Several million Irish people immigrated to the USA in the 19th century. We were basically potato niggers who had very little skill for work "No Irish need apply" was a real thing, we were hated, what changed?
Several million Irish people immigrated to the USA in the 19th century...
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We took over
you should ask for reparations
Irish puss felt good to the Anglo. I'm a product of that apparently.
A combination of the World Wars making American whites feel solidarity and a fuck load of low skill factory jobs
Choose carefully now.
Why are you letting them know about our invasion?
Do you WANT them to know about The Plan?
Feckin eejit.
I still dicriminate against the Irish. I can spot a paddy a mile away.
oh fuck me, let's hope they don't learn about our "expats" in australia
>tfw Irish are the most culturally and politically significant ethnic group in America.
Little do they know about what we did to the emus..
Americans lost their sense of ethnicity for a big hodgepodge of 'White' and 'Black', the former including Paddy O'Irish, Jimmy Corleone, George Zimmerman, Mike Pulaski and WASP bastards, the latter including charcoal negroes and arab looking lightskins.
t. ahmed
The Irish got jobs and basically built American infrastructure
Daily reminder
how many of them are pure Irish?
any typical American has a little Irish blood...
Pure coincidence
we realized you were at least a step up from niggers so we decided to pull our boot off of your neck and focus on what's really important.
Doing our part in American Civil War, WWI, and as cops bringing down the mob.
Its not that we love you guys, but more that the descendants of the irish still hold that identity pretty strongly because they had it rough for a while and had to rely on their community to survive
Jewish divide and conquer. I grew up in a small town and he clashed with the neighbouring small town. If they were all Irish immigrants we would call them paddies.
Nobody likes a bunch of poor people coming into their communities. Irish bundled up in cities and didn't disperse like the Scots. They ruined communities like all immigrants and drove down wages for a generation or two until they intermarried and became truly American.
Now tell your 50,000 pikey visa overstayers to GTFO. When I come home, the first Irish accent I hear behind an Irish pub's bar gets the INS reporting stick up their ass.
Also fucked with Canada a bit.
Because given history you should get reparations, but because you're white there's no chance.
Basically the Irish gonna save the whi-HAHAHAHA
sorry couldn't finish it mick
It wasn't a Celtic racial problem because Canada was led by Scots and was majority Scottish at this time. Nothing was ever said about the Scots or Welsh.
Irish would do some same if millions of Protestant Anglicans flooded their country and worked shit jobs for shit wages. Oh wait they didn't even do the last part and they still rose against them and bombed their civilians, and the Jewish press complains about a few signs on doors.
Irish people are like the people on Sup Forums. We all are from different parts of the world with different views, but our hatred of niggers has made us love one another like brothers.
>3 million
>1 millon died
>1 million moved (every where not just us)
>1 million stayed.
The famine was rough op.
hear hear, man
As a red pilled Irishman, sooner or later libshits will throw out the 'well the Irish emigrated so who are you to talk about immigration?'
Yeah? We fucking worked and integrated. We didn't hang around the train station gang raping women. The worst we did was get drunk and fight each other.
You're probably 1/32 Irish you stupid American mongrel. I've never understood why you do that I guess it shows how rotted out and worthless your national identity is. White Canadians/Australians are simply Canadians or Australians. Hyphenated only exists for non-whites.
I'm 3/4 Irish and from the UK.
What should I identify as?
WTF you talking about you fucking donkey? The Irish went to work immediately in America, building infrastructure, rail roads and other vital things with very little pay, food and piss poor accommodation. All while being abused and insulted. Also a lot of men went to fight in the Civil War.
WTF kind of Irishman makes a stupid statement without even knowing a thing about it?
Oh let me guess your a benefit nigger from Somalia.
Dead if you keep typing you little shit
You're not wrong and this is something people love to forget. The Irish virtually all integrated and became indistinguishable from your normal white American/Canadian (especially here) within one or two generations.
We have Ukrainian towns/families that are going on three or even four generations and still haven't integrated.
Chinese families that are 5+ generations old and haven't intermarried once.
Real problems with immigration happened. (((Jews))) and niggers started to move here
WASPs let in the Catholics, Catholics let in the Jews, and the Jews let in everyone else.