Who would win?
Australian army or emus?
Brb, enlisting
Muh dik bix nood mugga fugga
TFW no qt3.14 malnourished NK stickfu
>Asian women
Most of them aren't even 5 feet tall
isn't the us army vanguard basically wild feral ghetto scum, aka cannon fodder?
I guess Kim never heard of lebensborn. Even if there were a war and he somehow won he would still be fucked.
1:0 FOR KIM !
Yeah it's all really poor people. Niggers, spics and rednecks.
>you will never invade NK, genocide commies and get endless amount of pussy for a chocolate bar
If war broke out, is there any chance to join the coalition as a belgian?
The last non beetus ridden women in the world are going to be participting in a beauty pagent for us. Dis guna b gud.
I'm not really looking forward to women who make Anzu seem thicc
damn, poor ladies better hit their shots.
Fate worse than death awaits
Is NK the last place free of the Rothschild taint?
>Kim becomes the champion for gender equality
Haha JK we all know that feminists only want equality when it benefits them.
>nations biggest ever live fire exercise
did they fire both bullets?
imagine the SJW backlash when the troops will annahilate the female brigades. I'm already getting mad
he expects this to affect our conscience. Many people have made this mistake.
Makes me wonder if lewd can bloom on the battlefield.
>Sending all the Nork waifus to die first
>murisharts get their ass kicked by gook women
>500,000 NK refugees in one day
KJU couldn't send troops anywhere because he knows they wouldn't come back.
I bet nk pussy feels brand new like a pair of og jordan 1 nib
>500k army
>emaciated asian women
Since at least some of them will presumably be driving vehicles, operating machinery, handling automatic weapons, etc:
Heavy casualties simply by deploying them in the first place.
Rest of army could be defeated by someone doing bird calls and shadow puppets...or no one doing anything and just wait a couple weeks.
>china intercedes, capturing 500,000 new fuck toys for their soldiers, who have a lack of women because of shitty one child baby killing policies.
Are there even 500k prople in NK?
>tfw you'll never meet your NK solider waifu after the truce because they'll all be dead
Holy shit this could be my chance. How hard would it be for a foreigner to enlist in us marines? Would they let me keep a qt pow as waifu?
feminists confirmed for Nork sympathizers
Little does Kim know that we view women as equal. So his scheme of us being women killers doesn't matter.
You won't do shit with your stupid toothless redneck threats you fucking hillbilly. Test me bitch. I know how to defend myself too, I'm a biologist. I'm not stupid. I don't want shit to escalate to that level, so don't push me to it. My endgoal is peace. Yours is stupidity. Don't be fucking stupid, Jethro. Guns don't scare a man who can genetically modify microorganisms. I don't hate. I don't want war. So watch yourself. I don't want death on anybody. So watch how you threaten. I'm a scientist. I was raised around firearms. I know how to make projectile weapons from anything. I'm not stupid. I took organic chemistry. I know how to make high velocity shit. I know how to genetically modify bacteria. I don't want to hurt anybody. But I do believe in the second amendment, I do know how to fire rifles, I do know how to make explosives, I do know how to defend myself. Simply put, don't be a shithead to people, and people won't be a shithead back. I know you probably think you're impressive, but you're not, and all you guys making threats don't intimidate in the least, you're not scary at all.
How can 24% of homocide victims be women? I thought faggots wont target women?
Can we make this a Nork Policewoman's thread?
Cater the front lines with burgers, hotdogs and random American propaganda food. They'll be suckin dick for chicken nuggets by lunch.
> checkmate atheists
That's some fucking muslim tier tactics right there "Don't try to attack us or we'll hide behind targets you have moral difficulties with killin :>" Fucking scum.
>500,000 wet yellow pussies begging to be war crime'd
I think I'm going to enlist
>Destroying NK will not only buttblast commies, but also feminists at the same time
Just join the Russian army and ask to be stationed on the NK border in vase it collapses.
remember vietnam?
well this is a mass rape waiting to happen
What's wrong with killing women?
Just think about alimony or feminism or what they've done to western civilization since they got the vote and you'll be ready for a female genocide.
> sends women to die in the battlefield
> women die and raped as a result.
> Jong un uses women card to the world.
