Does this look like a white person to you?

Does this look like a white person to you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Mongoloid Jaw bones. Same as this Anime character. Though not as well developed chin so it's probably a mix between a mongoloid and an Arab.

who cares? Egyptians have and always will be lame.

It look like sand glued together to me

Looks like something the religion of pieces struck.

Inbreeding causes wide nose and large lips.
It's no secret that Egyptian royalty were extremely inbred.

In breading does that to a person, just ask the nigs, spics arabs and jews.

My dad told me we used to rule over all the white slaves in Egypt. Truly masterrace.

You do realize Arabs are mulattoes?

And yeah basically this, just shows how immature they were even back then.

DO some fucking reserch every one knows it used to be a lion.

Does this DNA test look like the old pharaos were niggers?

It looks like a sphinx, without a nose

Does this head look like an original, unaltered head to you?

without a nose it just looks like a gorilla.

Does this look like a politics or current event thread to you?

They were jews.

>In Ancient Egypt

Does the nigger, jew, and mongol Ramses II is holding by the hair look like they belong to his race, ... to you?

that is clearly the face of a black man

Looks like an Asian.

Here's a painting of inbred Yuropean royalty. He and his whole family were freakshows without a drop of negroid blood. Egypt wuz not kangz n' shit

>everyone btfo in one post

Even egyptians knew niggers were animals, the sphinx is a reminder

the 28th and 29th Egyptian dynasty was black/mongrel. Guess what, they got conquered by a general of Alexander the Great right after, and ruled by him and his white, macedonian daughter Cleopatra for the next few decades. Then they were no more.

Oh, and guess which dynasties built the great pyramids and the other wonders. I'll even give you a hint. Hell, I'll just tell you. It was the first dynasties, back when Egypt was all white, decendants from the white Sumerians. The latter, mongrelized, slaveassimilated dynasties from nr 20ish and up did nothing.

There's even found hieroglyphs on stones in Egypt by the Nile that clearly state, "no nubian niggers allowed north of this point". From around the 8th dynasty.

>few decades
The Greek pharaohs ruled Egypt for 300 years...


It looks like a stone statue that represents a cat/human hybrid.

Egyptian pharaohs were white!



Does this mummified egytian nobleman look like a black person to you?

You Mean We Wuz Kangz N Shit?

ancient Egyptians weren't white but they weren't NIGGERS either

These nails are yuge.

Jesus mate, that's not even close to historical accuracy. Cleopatra lived almost 300 years after Alexander and is not related to him, dumb nuts.

It used to be a lion, before it wad defaced.

according to that, most of the world is bellow the average (100), which makes no sense.
but don't mind me, my region only got 85

Napoléon soldiers.

Don't forget Mitterrand and his pyramid.


I love how the slavs just don't answer to this shit.





Water damage on one side.

In breading

It looks like a nephilim



Doesn't look like a person in general. I think it's a sphinx.

>what are the nephilim

dumb ass. learn to science

The head of the sphinx is thought to have been re-sculpted possibly several times. They know this because the patina in the head is different from the rest. The head as we know it is probably the likeness of one of the kushite pharaohs of the 25th dynasty who took over when the Egyptian empire was in decline. Some have theorised that the sphinx may have also actually been a jackal originally.






The sphinx's head was added much later than the body (which was damaged after years of erosion) when the ancient egyptian royals intermarried with kangz during the later dynasty period.

So the head is most likely a kang (see prognathism) but was built on top of an existing structure.


looks like a huge rock to me

Lips look niggery.


Arabs are really not mulattoes

You know the actual sphinx was a dog until some sandnigger butchered it slapping his face in it right?

Looks neanderthal.
I have always said the neanderthals built the pyramids (obviously long before we thought they were built), and I stand by that statement.
You will see in the future. Remember this.

You're all retarded

Ancient Nile civilization was a demographically Semitic-speaking society with other people from across the levant, modern sudan, and from the norther islands constantly moving Around and about.

It wasn't a homogenous society, and they didn't see race the same way we did.

