posts.
Sources disagree on the range of Taepodong, but I've contoured the (along-surface) distances so you can assess all scenarios. The solution also reveals that the antipode of Pyongyang and therefore safest place is offshore Argentina.
Maximum range != accurate range. Sure they could try to launch a missile 8000km to the UK but it'd probably land in Greenland.
>be Brazilian
>be safe to continue the depravity that is my country
>I love my jungle
is that a proxy
what the fuck is cyprus like
and thanks user
cyprus is where russia and england give each other reacharounds to get around financial regulators
brazil is good because of the same it's bad.
this isn't a country it is a mental intitution
They've only tested the 3 smaller missiles enough to make sure you're reliable. Taepodong 1 and 2 (the ones that could reach the usa) blow up half the time.
Not a problem. When examining ranges make sure you don't trust sources like the economist (see pic attached). Overlaying perfectly round concentric circles over a map of a sphere is sheer incompetence and underestimates NK ranges. If in doubt, open Google Earth and use their distance tool which measures "Great Circle" distance. That is the correct way to measure it.
Cyprus is great. Come be a tourist.
Whoever made that map is a retard.
Circles on a globe don't correspond to circles on mercatror. Pic related is how circles on a globe look on the map.
>Post proof faggot
>Trump is sucking this gooks dick, he sounds scared to me
Post proof, faggot.
Pix of balls on chin, or it didn't happen.
Yes my bong friend, but you are preaching to the choir. Cartography is part of my line of work.
> be brazilian
> wait for WW3 to begin
> wait to see who is about to win
> accept favours from the two sides
> make a deal in the last minute, send some soldiers
> ???
> Profit
We did this to Hitler. We gonna monkey the hell out of Trump or Putin.
Isn't Cyprus for extremely wealthy people only
you seem like a very interesting user
I'm not implying that you don't know that, i'm just saying how stupid that map is.
Friendly reminder.
I'm fucked
>taepodong 2
the americans cant help themselfs they literally photoshop jew hats on the whole planet
except for dirty hippies..
To be fair it's irrelevant. The only possible nukes from that distance can be from our subs and no missile defense will be able to deflect hundreds of them at once in mere minutes
>Is this map accurate?
No, this map depicts the Earth as a sphere
Stop it.
Get some help.
North Korea has at most around 20 nukes (more likely less than 10, but let's go for the worst case scenario)
North Korea also has very few strategic vectors able to deliver them, and it's likely that not all their devices can be fit as a payload for said missiles.
It's also very unlikely that they can all be launched in case of a US attack, or that they even are all able to reach their targets.
The most probable use case for Nork nukes is as a last ditch defence or retaliation against South Korea.
> Tl;dr: North Korea won't nuke shit outside of South Korea, and even that seems improbable
Thanks user
Conor Mcgregor is cool
>Americans are so retarded they need places like UK, Japan and China labelled
It's an expensive plane ticket from the USA and our hotels are a bit pricey but you can find flats and holiday homes rented by locals for dirt cheap prices.
Cost of everyday things is comparable to the USA, but salaries are much lower.
Love Cartographers!
Godspeed user
maybe the plan is to allow norks to actually get to the point where they can and do nuke california. lol. have at it, they aren't actually people anyways. actually i'd probably take a nork over a commiefornian, at least nk has traditional family structure.
are you a millionaire
and why did you move there of all places
We'd still be able to respond though. Even if it took a week to sort out who was in command, nuclear subs would retaliate. Based MAD.
It's a BBC image, you britfuck
The us doesn't have a missile shield
Made by an American institute you autistic sharter.
If you're in Nagoya, There'll be shit load of boats to "borrow", like that old science vessel permanently moored near Nagoya's SeaWorld.
Thanks user. Have a high res topographic map of Europa from me. Holland had to be false-coloured because part of it is below sea level but everything else is accurate. I could have made it bigger but limited by file size restrictions on here. Data res is 1 arc minute.
I'm Cypriot. I don't work here but I visit often.
please n korea nuke all the cucks in california, no one likes those faggots anyways
well now I want you to be nuked. you, LA and San Francisco can burn.
The us doesn't have a missile shield