> Muhrica rapes best korea women.
> Brazzers makes porn parody out of it.
Well then.
>4ft 4inch 60lb Meth-fueled stickfigures
you were there as well,dumbass.
This is actually pretty smart.
No one gonna look in the right killing a bunch of women.
They only thing that would make this better is if they were all preggers
apples and oranges
Let me see ... A nation with military budget of 611.2 billion vs nation with a GDP of 40 billon. I wonder who would win.
what does he mean by "frontline"
there is no frontline if you are getting precision-bombed by drones
those people really don't think in 21st century terms..
What's wrong big boy? DPRK has no more men left?
>implying ivan won't shoot me for spying if i try to enlist
It'd be easier joining the chinese desu.
>tfw sadistic burger
>tfw this would make enlist for an easy bloodbath
that happens after the surrender.
china would be the one tasked with sitting on north korea, since it is they that prop it up, and they would get asshurt if anyone else did it
If shit hit the fan, NK would have a standing army of 11,000,000 people. Human wave attacks are no joke. You'd have to scale the corpses with a mountain climbing gear.
Nork women would win, of course.
>tfw the future of white man is to be femdom'd by gook women
I want to live in this future.
>Massive Screaming Charge of 500,000 ""Amazon " Nork Women
>Feminists in the west cheer as a massive blow will be dealt to the patriarchy.
> A sound like loud ripping canvas is heard
>20 of Pic related.
The Media later would be hilarious
this would be the best timeline
It's sexist to fight back. Feminist win.
>inb4 North Korea becomes a HAPA hellhole
filled with Elliot Rodgers
Preparing for Conquest and Pillaging, Eh user?
Holy shit,armies still use cannon fodder?
It's berlin all over again
a.k.a how to enlist people into the US army, thanks Kimmy
>7000 aus
>500k+ usa
definitely a significant contribution from aus
>Women die; earn sympathy.
>Women gets raped; earn sympathy.
What should be done?
It's quite clear
what, they think we wont shoot women? lmao hes in for a rude awakening
This could legitimately be a good psych weapon. Men do not generally enjoy killing, and killing women even less so. It would almost certainly devastate the future demographics of the country to waste that many of them.
What Kek meant by this?
>500k women army
where do i sign up for the US military
New board should be called /kim/
We all give our war plans to him cause the madman will probably try them all
It's Vietnam all over again.
Shut up
Does it compensate, though, for the decrease in your army's ability to kill your opponents?
Even if you have no moral qualms with killing women, its the enemy basically saying thats it, we're throwing everything at you and you'll have to genocide us if you want to win.
Even the Persians and Romans had issues with that.
>kill them
at least half of them will be captured and used for "moral support"
Absolutely fucking not. We don't wanna risk Sup Forumsmblrs worshippers bringing in Kim Possible there.
Antifa really are cut from the same cloth as all other commies.
>putting women on the front line in a faggy attempt to co-opt the chivalry of the western world
Commies truly are subhuman.
Fuck yeah, fire up the huey, lets start mowing down some gooks
>at least half of them will be captured and used for "moral support"
>not comfort women
>go to embassy
Does that really work though?
you shouldn't let rednecks enlist. you need them to vote republican
>mfw captured 5 comfort women for the boys today
Give it to me straight bros how fucked are the US military personal. And do they have an international core I can join.
>500k NK WOMEN were raped on the battlefront by American soldiers, Cuck Jon UN asked UN for a cease ejaculation from the US counterpart with his now famous quote:"Spill blood not cum!"
belgium is a good ally and if your leader deems it worthy (or necessary) to help fight NK then there is a strong possibility of you being in the coalition, as it stands though itll either be US mil, or coalition of the originals (UK, AU, US, possibly Poland)
>pure korean DNA drops 10% overnight
Kim must be eliminated in a targeted strike out nowhere so he can't cause more damage.
As we are all picking out our fresh N.Korean warbride Waifus mid combat. The DPRKucks will have a fighting chance .
OR we end just kill the women. Pull out, and watch the DPRKucks stew in their own sexual tension. Chemtrail with the CIA "gaybomb" the men, and Chemtrail the women with the weaponized THC weapon to neutralize them .