No more imposing modernism and revisionism on this sit FROM BOTH SIDES OR IM GONNA GRRRRRAPE YOU IN MOUTH


I had never heard about the lion/dog theory before but it actually makes sense

Yeah blah blah these people lived in egypt at this time.
Doesn't prove who built it they don't even know when. Lots of thign spoint to the pyramids being built much earlier, like water erosion on the sphinx to name one thing (last time that amount of rain happened in the area was end of last ice age).

So I'm still going with neanderthals building the pyramids in an anceint civilization that was destroyed in some cataclysm.


It was an Anubis statue. It was altered later to that mess.

looks like they tried to make a half cat half human face. Nothing about race

It looks like any other egyptian face after the nose fucking broke off which it did

The proportions are all fucked up. And egyptians were not retarded. It was actually Anubis. It is known.

fuck the Sphinx, it always looked like crap,

god damn Muzzies tried their best to destroy the Pyramids for almost a thousand years, it would look pretty much brand new if they didn't steal the plates for their wretched mosques.

>tfw in the future some nignog president will fuck up mt rushmore to make them all look black and some historian 3000 years from now will think America was a country founded by niggers

>niggers not being eradicated in the following 100 years


Looks more asian than anything

Doesn't look like a nigger


depends on the dynasty

People who live in what is called Egypt today are not the same people who were there back then.

yeah why do niggers keep bringing up the "muh egypt kangs" thing?

the fucking empire is long dead and gone, like so many others before them,and after them.

alls left are thousand year old crumbling derelicts

are niggers really stupid enough to cling onto this whole egypt thing and turn it into a mem

I see this crap being posted many time repeatedly

look at me im white now

It certainly isn't a kang, it's a Sphynx.


looks like a sandnig, looks like it sure isn't a nigger

King Tut was the later dynasty, before then many niggers were pharaohs.

Yep, the half-assed theory is that it was a nubian king that had it recarved to look like him

>hard to see how they could have carved a dog’s head of that size out of the rock, with a big outcrop for the snout, it might fall off without some kind of rebar inside

>a 'lion's head' would be of the right proportions to fit the body, based on the surviving features which would govern the size of the head (neck, etc)

>Anubis was more often portrayed as an animal head with a human body or a full jackal with tail dropped backwards down the side of a funerary container, or flat flush, not curling upwards

The Giza sphinx has a lioness tail that curls up as it was always portrayed curling up. Sphynx were on lioness bodies whether human headed like Hatshepsut’s sphynx or the rows of ram headed sphynxes at the temple entrance in Thebes, or Falcon head on lioness body etc.
Sphinxes were temple guardians so they had purpose for being at Giza, but also Anubis was for mummification or guardian of the dead so its correlation to the Giza site could have been related to funerary rights and the tombs there.

No, it looks like Australian shitposter.

You realise ancient Egyptians weren't black right? They have tonnes of paintings and carvings of them enslaving black nubians and the difference in the colour of the two nations skin is perfectly clear.

Additionally black Americans originally came from West Africa not Egypt.

The sphinx was originally an anubis. (((Someone))) later modified its appearance.

The original was a lion (see pic). It is old as fuck and then some, part of the "old kingdom" that we don't know much about, other than it was already ancient at the time of the Pharaohs. There is some this going on in Egypt to try to rewrite their history. They are litereally covering up the sphinix with a "restoration" to stop people looking into it any more after a bunch of stuff got published that it had clear signs of water erosion, which would again make it old as fuck and date back to before the area became a desert. Egypt is taking "We wuz kangs" to the next level, and has been for a few years now. All the new DNA tests have them shitting themselves.

Another angle of one of the Old Kingdom lion statues.

The Sphinx "restoration". They are just bricking it over to stop any investigation into it by outsiders.

What are you talking about? What's immature?

looks like someone came along about 20000 years after it was first made and carved a human head in place of the original lion head. what type of human would do that?

t. fick IG i historia

Interesting. Is there any known Anubis/jackal statues, specifically in the sitting position, that is dated to the old kingdom?

>what type of human would do that?
A pharaoh who wanted to leave his mark. They were trying to be seen as Gods, that's a good way to do it.